NO-MND Day Transferring NOn autonomous cell degeneration and animal models between EU and USA for development of effective therapies for Motor Neuron Diseases (MND) 9:15am-2pm, November 13th, 2014 An event sponsored by the Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease Contact Diane Re for RSVP Deadline Nov 10th 12pm Program • 9:15 Welcome Notes by Dr. Serge Przedborki Co-Director of the Motor Neuron Center (MNC) and Inaugural Director of the Columbia Translational Neuroscience Initiative (CTNI). • 9:20 - Presentation of the “International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) - Marie Curie Actions NO-MND ” by Dr. Diane Re, US Coordinator of the exchanges, Columbia University. • 9:35 “Motor neuron vulnerability in ALS and SMA: the utility of induced pluripotent stem cells and in vivo models” by Dr. Stefania Corti, Milan University, PI of NO-MND and Program Coordinator. • 9:50 “Delineating a requirement for SMN in muscle” by Michelle Faleiro, Dr. Umrao Monani Laboratory, MNC, Columbia University. • 10:05 “CRISPR and CLIP: A synergy of experimental approaches for studying posttranscriptional regulation in neuronal development and disease“ by Martin Jacko, Drs. Hynek Wichterle and Chaolin Zhang Laboratories, MNC, Columbia University. • 10:20 “Different approaches to generating human astrocytes as in vitro motor neuron disease models” by Monica Bucchia, Drs. Serge Przedborski and Stefania Corti Laboratories, Columbia and Milan Universities. • 10:35 Coffee Break. • 11:00 “Discernment of motor neuron disease with Drosophila” by Dr. Brian McCabe, MNC, Columbia University. • 11:15 “Dysfunction of muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients” by Dr. Giacomo Comi, University of Milan. • 11:30 “Astrocyte mediated toxicity leads to motor neuron death in Spinal Muscular Atrophy’ by Dr. Dimitra Papadimitriou, Co-Investigator of NO-MND, Dr. Serge Przedborski Laboratory, Columbia University, and Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens, Greece. • 11:45 “TBA” by Dr. Christian Simon, Dr. George Mentis Laboratory, MNC, Columbia University. • 12:00 “TBA” by Sarah Tisdale, Dr. Livio Pellizzoni Laboratory, MNC, Columbia University. • 12:15 “TBA” by Dr. Sarah Ebstein , Dr. Neil Schneider Laboratory, MNC, Columbia University. • 12:30-2pm Conclusive Remarks and Closing Lunch