DARS And Graduation DARS Degree Audit Reporting System A tool to assist in degree completion Does not replace the role of the Advisor The Advisor/Department determine if a student has completed their degree requirements DARS 411 - Indicates that a requirement is In Progress - Indicates that a requirement is Complete - Indicates that a requirement is Incomplete + indicates that a specific area is complete – indicates that a specific area is incomplete DARS If there is a anywhere within a students DARS report, there is a deficiency. Identify where the deficiency exists Core Major Minor Department Requirement TWU Degree Requirement What office do I contact if there is an area that should NOT be deficient? DARS Deficiency Decision Tree Core Core Complete from External Transcript Global Perspectives Contact SR Contact UGS Downloads into DARS Core Content Area Specified on External Transcript Major/Minor/ Dept. Req. TWU Graduation Requirement Substitution Form Waiver (Email) Core Deficiency Send to RO Contact UGS Core Content Area Unspecified on External Transcript Legend: SR = Student Records RO = Registar’s Office UGS = Undergraduate Stud. UGS sends notification to RO Complete Core Evaluation Contact RO (Email) Submit to UGS Contacts: Nancy Casey, Student Records: Ncasey@twu.edu or Ext. 3229 Sarah Kate Henderson, Registrar’s Office: Shenderson@twu.edu or Ext. 2726 Rachelle Land, Ungergraduate Studies: Rland1@twu.edu or Ext. 3309 CORE • If the student is core complete on the external transcript and it is NOT in DARS Notify Student Records Core completion will download into DARS CORE • Core Content Area Specified on External Transcript • • Contact Registrar’s Office via email. Include in Email Transfer Course #/Institution Taken TWU course number Term taken Content Area (i.e. 040 Humanities) Core Content Area Unspecified on External Transcript Complete Core Evaluation Send to Undergraduate Studies Undergraduate Studies will send notification to the Advisor and Registrar’s Office if approved/not approved. Global Perspectives • Send email to Undergraduate Studies for a review. • Post-Bach’s must meet the global perspectives requirement. • If you think a transfer course could meet that requirement Undergraduate Studies can review previous degree coursework to determine if those requirements were met. Undergraduate Studies will send notification to Advisor and Registrar’s Office if coursework is approved/not approved. TWU Graduation Requirement • Waiver requests must be submitted to Undergraduate Studies Undergraduate Studies will notify the Advisor and Registrar’s Office if approved/not approved. Major/Minor/ Dept. Req. • Complete DARS Substitution Form • When substituting one class for another Send Email When substituting a class for a specific area (but not a specific course) When waiving a requirement in the major, minor or department requirements. DARS Maintained by the Registrar’s Office Substitutions/Waivers are sent to the Registrar’s Office Sarah Kate Henderson, shenderson@twu.edu, ext. 2726 After receiving approval, new degree plans and degree plan changes are sent to the DARS programmer Sam Cook, scook5@twu.edu, ext. 3984 GRADUATION Application Deadline Census Date every semester Help notify students who are ready to graduate During advising session, class and/or email If Application deadline is missed Student must write a letter of appeal to the Registrar’s Office DARS Degree Plan Verification Form Must be on file in the Registrar’s Office 1 year in advance If the catalog year changes after the form is submitted, a memo must be sent to the Registrar’s Office indicating the catalog year the student will be following. This catalog year is used to run the student’s final degree audit. GRADUATION The “Applied for Graduation SQL report” can be used to see the list of graduating students by major for that specific term. Undergraduate Studies will also send out a list after the application closes to the chairs/deans of each academic dept. Pull a new audit to determine if the student is ready to graduate Submit substitutions/waivers to the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible to clear up any deficiencies Rollover Deadline For students that are not ready to graduate Have students complete the “Request to Change Graduating Term” This form will allow students to move their graduation term without having to pay the graduation application fee again. Usually 7-8 weeks prior to the end of the semester Deadline is published in the Academic Calendar GRADUATION Coursework Completion deadline All coursework must be completed by the graduation conferral date. Coursework completed during wintermester or maymester cannot be used for December or May graduation respectively. External Transcript deadline All transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Student Records 3-4 weeks after graduation. If not, the student’s application for graduation will be deleted. THANK YOU Sarah Kate Henderson Enrollment Services Specialist Registrar’s Office 940-898-2726 shenderson@twu.edu