www.cotr.bc.ca College of the Rockies Cranbrook, BC, Canada 加拿大BC省克兰布鲁克市 www.cotr.bc.ca THE School 建校时间:Established in 1975 Public college 学生人数:3000 Canadian students and 300 international students 学校性质: www.cotr.bc.ca No.1 in Canada! And No.2 in the World for International Student Satisfaction 国际学生满意度排名在加第一世界第二 188 post-secondary institutes (25 in Canada) in 15 different countries Source: i-graduate International Student Barometer 2012 survey i-graduate 针对15个国家188所高校(25所来自加拿大)的调查, 洛基山学院在加拿大院校中排名第一,在所有院校中排名第二 www.cotr.bc.ca SPP and SDS Institution 加拿大驻华大使馆推出 SPP(学生合作计划)和SDS(学习直入计划) 洛基山学院为 加拿大使馆指定的SPP和SDS合作院校 www.cotr.bc.ca ADVANTAGEs 优势: Easy transfer to all universities in BC including UBC, SFU, UVic Small class - average class size of only 20 students Tuition fees are very reasonable - less than half the cost for a BC university 易于转学分,进入BC省名校: UBC, SFU, UVIC 小班教学,每班20人左右 学费低,远远低于BC省大学的学费 www.cotr.bc.ca LOCATION 地理位置 Southeastern BC Cranbrook, population 20,000 80 minute flight from Vancouver to Cranbrook 位于BC省东南,克兰布鲁克市 城区人口20000 距温哥华80分钟航程 www.cotr.bc.ca Programs 专业 1.Business Administration, 4 years, Bachelor Degree 2.University Transfer, 2 Years, (Associate of Arts/Associate of Science) 3.Business Administration (Accounting, General Management, Marketing) 2 Years, Diploma 4.Tourism and Recreation Management, 2 Years, Diploma 5.Practical Nursing, 2 Years, Diploma / Early Childhood Education, 2 Years, Diploma 6.Kinesiology, 2 Years, Diploma (to UBC) 7.Business Administration, 1 Year, Certificate (to UBC) 8.Engineering, 1 Year, Certificate (to UVIC) 9.Fine Arts, 1 Year, Certificate (to Emily Carr) 10.Sustainable Business Practices, 2 Years, Graduate Diploma 11.Global Studies, 1 Year, Graduate Certificate 4年学士学位(工商管理专业) 2年专科 [工商: 会计, 综合管理, 营销方向)/ 旅游,人体运动学, 护理, 幼教, 人力服务 2年副学士(文学,理学) / 2年研究生文凭(可持续商业发展) 1年证书 (工商,工程,美术) / 1年研究生证书 (环球研究) www.cotr.bc.ca Tuition and Fees 学费和生活费 1.申请费 CAD$100 non-refundable application Tuition: ESL /Program, CAD4400 per semester 3.住宿:On-campus dormitory fees are CAD$1700 per 2.学费: semester (4 months). The dormitory has a CAD$35 application fee and $125 damage deposit requirement. Homestay CAD$600/month 4.寄宿家庭: fees are including meals. The homestay application fee is CAD$35; airport pickup is free. www.cotr.bc.ca University Transfer 1 转学分案例1 ONE YEAR, Business Administration Goal: Bachelor of Commerce Degree from UBC 1+3 (读1年工商管理,转入UBC读后3年) www.cotr.bc.ca University Transfer 2 转学分案例2 ONE YEAR, Engineering Goal: Bachelor, Engineering programs, UVic 1+3 (读1年工程,转入UVIC读后3年) www.cotr.bc.ca University Transfer 3 转学分案例3 ONE YEAR, Fine Arts Goal: Bachelor, Visual Arts, Emily Carr University of Art + Design 1+3 (读1年美术,转入艾米丽卡尔读后3年视觉艺术) www.cotr.bc.ca University Transfer 4 转学分案例4 Two years, Kinesiology Semester 3 (Spring/Summer): Work full-time (off-campus work permit) Goal: Bachelor of Human Kinetics, UBC 2+2 (读2年人体运动学,转入UBC读后2年) www.cotr.bc.ca University Transfer 5 转学分案例5 Two years, Associate of Arts / Associate of Science Semester 3 (Spring/Summer): Work full-time (off-campus work permit) Goal: Bachelor, UBC Programs: biology, mechanical engineering, pharmacy etc. 2+2 (读2年副学士课程,转入UBC读后2年) www.cotr.bc.ca English Language Training [ELT] 英语培训 每年4个学期 (4 semesters per year) 9-12月 / 1-4月 / 5-6月 / 7-8月 语言课程学费(Tuition for ELT) Semester 3 (Spring/Summer): Work full-time (off-campus work permit) 9-12月 / 1-4月 5-6月 / 7-8月 CAD4400/学期 Semester CAD2200/学期 Semester 分为3个级别 (totally 3 levels) 1.初级 High Beginner ELT 40 and 45 2.中级 Intermediate ELT 50 and 55 3.高级 Advanced ELT 60 and 65 www.cotr.bc.ca Admission Requirements 录取要求 关于英语水平(On English) IELTS 雅思6分(阅读和写作单项均不能低于6分),TOEFL 托福80分 关于教育经历(on education background) 多数证书,专科,本科课程,需要完成高中课程,平均分70 Semester 3 (Spring/Summer): Work full-time (off-campus work permit) 部分专业课程录取宽松,中国学生完成高二即可 研究生证书课程,需要具备本科或者专科背景,需要提供简历证明具备工作经验 How to apply 申请程序 1.缴纳申请费并提交申请资料(电子版) 2.学校发预录取电子邮件,要求学生缴纳学费押金 3.学生电汇学费押金,并将电汇单据发给我们 4.学校接到汇款,签发通知书和收据 (PDF版) www.cotr.bc.ca www.cotr.bc.ca Semester 3 (Spring/Summer): Work full-time (off-campus work permit) COMMENTS FROM A CHINESE STUDENT AT COLLEGE OF THE ROCKIES “College of the Rockies is a very special place because it is good for studying. The people in Cranbrook are very friendly and I made lots of friends here. I am very happy at College of the Rockies and my English is improving quickly. I like the ELT class here.” www.cotr.bc.ca www.cotr.bc.ca www.cotr.bc.ca Welcome to