CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Khi V. Thai, Ph.D., Professor Director, School of Public Administration Interim Director, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice Florida Atlantic University PROCUREMENT RESEARCH: RECENT DVELOPMENT AND CURRENT STATUS • Neglected research period: up to 1990 • A flurry of professional development activities and research activities in the last twenty years CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Research Issue 1: Search for a common body of knowledge – Professionalizing public procurement movement – Common body of knowledge as one of four attributes of a profession: • Presence of systematic theory • Authority over clients • Community sanction • Ethical codes CURRENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Research Issue 2: Procurement Reform – Procurement system: regulations/laws, procurement organization, procurement process, and procurement workforce CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Research Issue 3: Procurement Preferences – SMEs – Local/national vendor preference vs. international trade CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Research Issue 4: Procurement as an Economic Policy dealing with Economic Recession: Assessing its Effectiveness CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Research Issue 5: Search for Procurement Efficiency and Effectiveness or procurement performance improvement: A current but persistent research issue CURENT RESEARCH ISSUES • Observations: – Issues in procurement research: • Lack of cooperation, national and international • Lack of research result sharing or dissemination – Potential opportunities: suggestions and discussions