ABLA ELT CONFERENCE TEACHERS AS LEARNERS “Action Research: A way to become professionals in ELT July 30, 31, 2010 Cali Margarita María López P. University of Caldas Manizales What do English teachers need to do in order to become professionals? Know about the language Promote real world changes Manage the classroom Innovate Become lecturers Begin to write RESEARCH Publish What is our reality? TEACHERS USUALLY…… adopt what others believe is the best for their classrooms. do not usually reflect about their teaching practice. do not integrate theory and practice in the classroom Why is it important for English teachers to do research? To reflect about their own practice. To take a new role as researchers To change something. To innovate in the classroom. For professional development. What are some other reasons ? To be involved in activities developing ways of exploring their own classrooms. To understand what is going on in the classroom To develop skills like collection, analysis and interpretation of classroom data To assess their behavior, as teachers, or the situation in the classroom. To reflect about what they need or want to improve. What can teachers research about? LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING CONTEXTS Language skills Autonomous learning METHODOLOGY Multiple intelligences Assessment and evaluation CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Interaction Roles of the teacher What can teachers research about? MATERIALS The design of worksheets The use of authentic material EDUCATIONAL AIDS AND POLICIES Bilingualism in Colombia Educational laws PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT In-service ELT courses in methodology and the language What are some approaches to classroom research? Experimental Approach Ethnography Approach Case Study What are some others? Psychometric Approach Qualitative- Quantitative Action Research What is Action Research in ELT? “Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research”. (Watts, 1985:118) “Action Research is a systematic attempt to gain a better understanding of the educational process, generally with view to improvement”. (Stern 1983:59) “Action Research is trying out ideas in practice as a means of improvement and as a means of increasing knowledge about the curriculum, teaching, and learning.” (Kemmis and McTaggart 1985) What are the different stages when doing action research? analysis Fact-finding evaluation ACTION RESEARCH More factfinding execution Lewin’s model (1946) conceptualiz ation planning How can English teachers begin doing action research? Observe. Develop a plan to improve or change something. Act to implement the plan Observe the effects of action in the context in which it occurs Reflect on these effects as a basis for further planning Implement changes First Stage: Design an action plan and implement it Observe Record Detect what can be improved or changed. Collect some preliminary data Second Stage: Action Revise the plan Check resources or equipment needed Implement techniques and strategies Act Third Stage: Observation Fourth stage: Reflection Understand the process, issues and constrains found in the implementation. Think about what you recorded from the observation. Discuss the situation with colleagues. Triangulate information Revise the plan What techniques can teachers use to collect the data? ELICITATION TECHNIQUES OBSERVATION TECHNIQUES Surveys Field notes Interviews Journal Questionnaires Audio Recording Informal talks Video Recording Classroom Observation How can teachers analyze and Interpret the data? “ Data analysis refers to sifting, organizing, summarizing and synthesizing the data so as to arrive at the results and conclusions of the research” (Selinger ans Shohamy 1989:201) What can we conclude? All English teachers should be doing research in their classrooms. It is not difficult. Action Research is a necessity if teachers want to improve their classes. Education in general benefits when teachers do research. Action Research is vital if teachers are looking for Professional Development. Teacher do not need to be involved in a Master´s program for doing research. When teachers do research they become professionals in their field. DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU VERY MUCH