Race and Religiosity as Mediators of Substance Abuse in At

A Typology of Homeless Youth

Paul A. Toro, Ph.D., Dept. of Psychology,

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Webinar, March 22, 2012

This powerpoint presentation will be available on the website of the

National Alliance to End Homelessness

Existing Research on Homeless


• The population of homeless youth is heterogeneous

• Early typologies were crude (e.g., runaways vs. throwaways vs. systems kids vs. street kids)

• A full paper presenting these findings appeared in a recent issue of NAEH’s Research Matters.

The Housing, Adolescence, and Life Outcomes

(HALO) Project:

A longitudinal study of 250 homeless and 148 matched housed adolescents

This research was supported by grants from the National Institute of

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Baseline Probability Sample of

250 Homeless Youth

• Adolescents (ages 13-17) were sampled from throughout the 8-county Detroit metro area in 1997-2000

• Mostly, they came from youth shelters, but also from out-patient and residential programs, and other sites

A Typology among HALO’s Homeless

Youth (N=250)

• Latent class analysis at baseline:

– 1. transient but connected ( n =55),

– 2. high-risk ( n =46), and

– 3. low-risk ( n =149)

• Longitudinal outcome differences:

– Low-risk showed the most stable housing over the 7-year follow-up period

– All groups largely housed by 6-7 years

Latent Class Analysis





Transient, but connected


Conduct Disorder


Alcohol Use

Drug Use

Number of living sites

Homeless in the past

30 days

Number of schools

Dropped out of school

Number of sexual partners

Abuse history

Days employed

Family cohesion








Class Probabilities of Being

Housed (by type)

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

6 Mo 12 Mo 18 Mo 4.5 Yrs 5.5 Yrs 6.5 Yrs


Typologies: Summary

• Need for empirical validation based on representative samples

• Typologies can be based on longitudinal outcomes rather than pre-existing characteristics

• Do certain subgroups do better in certain interventions?

Some Practice/Policy Implications

• Homeless youth are heterogeneous

• Some youth will need intensive, longterm services (esp. street youth)

• Some may appear to be doing “OK,” but still are unstable with housing

• About half, with minimal attention, will do well, even in the short-term

• Need for family-based prevention & treatment programs

Publications from HALO and it’s pilot:

• McCaskill, P. A., Toro, P. A., & Wolfe, S. M. (1998). Homeless and matched housed adolescents: A comparative study of psychopathology. Journal of

Clinical Child Psychology, 27 , 306-319.

• Wolfe, S. M., Toro, P. A., & McCaskill, P. A. (1999). A comparison of homeless and matched housed adolescents on family environment variables. Journal of

Research on Adolescence, 9 , 53-66.

• Heinze, H., Toro, P.A., & Urberg, K. A. (2004). Antisocial behavior and affiliation with deviant peers. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent

Psychology, 33 , 336-346.

• Urberg, K., Goldstein, M., & Toro, P.A. (2005). Supportive relationships as a moderator of the effects of parent and peer drinking on adolescent drinking.

Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15 , 1-19.

• Fowler, P.J., Ahmed, S. R., Tompsett, C. J., Jozefowicz-Simbeni, D. M., & Toro,

P.A. (2008). Community violence and externalizing problems: Moderating effects of race and religiosity in emerging adulthood. Journal of Community

Psychology, 36 , 835-850.

• Tompsett, C.J., Fowler, P.J., & Toro, P.A. (2009). Age differences among homeless individuals: Adolescence through adulthood. Journal of Prevention and

Intervention in the Community , 37 , 86-99.

• Haber, M., & Toro, P.A. (2009). Parent-adolescent violence and later behavioral health problems among homeless and housed youth. American

Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79, 305-318.

• Tompsett, C.J., & Toro, P.A. (2010). Predicting overt and covert antisocial behaviors: parents, peers, and homelessness. Journal of Community

Psychology, 38, 469-485.

• Ahmed, S., Fowler, P.J., & Toro, P. A. (2011). Family, public and private religiousness and psychological well-being over time in at-risk adolescents.

Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 14 (4), 393-408.

• Toro, P.A., Lesperance, T.M., & Braciszewski, J.M. (2011, September). The heterogeneity of homeless youth in America: Examining typologies.

Homelessness, Washington, DC.


Matters (pp.1-12), Homelessness Research Institute, National Alliance to End

• Hobden, K.L., Forney, J.C., Durham, K.W., & Toro, P.A. (2012, in press).

Limiting attrition in longitudinal research on homeless adolescents: What works best? Journal of Community Psychology.