Nurse to Nurse Bullying: A Sepsis in Healthcare Susan Strauss, RN, Ed.D. Harassment & Bullying Consultant Objectives To define bullying and harassment To discuss the misconduct within nursing practice incorporating The Joint Commission’s Disruptive Behavior Standard, Nursing Social Policy Statement, Nursing Code of Ethics, and the Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice To identify theories, causes and contributing factors of bullying in nursing To discuss nursing leadership’s role in the prevention and intervention of bullying To practice communication techniques in confronting bullying behavior To develop a prevention and intervention action plan to implement for North Dakota Nurses Association The art of nursing is based on caring and respect for human dignity. ANA, (2010). Scope and Standards of Practice Standards of Professional Performance (ANA) • Collaboration •Collegiality •Ethics •Research •Resource utilization •Professional practice evaluation •Education •Quality of Practice •Leadership •Environmental Health Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA) Relationship with colleagues and others….precludes…any form of harassment or threatening behavior, or disregard for the effects of one’s actions on others. Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA) Preservation of integrity including…verbal abuse from…coworkers. Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA) Responsibility for the healthcare environment; Responsible for contributing to a moral environment that encourages respectful interactions with colleagues, support of peers, and identification. True or False Health Legal Financial Psychological Important Implications Human Rights Ethical Managerial History of Bullying Research Schools Scandinavian Europe United States Workplaces What is Bullying? Labels Bullying Mobbing Incivility Petty Tyranny Violence Psychological Terror Abuse Dysfunction Hostility Definition of Bullying Bullying is persistent, repeated, malicious, offensive, and intimidating behavior which humiliates, degrades and displays a lack of dignity and respect for the target resulting in them feeling vulnerable and threatened. “Bullying may be more appropriately considered a form of organizational defiance rather than simply a form of interpersonal conflict.” Hutchinson, M., Wilkes, L., Jackson, D. Vickers, M.H. (2010). Integrating individual, work group and organizational factors: Testing a multidimensional model of bullying in the nursing workplace. Journal of Nursing Management 18,173-181. Women’s Hostility to Women Labels Indirect Bullying Horizontal Hostility Covert Aggression Relational Aggression Horizontal Violence Indirect Hostility Lateral Violence Lateral Hostility Examples Poor Eye Contact Eye Rolling Sighing Exclusion Failure: e- and voice mail Name-Calling Ignoring Revealing Secrets Gossip Manipulation Negative Facial Expressions Healthcare Environment: Care vs. Corporate Etiology & Antecedents of Workplace Bullying Power imbalance Processes and structures Change Informal alliances Competition Reward Systems Role conflict or ambiguity Tolerance & reward for misconduct Low satisfaction with management Psychological theories Meaningless tasks Unrealistic deadlines Blocking promotion Confusing/contradictory instructions Withhold information Accepted Symptomatic Expected Encouraged Interwoven Endemic Sex Segregation System of Patriarchy & Oppression Patriarchy “finds its way into everyone who grows up breathing and swimming in it, and once inside us, it remains however unaware of it we may be….we are involved, if only by our silence.” Allan Johnson: The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy Oppression Displaced _____ Dislike of _______ Hopelessness Powerlessness Believe in own _______ Internalize oppressor’s thoughts & _______ Oppressors’ actions perceived _________ Horizontal Violence 60% new RNs leave 1st job 1 in 3 RNs quit Adaptive response Symptomatic “Rather than challenging the masculine hegemony of management, some women – particularly those who employ bullying tactics – may be conforming to the masculine ethic that underpins many management practices.” Simpson, R., Cohen, C. (2004). Dangerous work: The gendered nature of bullying in the context of higher education. Gender, Work and Organizations, 11(2), 182. Large number of women in power positions = less female to female bullying Nursing 5% annual operating budget $22K - $145K replacement cost 2.5 times salary turnover cost Nursing Managers Marginalized Low status & power Low autonomy Limited access to resources Missing from decision making Impact of Horitzonal Violence Work Satisfaction Self Esteem Powerlessness Disrespect Ask fewer questions Patient Care Costs Effects of Harassment & Bullying 34 Witnesses & Mirror Neurons Women Hostile to other Women Lowered self-esteem Hostility toward men Lowered self-efficacy Increased emotional dependence on men Less intimacy Less life satisfaction Acceptance of interpersonal violence Cowan, G., Neighbors, C., DeLaMoreau, K., Behnke, C. (1998). Women’s hostility toward women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 22, 267-284. Common Law Tort Claims Against Managers & Organizations Aiding & Abetting Assault & Battery False Imprisonment Intentional infliction of emotional distress Negligent hiring or supervision Personal Injury Intentional interference with business relationship Breach of contract Harassment As a Legal Issue Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 38 Hostile Environment • Frequency • Duration • Repetition • Location • Severity / Scope of the acts • Nature and context of incident • Verbal or physical contact • Other participants • Directed at multiple persons Factors Welcome! Severe Pervasive and/or Protected Classes Sexual and/or gender based Reasonable “VICTIM” Nurse to Nurse Hostility vs. Sexual Harassment “Because of Sex” Occur if male? Oncale v. Sundowner Offershore Services, Inc. Sexual Harassment GENDER HARASSMENT Sex Discrimination Abuse/Bullying Gender Harassment Hostile Work Environment Environmental context Gender-typing – occupation Gender composition – work group Organizational Climate Medical Center Policy Retaliation Refusal to meet or delays in meeting Refusal or delay in sharing information Threats _____________ _____________ ____________ Poor performance review Destruction of property _______________ Sabotaging one’s work Making a false complaint Spreading rumors Verbal and/or physical abuse What To Do If It Happens To You Document, document, document Stop Report Follow Policy • Ignore (most common) • Use humor • Dismiss • Understand • Respectfully confront • Report • Document Communication Feedback Open & honest Feelings “I” statements Respectful Confronting the Offender • Describe the situation or behavior • State behavior must stop • Use “I” statements • “Broken Record” Why Targets Don’t Confront Offender What Should Management Do? • PREVENT harassment & bullying from occurring in • STOP harassment & bullying when it occurs • KEEP harassment & bullying from reoccurring • DON’T TOLERATE reprisals Prevention & Intervention Training Policy & Procedure Document Change environment Title IX No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 14th Amendment: Section 1983 • Violated student’s constitutional rights • Failed to receive, investigate, act upon complaints • Failed to train employees. • District’s policy, practice, or custom must cause the alleged constitutional injury. Sexual Harassment Incidents in Schools Younger and Younger Ages More sexually violent Often mis-labled as bullying Often not responded to by: School Officials Law Enforcement Source: Stein, Nan (2005). A Rising Pandemic of Sexual Violence in Elementary and Secondary Schools: Locating a Secret Problem. pp. 33-52, Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy. Grade Level When First Experienced 11th 10th 9th 8th Boys Girls 7th 6th 5th 4th 3rd K-2nd 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% AAUW Study - 1993 Gender-based Harassment Threatening and harassing behaviors based on enforcement of gender-role expectations. Bullying Definition? De-genders problem of sexual harassment/violence Defers attention away from sexual harassment/violence Mislabel interferes with prevention and intervention Obscures legal liability Erodes students’ rights Comparing Sexual Harassment and Bullying Sexual Harassment Because of sex or gender – primary target is female Against federal Civil Rights Act Title IX 81% of students Federal agency – Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights, Educational, Anthropology, Sociology, Feminist scholarship Definition based on law, case law, research Bullying Gender neutral No federal legislation 16% - 90% of students No federal agency Psychology scholarship Ambiguous definition Copyright © 2008 by Strauss Consulting. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Author School Officials • Indifferent • Unresponsive • “go sit down” • “Ignore him” Key Actions • Commitment from administration • Policy and Procedure • Training • Consequences – x2 • Teachable moment • Title IX Coordinator The nursing profession is particularly focused on establishing effective working relationships and collaborative efforts essential to accomplish its health-oriented mission. ANA, (2010). Nursing’s Social Policy Statement:The Essence of the Profession, 2010