A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Jacobson, Ed.D. Professor and Chair November, 2014 A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock UALR O&M Program established in 1975 Summer Program established in 1987 Compressed video component between UALR and the state of Mississippi added in 1996 Online hybrid service delivery begun in 2002 Far-site service delivery in Utah and Wisconsin, 2004-9 A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Components of the hybrid program of study: Online during the academic year Two, 3-Week Summer O&M Institutes* 120-hour direct teaching in between summer terms 350-hour Internship capstone experience All O&M supervisors are COMS in the students’ home areas *Free room and board at Arkansas School for the Blind and World Services for the Blind A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Fully-online courses: Medical Aspects of Blindness and Assoc. Disabilities Principles of Orientation and Mobility Low Vision Research Managing the Learning Environment Psychological Aspects of Disabilities Foundations of Rehabilitation Two, 3-hour electives A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Hybrid courses: Introduction to Methods of Mobility (3-week summer): exams online Advanced Methods of Orientation and Mobility (3-week summer): exams online Techniques of Counseling Interviews (incl. weekend workshop component) Student Teaching (in Little Rock and the student’s home community) Internship (in the student’s home community) A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Students matriculate any semester Students take 1-2 three-hour courses per term Use Blackboard 9.1 for online service delivery Students graduate in 2.5 - 3 years Students come to LR for two consecutive summers RSA stipends available after having completed 6 semester hours UALR O&M Enrollment, 2002-2012 25 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 20 Enrolled Students 15 Enrolled Students Graduated Students 10 Graduated Students 5 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Benefits of a Hybrid Program: Attract students who cannot come to campus Students can remain employed full-time Online and face-to-face components Continuous full enrollment in courses Currently 53 active students! “Small” O&M Programs can remain viable! A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Challenges of a Hybrid Program: Advising 53 active students!! Life circumstances can disrupt studies Changes in UALR tuition policy Face-to-face classes only in the summers Students may take several classes before the first summer O&M institute – and then decide O&M is not for them! A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock What is the future for O&M Personnel Preparation Programs? Hybrid and fully online course delivery Fewer solely “face-to-face” service delivery models A mix of on-campus and far-site locations Internal and external pressures Faculty Retirements: Where are the future leaders? A Hybrid O&M Program at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Dr. Bill Jacobson, Chair Dep’t of Counseling, Adult and Rehabilitation Education, and Health, Human Performance and Sport Management The University of Arkansas at Little Rock 2801 South University Ave. Little Rock, AR 72204 (501) 569-8505 http://www.ualr.edu/orientationandmobility/