Presentation from Malcolm Wright

NHS Education for Scotland
Annual Review 2014
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Dr Lindsay Burley
NHS Education for Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Malcolm Wright
Chief Executive
NHS Education for Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Education and Training Matters
To our National Health Service
To Health and Social Care Integration
To Public Service Reform
To the economic prosperity of our country
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The Government's Purpose
To focus Government and Public Services on evolving a more
successful country, with opportunities for all Scotland to
flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
All of these outcomes require:
Collaboration across boundaries
Partnerships with purpose
A central role for the 3rd sector
A workforce which is:
- Educated and trained
- Continually developed and nurtured
- Thinking and acting across organisational
- Operating in the context of local communities
- Well led, developed and managed
- And has public service values at its heart
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES has:
A unique role in Scottish Public Service
A focus on the whole Healthcare Workforce
An increasing role in Health and Social Care Integration
An increasing role in Public Service Workforce Reform
A 12 year track record based on Quality Education
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
We draw our priorities from:
Scottish Government Policy
Statutory requirements
The needs of the workforce
International and Scottish wide intelligence
And we have Quality of Care at the heart of what we do
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to
new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with
colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to
modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do
this in a way that lives up to our core values.
Together, we will create a great place to work and deliver a high
quality healthcare service which is among the best in the world.
Source: Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The values that are shared
across NHSScotland are:
• Care and compassion
• Dignity and respect
• Openness, honesty and responsibility
• Quality and teamwork
Source: Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Our Vision
Quality Education
for a Healthier
Our Mission
Education that
enables excellence in
health and care for
the people of
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
“We are an organisation that plans and
delivers all our activities in partnership with
our stakeholders. We also focus on
embedding best practice and improving
efficiency, delivering our services nationally
for Scotland where we can, as well as
providing a local perspective through our
regional offices”
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Educational Principles
Our approach to education is built around the best available evidence and
the following principles:
• We enable education for the best care, improved outcomes, safety
and the efficient use of resources
• We promote learning that is motivational, aspirational and meaningful
to everyday work
• We enable personalisation of learning so that it is adaptable to
different needs and styles
• We build our activities on evidence-based practice
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Educational Principles
We achieve regulatory or other standards and we innovate to achieve
We support broad-based education that meets the needs of the
workforce and can be adapted to different circumstances
We deliver education close to the workplace that brings people
together to improve outcomes
We evaluate the effectiveness of our education and share the lessons
learned widely.
We enable sharing, transfer and delivery of educational best practice
and improvement tools across the workforce
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
We are committed to Scotland’s health service values and we
aim to ensure that staff are supported through education. The
values we share in common with all NHSScotland
organisations are outlined below; these guide how we work,
the decisions we make and the way we treat people:
care and compassion
dignity and respect
openness, honesty and responsibility
quality and teamwork
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
We will embed these values through our ways of working,
these are to always:
aim for excellence in education
be open, listen and learn
take responsibility and lead by example
respond quickly and confidently
look ahead and be creative
respect and value each other
work in partnership to a clear common cause
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The Strategic Themes
An excellent workforce
Consistent evidence-based excellence in
education for improved health and care
• Recruiting and Training Healthcare Staff
• Undergraduate and Pre-registration Education
• The Workplace Learning Environment
Improved quality
Education for improving quality to enhance
patient safety and people’s experience of
• Person-centred Care
• Safe and Effective Care
• Quality Improvement (QI) Education
• Leadership and Management Development
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
New models of care
Education for new models of care to support the
2020 Vision
• Primary Care
• Workforce Data
• Support Workers and Role Development
• Health and Social Care Integration
• Improving Health and Reducing Health Inequalities
• Remote and Rural Care
Enhanced educational infrastructure
Innovative educational support infrastructure covering
people, technology and content
• Educational Support Roles and Networks
• Online Resources, e-Learning and Knowledge
• Educational Development and Innovation
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
An improved organisation
Enhancing the capacity and capability of our
staff to give their best and achieve their
• Supporting and Developing our Staff
• Performance Improvement
• Efficient and Effective Corporate Resources
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Strong Foundations of our
core disciplines
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The Scotland Deanery
• Launched 1 April 2014
• Single system working
- Single general management structure
- Four major workstreams
- Professional leadership
 Consistent processes
 Maintain key regional linkages
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Workstreams …
Training Management
Professional Development
Strategic Planning & Directorate Support
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Support of UG Medical
• £76M ACT funding
• Updated TOR for regional and national groups to ensure
consistent approach and clear lines of accountability and
• Working with Directors of Medical Education with respect
to consistent reporting of data and spend
• Implementation of measurement of teaching (MOT)
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Core Business of PGMET
• 258 GMC Approved PG Programmes
• 5676 trainees
• - 1644 Foundation
• - 647 Core
• - 2294 Specialty
• - 1091 GP
• 6691 ARCPs conducted
• 556 CCTs awarded in 2013/14
• Responsible Officer for Revalidation
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Recruitment in 2014
• Recruitment in 2014
- Foundation (100%)
- 419/437 Core (96%)
- 269/321 GP (84%)
- 242/362 ST (67%)
• Overall 90% fill rate
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Strategy for Attracting and
Retaining Trainees (StART)
Key Elements of StART :
 Research and Market Research
 StART and ScotMT Website Redesign
 First Scottish Careers Fairs held in Sept + Presence at London event
 Trainee Ambassadors
 Keeping in Touch – email contact with CCT graduates
 Social Media presence
 Trainers – make me want to train in Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Revalidation : SOAR
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
• Number of Registered Users on SOAR
• Primary Care users
• Secondary Care users 6094
• Number of Trainees registered on SOAR - 5796
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
SOAR Appraiser Training
Health Board
Ayrshire and Arran
Dumfries and Galloway
Forth Valley
Gt Glasgow and Clyde
National Waiting Times Centre/Golden Jubilee Hospital
Other - State Hospital/NES/NHS 24/NHS NSS/Huntercombe
Western Isles
Grand Total
NES trained Planned training Extra Trained
NES Trained GP Appraisers - October 2011 - August 2014
Row Labels
Total Trained Phase 3
Total Trained Phase 4
Grand Total
No trained
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Professional Development
• Single approach to GP CPD called Connect
• Supporting SAS doctors
• - Established a network of SAS Advisors
• - Manage funding for CPD
• Approved medical practitioners (AMPs)
• Professionalism and Excellence in Medicine - Leadership training
• - LAMP (well used)
• - Scottish Senior Clinical Leadership Fellows (recruiting 3rd cohort)
• - Paired Learning (some good early adopters)
• Remote and Rural Healthcare – RRHEAL and SSRHW
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Professional Development
Quality Improvement / Patient Safety / Clinical Skills / Human factors
• Transfer of QI Taught programmes from HIS
• Recruitment to cohort 7 of SPSP Fellowship (now > 100 fellows)
• Development of Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) Programme
• Increased user visits to QI hub website
• QI Workforce development tool
• 10,000 users have now accessed patient safety e-learning modules
• Training of most GP practices in trigger tool and safety culture assessment
• HF pilot work with SPSP mental health
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Recognition of Trainers
The roles covered:
1. named educational supervisors in PG
2. named clinical supervisors in PG training
3. lead coordinators of UG teaching at each
4. doctors responsible for overseeing
students’ educational progress for each
medical school.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Recognition of Trainers
Scotland has taken a whole system approach
Integrated UG & PG process to implement this major GMC initiative
Highly commended by GMC for this approach
Scotland hosted a recent UK forum
Regular communications to UG & PG Trainers
Launched the Scottish Trainer Framework
Provisionally registered
- PG Trainers 3907
- UG Trainers 455
Deadline for Full recognition – 31 July 2016
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
UK Shape of Training Review
“Securing the future of excellent
patient care”
Led by Professor David Greenaway
Published on 29 October 2013.
• Has suggested major reforms in
medical education & training
• Prof Bill Reid was member of EAG
• Prof Stewart Irvine member of 4
nation oversight group
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Priorities for 2014 – 2015
Implementation of Shape of Training
Develop a single coherent multi-professional approach to training in :
 Quality Improvement, Clinical skills, Patient Safety, Human Factors
Consult on and implement new GMC standards for UG & PG medical education
and training
Prepare for GMC visit to Scotland in 2017
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Dental Vocational Training
• A post was provided for all Scottish graduates who sought one in
Scotland for August 2014.
• The introduction of a more streamlined national trainer recruitment and
selection process resulted in minimal disruption of both new applicants'
working arrangements and the service consequently offered to their
• All trainees except one completing their Scottish training in July 2014
attained Satisfactory Completion of Vocational Training. The trainee
who was not awarded was offered an extension to his training which he
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Capacity & Consent: A course
Dental Practitioners
• Adults with Incapacity Act was amended in 2005 to allow practitioners
other than doctors to sign certificates and a further amendment in 2007
stated the requirement for ‘specified training’
• The course aims to enable participants to:
- Critically discuss the legislative and ethical dimensions in
relation to capacity/incapacity
- Identify patients who may fall within the Act
- Maximise capacity by supporting the patient to make decisions
concerning their treatment
• Course format - Peer review, assessment and reflection and takes
account of the participants’ knowledge and expertise
• Supported by a community website providing links to publications and
external organisations as well as bespoke learning resources
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
TRAMS - Training, Revision,
Assessment, Mentoring and Support
• Increasing number of referrals to GDC for poor clinical performance
• A needs assessment tool covers the four domains of clinical,
communication, management and professionalism to establish the required
elements for remediation
• Occupational psychologists and occupational health are used to address
any underlying behavioural issues or health concerns
• TRAMS uses established training methodology - supported PDP, targeted
training, simulated clinical skills training, mentoring and longitudinal
evaluation of performance
• Assurance to Health Boards that underperforming dental registrants, have
been through a supported, quality assured programme.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Allied Health Professions
Key Success in 2013-14
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
AHP Practice Education
• Quality of practice placements is a priority
• A new range of partnerships developed to promote
placements across sectors
• Quality improvement approach using PDSAs
• Underpinned by Practice Placement Agreements
• Sustained a network of experienced, committed and
enthusiastic PELs
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
AHP Career Fellowship Scheme
• Highly flexible to support career development across four
dimensions of practice: leadership, clinical expertise,
education, research
• Range of education and development activities: course
participation, work-based learning, placements
• NHS employees and others, e.g. HEI, third sector, professional
• Priority for 2012/13 and 2013/14 :
- AHP support staff and assistant practitioners
- Development activities with clear service improvement focus
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Nursing and Midwifery
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Pre-Registration Nursing &
Performance Management of pre-registration nursing and
midwifery education:
• Process provides Scottish Government with assurance of
recruitment, retention and fitness for purpose of new graduate
nursing and midwifery workforce
• ‘Scottish Collaboration for the enhancement of Preregistration Nursing and Midwifery’ NES led collaboration of
universities focussed on improving pre-registration nursing
and midwifery education through research and partnership.
• Quality Management of the Learning Environment
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Post-registration education:
Children & Young People
Children’s & Neonatal Services
• Building service capacity and capability through
commissioning of –
• Advanced Practice Nursing and Qualified in
Speciality programmes
Health Visiting
• Working with SG, Universities and Boards to develop a
collaborative, sustainable approach to new HV
education programmes and CPD for current
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Leading Better Care (LBC)
• Leading Better Care - the national development programme
for Senior Charge Nurses, Senior Charge Midwives and
Community Team Leaders. NES assumed responsibility for
delivery of LBC programme outcomes in 2014.
• To support and develop the role of nursing and midwifery
clinical leaders in order to ensure safe, effective and person
centred care and support delivery of the Capability and
Leadership strands of the Workforce 2020 Framework.
Delivering Quality through Midwifery Leadership Programme
- Now into 3rd year
- 2013/14 60 participants successfully completed
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)
• Early intervention, licensed home visiting programme for first
time teenage mothers from early pregnancy - 2 years
• Key strand of Early years agenda; to make Scotland the best
place in the world to grow up in
• National Unit now in NES supporting all NHS Boards and Health
& Social Care Partnerships implementing programme
• Currently 8 sites delivering FNP in Scotland –
• aspiration to deliver in all NHS Boards and all eligible mothers
by 2018
• FNP National Unit (NES) responsible for education and training
of FNP nurses and supervisors
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Post Registration Education
Post Registration Career Development framework
• Provides a consistent framework supporting the continuing and
changing development needs of the NMAHP workforce
• Based on levels 5-9 Career Framework for Health designed to support
workforce development and career planning
• Helps practitioners recognise the coherence of NMAHP resources
which can support their development at each level of the Career
Framework for Health from point of registration to senior level (e.g.
Flying Start NHS®, Effective Practitioner, Leading Better Care,
Advanced & Consultant Practice).
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Multiprofessional Education
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme
• Delivered more than 60 clinical skills courses across Scotland
in 2013/14
• In 2013-14 over 50,000 HAI Learnpro courses and
programmes were completed
• 500 health and social services dementia champions have
been trained and we look forward to the graduation of cohort
5 and national celebratory event that will take place in
Januray 2015
Person Centred Care
• Focus on Values Based Reflective Practice
• Suite of e-learning resources to support Feedback and
• Compassionate Connections
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Health Care Support Workers
For all support staff
Develop nationally-agreed recognised education and
career development pathways
Maximise the use of existing resources to support
Improve access to information about learning and
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Health Care Support Workers
• Develop nationally-agreed recognised education and
career development pathways
• Maximise the use of existing resources to support learning
• Improve access to information about learning and
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Our work is designed to help
Know the skills people in support roles need, and that these skills
are quality assured;
• Our work is creating nationally-agreed and accessible education
pathways for staff in administrative, clinical and estates & facilities,
along with support to access qualifications. Creating career and
education pathways for support staff, helps bring clarity to the
differences between posts at different levels, particularly 2-4
Make the most of learning in the workplace;
• Our work to develop and maximise the use of resources available to
support workplace learning, including web resources.
• Our help to make people links between learning in the workplace
and the qualifications which they want/need: e.g. promoting the use
of evidence of learning from work when people are undertaking
qualifications; support for meaningful PDPR discussions
Ensure that people have the skills and confidence to be successful
• For example providing support for literacies skills, through the launch
of the Literacies Portal
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Management of the
Learning Environment
Nursing and Midwifery
• Network of Practice Education Facilitators and Care Home
Education Facilitators - ensuring NMC Standards
• Quality Management of the Practice Learning Environment (QMPLE)
– feedback tool and data set
• Student, Mentor and Charge Nurse Survey
Allied Health Professionals
• Quality Practice Placements across a range of sectors – key priority
• Practice Placement Agreements
• Network of Practice Education Leads
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
• Psychology of Parenting Programme
• Assessment of competence in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
• Involvement of service users in training of Clinical Psychologists
• Emotion Matters e Learning resource
• Health Behaviour change hand hygiene of junior doctors
• Supervision framework for Clinical Psychology trainees
• Psychological Interventions in Physical Health Care, Multi morbidity,
Long Term conditions,
• Primary Care
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Doctoral Programmes in
Clinical Psychology
Successful graduation of 71trainees (Retention rate of >89% in NHSS)
NES QA of NHS clinical placements and supervision:
– 400+ site visits
– Since April 2013, supervisor training delivered to 89 new supervisors and
141 experienced supervisors
Research Output:
– 20+ publications in one year
Service User and Carer involvement:
– Developing integration within course structures (process led by service
user committees)
– Focus on person centred education and care
– Input to development of values based recruitment
Future plans:
– Implementation of new Professional/Statutory guidelines delivery of
programme (to be implemented from 2015)
– for Continued research and development of structured evaluation of
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Psychological Interventions
in Physical Health
• NES Psychology Directorate has a programme of training
for multi-disciplinary staff across primary and secondary
• The programme aims to educate staff across disciplines in
psychosocial aspects of living with multi-morbidity by
promoting a person centred holistic approach to care
planning, adjustment and handling distress
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
• Emotion Matters E-learning module focuses on active
listening, assessment and collaborative care planning
skills. Completed by 791 multi-disciplinary staff across
Scotland in last 18 months
• Intensive packages of training in psychosocial
assessment and intervention for staff in e.g. CHD, Pain,
Cancer services. 47 people trained as trainers in ‘AsSET’
and ‘Developing Practice’ packages across Scotland. 70
MDT staff received AsSET/DP training in last 6 months
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
• PBSGL and e-learning module for GPs on medically
unexplained symptoms – being evaluated in Ayrshire
and Arran
• Trainer Network of 56 clinical and health psychologists
across Scotland established to support and embed this
NES Psychology training programme
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
• Mandatory CPD/ Revalidation for pharmacist registration
with GPhC
• National Education to support the SGHD Community
Pharmacy Contract
• Pharmacists independent prescribing, consultation and
clinical skills
• Pre-registration pharmacist training (PRPS)
• Pharmacy Support Staff and Skill mix
• Scottish Hospital Pharmacists Vocational Training Scheme
• Pharmacy workforce and development
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Prescription for Excellence:
SG Strategic Vision and Action Plan
Pharmacy Workforce, Education & Training
Integrated Initial Training of Pharmacists
‘NHS Accredited Clinical Pharmacist
Independent Prescribers’
Pharmacy Career Frameworks
5. Clinical and Professional Leadership
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Education for the Pharmacists of the
Future in line with Prescription for
 Pharmaceutical Care Competency and Capability including:
 Independent Prescribing - Commission and review
 Consultation skills – formal PEER REVIEW ASSESSMENT
 Clinical skills training – Core & Advanced with ASSESSMENT
 Prescribing competencies – ASSESSMENT
 OSCEs - Teach and Treat models for ASSESSMENT
 Continuing Fitness to Practice – Revalidation
 Workforce analysis and development in line with a Career Framework
(mindful of the RPS Faculty and Consultant Pharmacist developments)
 Shared Learning with Health and Social Care Professionals
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Interprofessional Learning (IPL)
‘occasions when two or more professionals learn with, from and about each
other to improve collaboration and the quality of care’
After piloting and being positively evaluated in 2013/2014 GPs, practice
nurses and pharmacists are now being encouraged to join multiprofessional
Practice Based Small Group Learning (PBSGL) groups around Scotland
These are learning groups of five to nine professionals
Group members ideally work in the same local community and meet to
study and discuss specially designed educational modules
In the first year post pilot, there are 42 (13.5%) PBSGL interprofessional
learning groups out of the 312 PBSGL groups which have formed locally
and are meeting regularly in Scotland
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Pharmacy Team recently received a
Highly Commended Excellence in Education
Award by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The ladder is complete!
• September launch of distance learning MSc in Primary
Care Ophthalmology
– Joint with University of Edinburgh’s College of
Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and Royal College
of Surgeons of Edinburgh
– 10 Scottish Optometrists enrolled
• Approx 20 from around the world
• Tutors from Ophthalmology and Optometry sharing
• Optical receptionists courses up to MSc for Optometrists
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Healthcare Science 2013-14
150 postgrad scientists on our national Register, including:
~70 supernumerary pre-reg Clinical Scientists in medical physics,
laboratory sciences and clinical physiology specialties, plus
~35 awards (13/14) for in-service staff on postgrad development.
Nationally: Leadership for ~ 100 staff, including 60 Early Career plus ~
60 on our Train the Trainer days
We led 3 events, covering postgraduates, scientist modernisation and our
annual healthcare science gathering, each 100+ delegates
Positive engagement with the Academy for Healthcare Science to
consolidate our training pathways and foster an esprit d’corps
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Workforce Directorate
• Our strategic role in linking with key education and funding bodies
across the public sector through our strategic alliances
• Our role in delivering national services for trainees
• Development of the leadership, management and embedding NES
ways of working in support of the delivery of Everyone Matters
• High quality objective setting and personal development planning, the
Managers Passport and our full commitment to the roll out of IMatter
commencing November
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES – Vocational Training
Scottish Medical Trainees
Dental Trainees
• NES recruits (circa 300 p.a.)
and employs (circa 450 p.a. )
the GPStR’s while in the GP
component of their training.
We provide end-to-end
employee relations support to
• NES recruits and assess on
behalf of NHSScotland circa
450 trainers and trainees
• Run ACCS-EM (Acute Common
Care Stem - Emergency
Medicine) and CST (Core Skills
Training) selection centre
• Dental Vocational Training
• Manage the recruitment to +/1500 medical training posts
across 70 specialties
• The following programs are
recruited to for trainers and
trainees :
• Hygienist-Therapist
Vocational Trainers and
• Dental Foundation Training
Other workstreams
• Pharmacy - NES manages the
recruitment and selections of
circa 170 pre registration
pharmacist training posts
• Psychology - NES manages the
recruitment and selection of
circa 70 training posts in
partnership with Universities
and NHS Territorial Boards.
• NHS Management Training
Scheme - NES HR manages the
recruitment and selection of
circa 8 Management Trainees
annually, which attract over
1000 applications
Across all workstreams in 2013-14 NES managed 3313
applications and filled 807* posts
(*recruitment for some posts is ongoing)
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Tier 2 Sponsorship
Under the lead sponsor arrangement, NES issue certificates of sponsorship
to Medical Trainees in Scotland that require Tier 2 sponsorship
• Reduction in sponsorship licence costs
• Promoting Scotland to all prospective trainees to attract the best applicants
• Continuity of service delivery maintained
• Enable streamlined and more efficient operating procedures (Once for Scotland)
Trainee Benefits
• Reduced costs to trainees
• One point of contact in NHSScotland in relation to Tier 2 sponsorship
• Allow trainees to focus and training and education (improved performance)
Success so far
• Continue to build our relationship to with the Home Office
• Worked closely with all territorial health boards to agree Standard Operating
• Since February 2014 we have sponsored 110 trainees and made savings for
NHSScotland that have amounted to of £31, 096
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Knowledge Services
• Knowledge Network:
– 983,003 visits (10.1% increase on 2012-13)
– 2,082,214 evidence searches
– QI Hub website 72,929 visits (147% increase on 2012-13).
– Social Services Knowledge Scotland 48662 visits (54% increase on
– 54 community of practice websites
• Mapped knowledge broker capabilities across NHS librarian workforce
• 2 Knowledge into Action masterclasses
• Launch of People Connect - social directory for knowledge exchange
and improvement.
• Launch of Early Warning Signs Sepsis App – shortlisted for two national
• With SSSC and NHS 24, Scoped aims for Technology Enabled Learning
Plan; established position within forthcoming national eHealth Strategy.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Engagement with the
Third Sector
• We have a range of engagements – of varying breadth, quality and
collaboration – with approximately 90 third sector organisations
– Policy and strategy development
– Planning and commissioning
– Service delivery
– Capacity building
– Learning exchange
• Example:
– There is a strong partnership with Azheimer Scotland to deliver
training, education and workforce development in relation to
Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Engagement with the
Third Sector
Current and Future Work
Embedding third sector involvement on a more systematic and
proactive basis across a range of partnerships and services
In partnership with the Scottish Council for Voluntary
Organisations (SCVO)
We have developed an educational framework to increase
engagement between the statutory health sector and the third
The focus is placed upon embedding person-centeredness in the
planning and co-production of service delivery
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Health and Social Care Workforce
• Scottish Social Services Workforce
estimated split by employer type (2013)
27% Voluntary
32% Public:
41% Private
• Health Service 159,058 headcount
*The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) (2014) Published Scottish Social Services Sector: Report on 2013 Workforce
Data -
**ISD Statistics -
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Developing the Health and Social Care
Workforce with partners across health and
social care including third and independent
sectors. Key activity areas 2013/14:
• Carers and Young Carers
• Promoting Excellence – Dementia Strategy
• Leadership Action Learning
• Scottish Government Workforce Development Strategic Group
• Public Services Learning Collaborative (PSCL)
• Social Services Knowledge Scotland (SSKS)
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Public Services
Collaborative Learning
• PSCL exists to provide a robust mechanism to deliver
collaborative, cross-public-service leadership development
to underpin transformational change
• PSCL is a work stream of the Scottish Leaders Forum
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Public Services Collaborative
Leadership Exchanges
Scottish Coaching Collaborative
OD capacity building
Dialogue Community of Practice
Enabling Collaborative Leadership – Pioneer phase
Collaborative consultancy
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
An improved aligned organisation
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Significant Interval
Single Postgraduate Deanery
Dental Vision
Procurement and Finance Transformation
Property Transformation
Digital Infrastructure
Educational Development Directorate
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Directorate Transformations
• Implementation of the Medical Directorate vision:
– Single deanery with national workstreams
– Improved processes and release of capacity
• Implementation of the Dental Change Management
– Reduction in deaneries and creation of national
– Improved processes and release of capacity
• NMAHP Change & Improvement Programme
– Development of new operating model incorporating
new programmes of work and key activity areas
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Procurement Transformation
Historically NES operated a devolved model
Capacity review exercise involved >320 staff
New centrally managed team in place (October 13)
Benefits realised:
– Potential to release 11WTE of capacity and initial savings £300k,
ongoing savings £430k
– Staff promotion and career development opportunities
– 10% increase in Procurement Capability Assessment
– Procurement Transformation project described as best practice
– Category A Contract Compliance increased to >99%
– Majority of PO’s processed within 1 hour
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Finance Transformation
• Project will realign the different elements of the finance
function throughout NES to best support delivery of
strategic outcomes
• Work completed to date:
Capacity review exercise with >180 staff
Analysis of ‘current state’ processes
Review of finance activities – allocation to ‘future state’
Ongoing redesign of ‘future state’ processes
Development of new finance organisational structure for
consultation in Nov 14
• Next steps
– Phased implementation anticipated 1st April 15
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Financial Position
• Over the last 4 years NES has delivered savings
required to meet a reduction to our baseline of £22million
• This has been achieved through:
– Property rationalisation (reducing space across
Edinburgh & Glasgow by over 1/3)
– Procurement transformation – with savings in staff
costs and savings on contracts
– Move to a single Scottish deanery
– Move to national workstreams in dentistry
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Looking forward to 2015/16
• A very challenging environment
• NES uplift = 1%
• Pay pressures (including pensions) = 3%
• NES payroll including trainee salaries is 70% of our total
• Our anticipated uplift = £3.8m
• Anticipated pay pressures = £7.6m
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Managing the 2015/16 position
• Continuing to identify cross organisational opportunities
– e.g. Digital Transformation
• Will mean we need to carefully prioritise activities
• At the same time we need to manage pressures eg
regulator requirements, revalidation
• As a National Board there are also opportunities for NES
to contribute to the national position through a ‘once for
Scotland’ approach
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
NES Digital Transformation
• The Digital Strategy is a single vision for all NES digital and related
services – Digital Transformation is the organisational change to deliver
• We have created a dedicated and focused Digital Group to consolidate
the NES resources and skills necessary to deliver the vision.
• In addition to delivering against agreed, existing commitments it will build
a unified digital environment delivered through a unified technology
platform – all the data in one place.
• It put people at the core of our digital services so we can personalise
and tailor services to everyone using NES services.
• It will be ‘optimised for mobile’.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The Future Unified Environment
“As members of the NHS Scotland
workforce we want to access a
single virtual environment so that
we can manage our education and
our careers”
Hosted in the cloud
Available on any device
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Partnership Working with Staff
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Partnerships with Purpose
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
UK Regulatory Bodies
Professional Bodies
Trade Unions
Scottish Funding Council
Universities and Colleges
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Powerful connection between
Education, training and
Continuing Development
The Quality of Care
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Quality Management of
the Learning Environment
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Sharing Intelligence for
Health and Social Care
• Transformation of information and
• Comparative analysis of information
• Driving Improvement
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Audit Scotland
Care Inspectorate
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Mental Welfare Commission for
• NSS Public Health and Information
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
The Future
Supporting the Health and Care Workforce to deliver
• Safe Care
• Effective Care
• Person-Centred Care
Supporting the wider Health and Social Care Workforce
Based on sound educational principles in the context of Public
Services Reform
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
A patient facing Health Board
Strong and consistent performance
Strong, core disciplines
Comprehensive Educational Infrastructure
Strong and enduring partnerships
Scotland as an attractive place
to train
to learn
to build a career
A significant contribution to Public Service Reform
A direct impact on Quality of Care
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Education and training
Training is patient safety for the next 30 years.
Temple, 2010
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland