www.pwc.com/nz Research and Information at PwC From Knowledge Services to Research & Insights February 2012 Agenda Where we were Where we are Where we are going Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 2 Between 2009 and 2011 research request numbers dropped significantly 60% pwc Where we were Knowledge Services Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 4 Where we were The primary focus of the team was: • Supporting client work, specifically responding to research requests • Preparing bulletins (current awareness) • Knowledge Management activities • Managing the collection and information resources • Training Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 5 Knowledge Services Knowledge Services Senior Manager Knowledge Manager (.5) Knowledge Manager (.5) Information Specialist Research and information at PwC pwc Research Manager Research Specialist Information Specialist Research Specialist Research Specialist Knowledge Manager/Library (.6) Library Assistant February 2012 Slide 6 What happened? The restructure A restructure of the team was approved by the Executive A new team manager was appointed The team was restructured, new roles were created - including roles focused on market research and thought leadership and new expertise was brought into the team. What should we stop doing? Over 200 hours of training An announcement to the firm Christmas! Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 7 Where we are The Research & Insights team Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 8 Research & Insights Research & Insights Manager Tax Research Manager Market Research Manager Research Manager Research Manager Research Specialist Research Specialist Research Specialist/Library Library Assistant (.5) Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 9 Research & Insights What do we do? The primary focus of the team is: Relationships! Insights rather that just information Supporting priority market and client teams (proactive and reactive) Research & Insights Market research Training Managing the collection and information resources Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 10 How has this changed the work we do? Request completion time 2010 Request completion time 2011 Less than one hour Less than one hour More than one hour More than one hour Source: Research Assist database statistics Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 11 How has this changed the work we do? Requests taking longer than a day to complete 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2010 2011 Source: Research Assist database statistics Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 12 The challenges Maintaining “business as usual” while transitioning to a new way of work Saying no Changing the culture from one of sending it off to the research fairies to one of what can I do for myself first? Communicating the change Maintaining momentum Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 13 Where we are going The future Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 14 Where we are going What we want to be known for Being a nationwide service Being integral priority market and client team members Having a great relationship with Business Development Our high quality research outputs – informing decisions and conversations Research and Information at PwC pwc February 2012 Slide 15 Questions? © 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand. All rights reserved. “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.