OnlinŠµ Facial Expression Recognition Russian case study Emotions metter We know that emotional ads are more memorable and generally more successful But how can we reliably measure an ad’s unconscious emotional impact? 2 From Creation to Application Academic Foundations • The approach is based on research by scientists from Oxford University, ELTE and Imperial College. Technology was created and developed from scratch by Realeyes (UK) Verified in Russia by NewMR 3 New scalable non-verbal technology Unconcious facial expressions captured and translated into 6 universally accepted emotions via webcam without interrupting the user’s viewing session Powerful diagnostic tool 4 Test of 14 video ads for soft drinks broadcast in Russia OUR CASE STUDY 6 Methodology 14 video ads for soft drinks 6 brands broadcast in Russia last summer 270-320 respondents (gender and age quoted) per ad Online survey (CAWI) Coca-Cola (3 ads) Sprite (1 ad) Lipton Ice Tea (4 ads) Laimon Fresh (2 ads) Pepsi (2 ads) Beverage from Tchernogolovka (2 ads) 7 Scoring Approach Consists of: 20% attraction, 20% engagement, 30% retention, 30% impact Compared with the benchmark based on 311 ads and 47872 ad viewings Attraction: Engagement: denotes whether the stimulus manages to grab the viewer’s attention. the overall emotional reaction to the media. Retention: determined by the levels of happiness invoked at their peak and at the end. represents how well the stimulus maintains the attention of its audience. Impact: 8 Test Results Lipton Ice Tea Fan Lipton Ice Tea Slap Buranovskye Grandmothers Beverages from Tchernogolovka. Don't Make Nature Angry 2 Lipton Ice Tea Dance Beverages from Tchernogolovka. Don't Make Nature Angry Limon Fresh Naturality Style Pepsi Deep Drink Pepsi Max Laimon Fresh Created by Nature Coca cola Better at Home Coca cola Russia at Euro 2012 Lipton Ice Tea New Flavor Coca Cola Since 1866 Total Score 8 7 6 Attraction 8 5 8 Reten- Engage Impact tion ment 8 8 9 7 8 8 6 6 4 6 5 6 5 7 4 7 5 6 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 5 5 6 6 6 4 3 5 5 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 9 Top 2 and Bottom 2 ads Best ads Lipton Ice Tea Fan Lipton Ice Tea Slap Worst ads Lipton Ice Tea – New Flavor Coca-Cola Since 1886 10 Lipton Ice Tea Fan: Measures Scored better than 97% of tested ads 11 Lipton Ice Tea Slap: Measures Scored better than 91% of tested ads 12 Lipton Ice Tea – New Flavor: Measures Better than 4% tested ads 13 Coca-Cola Since 1886: Measures Better than 4% tested ads 14 Emotional Behavior 14.0% Top-2 Happy 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Bottom-2 Happy 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Emotions for Top-2 ads are stronger and “Happiness” increases 15 Moment-by-Moment View of Emotional Response 16 Value of the technology WHAT IS THE OUTPUT? 17 Is it Really Effective? Direct correlation between emotional involvement and liking Source: Realeyes, Toluna. Test of 18 ads shown during the 2012 Summer Olympics 18 Advantages: Direct behavioral measurement Moment-bymoment view of emotional response Reliable scientifically validated measures Unobtrusive technology Measurable emotional impact Fully integrated with other research results 19 Benefits: Cost effective 25% cost reduction (3 times less participants) Time effective Field work – 3 times faster Get emotional insights Helps to get higher level of recall and create successful ads 20 Natalia Khazeeva NewMR CEO THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 21