consumer insight

Consumer Insight
 consumer • n.
 1) a person or thing that eats or uses something.
 2) a person who buys goods and services for personal use: [as
 consumer demand.
 (Oxford dictionary 7th edition)
 customer • n.
 1) a person who buys goods or services from a shop or
 2) a person of a specified kind that one has to deal with:
 he's a tough customer.
 (oxford dictionary 7th edition)
 insight • n.
 1) the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of
› an understanding of this kind.
2) Psychiatry awareness by a mentally ill person that their
mental experiences are not based in external reality.
- DERIVATIVES insightful adj. insightfully adv.
- ORIGIN ME: prob. of Scand. and Low Ger. origin.
 (oxford dictionary. 7th edition)
 a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated
problem or situation, or the ability to have such an understanding.
 (cambridge dictionary )
 Insight merupakan perpaduan beberapa unsur yaitu :
 Unsur deep: kedalaman pemahaman materi
 Unsur complex: mencakup kompleksitas dari masalah yang
 Unsur sudden: dari segi waktu, yaitu sesuatu yang dimengerti
secara tiba-tiba
 (Maulana h 24)
Consumer Insight
 consumer insights merupakan suatu proses mencari tahu
secara lebih mendalam dan holistik tentang latar belakang
perbuatan, pemikiran dan perilaku seorang konsumen yang
berhubungan dengan produk dan komunikasi iklannya
 Hasil dari consumer insight dapat digunakan untuk
mengetahui “point of interest” dari target market, sehingga
pemasar dapat memformulasikan strategi berdasar “point of
interest” tersebut
 Sesuatu yang insightful berarti berisikan informasi yang
mendalam pada suatu objek permasalahan yang kompleks dan
ditemukannya tidak setiap saat
 Jadi, consumer insight adalah proses mencari tahu secara lebih
mendalam dan holistik, tentang latar belakang perbuatan,
pemikiran, dan perilaku seorang konsumen yang
berhubungan dengan produk dan komunikasi iklannya.
 (Maulana h 25)
Insight area
Area klasik
• Area klasik berarti mencari tahu siapa konsumen kita, apa
yang mereka lakukan, di mana mereka berada, apa yang
mereka beli, apa yang ingin mereka beli, media apa yang
mereka pilih untuk mereka lihat, dengar, dan baca.
Area Psikologis
• apa yang konsumen pikirkan dan rasakan, apa tujuan dan
strategi mereka, dan bagaimana mereka dipengaruhi oleh
Fungsi Consumer Insight..(1)
Product or concept testing;
• untuk mendapatkan saran untuk kelangsungan hidup dan penerimaan dari
sebuah produk atau konsep baru.
Product features;
• untuk mencari suatu fitur dalam suatu produk yang penting untuk
konsumen dan kelebihan serta keuntungan yang bisa diberikan.
Creative guidance;
• untuk mengarahkan usaha-usaha kreatif. Penelitian memungkinkan
organisasi untuk mengerti apakah sebuah pesan bisa dipahami, apakah suatu
pesan sudah sesuai, apakah konsumen mempunyai keberatan yang
tersembunyi, apakah ada peluang yang terlewatkan, dan sebagainya
Fungsi Consumer Insight..(2)
Missing features;
• untuk menemukan emosi dan perasaan
tersembunyi di balik respon konsumen
Purchasing channel;
• Untuk mengetahui saluran apa yang dipilih
konsumen dalam membeli barang dan harapan
yang dimiliki konsumen ketika melakukan
Contoh sukses Insight
 penambahan sayuran kering dan bawang goreng dalam produk mie
 dan slogan brilian ‘Just do It’ oleh Nike.
 konsep Rinso Ayo Main (RAM) ini juga berdampak terhadap
kenaikan Rinso sebesar 21%. Sukses program RAM diawali dengan
basis data riset yang menunjukkan persepsi negatif masyarakat
yang merupakan sebuah insight yaitu anggapan bermain dan
berkotor ria itu tidak baik buat anak-anak mereka.
Amalia E. Maulana, op.cit., halaman 26
Kunci konsumer insight
 Insights tidak harus datang dari brand manager saja, melainkan
dari semua oang yang tergabung dalam organisasi, termasuk
pemilik perusahaan. CI perlu dibudayakan dalam perusahaan.
Adanya CI manager di organisasi adalah salah satu cara untuk
menghimpun semua insight yang relevan dan disalurkan sesuai
dengan kapasitasnya.
 Insights tidak berguna apabila tidak actionable. Tantangannya
adalah bagaimana membuat informasi yang digali sebagai insights
menjadi jelas dan dimengerti oleh tim pemasaran (termasuk di
dalamnya product development dan research agency) dan
kemudian diterjemahkan dalam suatu rencana yang nyata.
Basic option:
Consumer insight techniques
 These techniques aim at revealing the consumer’s latent
expectations, desires and visions:
 In-depth Interviews
 Creative Focus Groups
 Dialogue groups between consumers and service providers
 Lifestyle Screening
Think Outside The Survey
14 Market Research Methods For Customer Insight
Fourteen Options for
Customer Insights
4.Expert Interviews
5.Idea Management
6.Instant Polls
7.Mobile Research
11.Prediction Markets
12.Social Media Research
13.Text Analytics
14.Video Research
• There are now several companies that offer eye-tracking
options so that you can analyze what interests the subject in a
visual display, product package, ad, or web site.
• Other biometrics track heart rate and temperature to measure
responses. Somewhat related is the emerging category of facial
• Why is this methodology important? Because instead of relying
on research participants to tell us what is important (emotions
which they themselves can’t always articulate), biometric data sources
capture actual physical reactions.While understanding physical
measures of emotions and integrating that into market research is still
evolving, it is already being used by several Fortune 500 companies.
• is often associated with the idea of having work completed, such as for
design projects facilitated by sites like 99Designs and Crowdspring.
Wikipedia is another famous example; an entirely crowdsourced, “living”
• Crowdsourcing also includes the broader concept of asking a “crowd” for
opinions or information
• Ex : An informal approach is to ask a question about market trends on a
networking site such as LinkedIn. Another option is to ask Facebook fan
page members what they think, for example, of a new ad. One could
even argue that hosting a contest—such as asking customers to submit
videos or tag lines—is a combination form of market research and
crowdsourcing; by looking at the themes contestants focus on, the brand
learns what is important to customers.
• For more formal crowdsourcing approaches, see idea management and
prediction markets below.
• Anthropology comes to market research. Researchers who
observe shoppers as they peruse grocery store aisles are the
classic example, though there are many variations. We know
we can learn a lot by observing consumer behavior—things
people will not or cannot articulate in a survey or focus group.
• Some inspiring ethnographic research is being done by Kelley
Styring of Insightfarm. Check out her fantastic book, InYour
Purse: Archaeology of the American Handbag.While the market
research application of ethnography is quite narrow as compared to its
roots in anthropology, market researchers have gained a lot of insights
by borrowing this methodology.
Instant Pools
Instant pools
• You can do a one-question Facebook poll for free. How cool is
that? Sure, one can argue that it is not true “market research”, but
it can still be a useful data source.
• Willing to pay a little? Then you can purchase some minimum
population requirements, such as country and gender. Facebook
isn’t the only option; check out CrowdTap, InCrowd and PollBob;
these are just a few of the companies that integrate simple polling
platforms with sample or social network access for same day
research. But keep an eye on them—these tools are getting more
sophisticated, and will soon blur the lines with traditional online
survey platforms that offer panel access.
MROCS (market research online community)
• Building your own community is expensive, but depending on the
volume of research you do, it can pay for itself in under a year.
• Market research online communities (MROCs) are a great
option because they allow us to tap into known, qualified
populations for our projects and give us the option of an ongoing
• MROCs can be built with as few as fifty or as many as thousands
of participants, who opt-in and typically go through a screening
process. Engage in real-time discussions, encourage co-creation,
post polls, test offers…the possibilities are many. Not sure if it is
a fit for your organization? Then start small with a pilot project.
Mobile Research
Mobile research
• Imagine being able to push out survey questions—one-at-atime or as a complete survey—to mobile devices. Now you
can, and it means that you can conduct research during or
immediately after an interaction with your brand.
• Imagine capturing shoppers’ immediate feedback on their instore experience. How about collecting instant reactions from
user group or conference attendees? Mobile research simply
leverages the fact that most people have mobile phones—so
why not send the survey to the most convenient device? Three
of the many companies now offering specific products for this
include SurveySwipe, Vovici and Zoomerang, among others.
• Ethnography observes human behavior in-person; netnography observes
it online. Popularized by Rob Kozinets, the premise is that we can learn a
lot by observing the content and characteristics of online behavior. The
sheer volumes of publically accessible (and therefore observable) blogs,
discussion groups, and other communities mean we have numerous
places to observe online behavior.
• Distinctions should be made between netnography and social media
research. Netnography studies a particular group or community (often
over some measure of time), much like an anthropologic ethnographic
study would. Social media research typically seeks to measure attitudes
and behaviors more broadly; it is common for social media research to
gather data from many thousands of sources. Unfortunately, these terms
are sometimes used inconsistently, resulting in confusion.
Social Media research
• Easily track what is being said about your brand, product, or
even competitors across social media sites.
• Trackur can be tried out for free and Radian6 has a free 30day membership.* For more in-depth social media research
including sentiment analysis, customized reporting, and
related services, check out Conversition’s evolisten,
Crimson Hexagon, Cymfony, iTracks, NetBase and
Nielsen’s BuzzMetrics. A wide variety of tools are available,
and the applications of social media research range from
simple early warning systems (alerting you to negative word
of mouth) to in-depth brand perception analysis.
Text analytic
• Text analytics and social media research go hand-in-hand, but text
analytics can be applied to any text source.W hether it is website feedback forms,
comments on your company blog, open-ended survey responses, or even customer
letters, any bucket of text can be analyzed with text analytics tools.These tools run
the gamut from very simple (and cheap) to very sophisticated (and pricey).
• Want a free option? Dump any bucket of text into a word cloud tool and you will
get counts of how often a particular word comes up.Take the example of customer
feedback forms or blog comments: wouldn’t it be interesting to see how many times
certain key phrases come up?
• Advanced tools are available from companies such as Clarabridge, IBM and
Lexalytics. OK, to be precise, text analytics is a tool, not a methodology. But
because it can be applied in so many ways, it fundamentally changes how we can
derive meaning from various sources.This makes it an exception worth adding to
our list.
Video Research
• New platforms are available that allow you to collect
video-based research input. Maybe you want to see facial
expressions. In some projects, emotional response can be
very important.
• Or maybe you just want to give research participants an
alternative mode of sharing feedback. Ask Your Target
Market (AYTM) is one such survey provider with a panel
of webcam-equipped research participants available,
Mindswarms is another. SurveyGizmo has hinted it will
be adding video response support by year-end 2011.
• A very close but distinct cousin to biometrics, the neuromarketing
concept seems simple enough: by imaging or monitoring brain
activity, we can objectively measure human response to
visual displays or other experiences.
• However, opinions on validity, best practices, and even ethics of
neuromarketing are diverse.Yet, there are plenty of avid believers,
and the idea that we can measure brain activity to determine what is
going to be most effective (such as in an ad, product package, and in
one famous case, even a magazine cover) is enticing.
• Too good to be true for marketers? Perhaps. But a development
worth watching.
Expert interviews
• Forget the phone tag, scheduling hassles, recording
errors, and transcription delays of yesterday.
• Now by simply tapping into existing communities, you
can get expert feedback on your burning questions
within a day. At a minimum, posting questions on
discussion groups is a great way to generate or refine
hypotheses—always an important part of the research
• Check professional association communities, LinkedIn
Groups, and MeetUp Groups to find relevant experts.
Idea Management
• A common market research task is to discover customer needs and wants—
sometimes in general, sometimes for a specific brand or product category.
Platforms now exist that allow you to generate and assess ideas from select
groups of interest—such as customers, employees, or broader groups.
• By creating an engaging user interface, these platforms make it easy for
participants to submit ideas, vote on ideas and engage in conversations.
Platforms include BrightIdea, IdeaScale, Spigit, and many more. How about
facilitating this via Facebook? Check out Bulbstorm.
• If you have not heard of “idea management” before, think of it as a
combination of idea brainstorming and concept testing rolled into one. Like
coffee? Then check out the publically accessible example at MyStarbucksIdea.
Prediction Market
• The categories of idea management and prediction markets overlap a
bit. From a market research perspective, the key point is simple:
using a web-based tool to generate, prioritize, and assess ideas
(which, in this context, are predictions).
• Maybe you want to know what behaviors will be more common in
your target market by 2015? Or which of several new product
offerings will have the most demand in the next 12 months?
• Ask the crowd, whether a broad or narrow one, by hosting a
prediction market. IdeaScale, Infosurv, and Inkling are just three of
the platforms that offer free trials.* Some astounding results, in
terms of prediction accuracy, have been reported in case studies by
Best Buy and The Iowa Electronics Markets, among others.
Contoh Consumer Insight
 Judul : Wedding Organizer: Consumer Insight dan Segmentasi Pasar
 Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretatif dan
metodologi kualitatif,
 sedangkan metode yang dipilih adalah etnography.
 Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan datanya adalah
pengumpulan data sekunder; observasi langsung; wawancara tidak
terstruktur; dan wawancara mendalam.
 Teknik analisis datanya adalah analisis framework the theater metaphor.
 Hasil analisis dari studi pendahuluan ini terbagi menjadi dua
bagian yaitu consumer insight dan segmentasi pemasaran.
 Pertama yaitu segmentasi pasar wedding organizer yang telah
dipetakan menjadi the socialite, the wedding dream, the workaholic
couples, the not idea at all, the wishy washy, dan the thrifty.
 Kedua, hasil consumer insights yang diperoleh terbagi lagi
berdasarkan berbagai stakeholer yaitu calon pengantin wanita,
calon pengantin pria, orang tua pengantin, keluarga inti, dan
saudara atau keluarga besar.
Jenis Stakeholder
Calon Pengantin
Calon Pengantin Pria
Orang Tua Pengantin
Keluarga Inti
Saudara/ Keluarga
Consumer Insight
Haus informasi, merasa sebagai pemangku hajat, sulit
menuangkan ide, cenderung emosional, dan ingin serba
Menganggap urusan pesta lebih ‘urusan wanita’, lebih
rasional, ingin pesta sederhana, dan merasa tertekan
Penentu keputusan menggunakan jasa WO, sangat
memperhatikan detail, otoritas penuh dan kurang
memperhatikan keinginan pengantin, biaya pesta,
persentase pembagian angpao, persentase pembuatan
undangan, posisi di pelaminan, dan mementingkan adat
Pemberi masukan, pengumpul informasi, dan pencari
alternatif vendor
Turut membantu secara sukarela, terkesan ikut campur,
perilaku berlebihan, dan ingin perilaku istimewa
Tugas :
 Pilihlah salah satu model dari directional method of
consumer insight untuk target market produk X (optional
 Formulasikan proposal risetnya (progress proposal nextweek)
 dan Implementasikan riset tersebut (hasil UAS)