Antitrust Law & Economics - 2012 - The University of Chicago Library

Antitrust Law &
Economics - 2012
Books, Journal Articles, Databases, News,
Blogs, Twitter, and People Resources
Lyonette Louis-Jacques
D’Angelo Law Library
University of Chicago Law School
Research Guides
 Antitrust Law &
(D’Angelo Law Library
LibGuide, including
antitrust & intellectual
 Business and
(University Library
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online (1987 &
2008): “antitrust enforcement”, etc.
 “Antitrust Law,” in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
(Bouckaert & De Geest, 2000)
 David J. Gerber, “Competition,” in The Oxford Handbook of
Legal Studies 510-535 (Cane & Tushnet eds., 2003)
 David J. Gerber, “Comparative Antitrust Law,” in The Oxford
Handbook of Comparative Law 1193-1224 (Reimann &
Zimmermann eds. 2006)
 Damien Geradin, “Competition Law,” in Elgar Encyclopedia of
Comparative Law 172-179 (Jan M. Smits ed., 2006).
Palgrave Law&Econ Dictionary
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (1998, print)
Agreement under the Sherman Act
Antitrust policy
Asset specificity and vertical integration
Cartels and tacit collusion
Competition law in the European Union and the United States
European competition policy
Network effects and externalities
Predatory pricing
Regulatory competition
Rule of reason in antitrust
Vertical mergers and monopoly leverage
Antitrust Law&Econ - Books
 Study Aids (hornbooks and nutshells)
 Areeda, Hovenkamp, Holmes, Gellhorn, Sullivan, etc.
 Christopher L. Sagers, Antitrust (2011) [Examples &
Explanations series]
 Treatises
 Areeda/Hovenkamp, Kintner, von Kalinowski
 Research Handbook on Competition and Intellectual Property
Law (Josef Drexl, E. Elgar, 2008)
 Handbook of Research on Trans-Atlantic Antitrust (Philip
Marsden, E. Elgar, 2006)
Finding Antitrust Law Books
 Selected authors: Phillip E. Areeda, Herbert
Hovenkamp, Lawrence A. Sullivan, E. Thomas
Sullivan, Richard A. Posner, Diane P. Wood, Eleanor
M. Fox, Barry E. Hawk, William C. Holmes
 How do I find books? (including ebooks)
 Lens (U of C libraries free search)
 Library Catalog (U of C libraries free search)
 WorldCat (see also Open WorldCat (free search))
 Google Books (free search)
 Browse 5th floor & Reserve: XXKF1601-1668
Antitrust Law&Econ - Articles
 Selected authors: Randal (Randy) C. Picker, Anu Bradford,
plus book authors previously listed
 Law Journals (including SSRN/Legal Scholarship Network &
Bepress working papers)
 Antitrust Law & Policy eJournal
 Non-Law Journals
Articles Plus (Ebsco Discovery Service)
Ebsco Business Source Complete, ABI-INFORM
NBER working papers
 EconPapers (RePEc economics working papers - free)
 Google Scholar
Antitrust Journals, Mags, Newsletters
E-Journals, LexisNexis, Westlaw, HeinOnline
Antitrust Bulletin
Antitrust Chronicle
Antitrust Law & Economics Review
Antitrust Law Journal (American Bar Association)
The Antitrust Source
Global Competition Review
International Antitrust Law & Policy (Fordham
Competition/Corporate Law Institute)
 Journal of Competition Law and Economics
 Law Databases
 BNA Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report / Daily
 CCH Intelliconnect
  Antitrust & Trade Regulation
  News & Current Awareness
 Trade Regulation Reports/Reporter (weekly newsletters)
LexisNexis/Lexis Advance (area of law / topic = antitrust)
Westlaw / WestlawNext (area of law / topic = antitrust)
Bloomberg Law
Practical Law Company (PLC)
Global Competition Review
Competition Policy International
Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2011 (print; we also
subscribe to the GTDT online database)
Current News Sources and Blogs
 Factiva, ProQuest (NYT, WSJ, The Economist, Financial Times, etc.),
LexisNexis & Westlaw (e-alerts)
 Bloomberg BNA Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report (get e-alerts)
 Alternative to checking antitrust agency DOJ - Antitrust Division; FTC - Bureau of
Competition) and organizations websites directly
 Alternative to tracking activities of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights.
 See also Bloomberg BNA Mergers & Acquisitions Law Report
 CCH Trade Regulation Talk Blog
 Truth on the Market Blog (links to antitrust & competition policy blogs &
 The Faculty Blog (Supreme Court Blitzes NFL in American Needle)
 Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog
 law professors focus – D. Daniel Sokol & Shubha Ghosh eds.
 links to agencies, organizations, antitrust law news sources
 @randypicker (University of Chicago Law School)
 @ABASALtweets (American Bar Association, Antitrust)
 @LawEconCenter (International Center for Law &
 @CompPolicyInt (Competition Policy International)
 @PLCCompetition (Practice Law Company)
 @JohannesZoettl/antitrustglobal (Twitter list following
109 lawyers, organizations, news sources tweeting on
antitrust and competition law-related developments)
Lyonette Louis-Jacques