Chapter 36 The Integumentary, Skeletal

Chapter 36
The Integumentary, Skeletal, &
Muscular System
John Hizny
Lexi Coolbaugh
Sarah Schultz
James Avery
Adam Werner
Section 36-1
Largest organ in the body
Part of integumentary system
Integumentary includes skin, hair, nails, and
number of important glands in skin.
 Skin has three layers
1. Outer layer - Epidermis
2. Inner Layer -Dermis
3. Lowest Layer - Hypodermis
Supports the Epidermis
 Contains important cells for:
Nerve endings
Blood Vessels
Smooth Muscle
 The body’s Sweat/Oil Glands are
located here also
Produces cells that are pushed toward
the surface. Produces keratin as they
move upward.
 Keratin – Tough, flexible protein
◦ Major protein found in fingernails
◦ Forms a tough waterproof layer on top of
•Hair is produced from columns of cells that
are filled with keratin and then…. DIE.
•Clusters of cells make up Hair Follicles.
•Toenails/fingernails are formed by keratinforming cells for a flattened plate.
Section 36-2
All vertebrates have an internal skeletal
 Bones store supplies of calcium and
Internal Skeletal System
◦ Provides support for the upper body
◦ Attachment sites for muscles
◦ Protects internal organs
Bone Structure
Periosteum- tough layer surrounding
 Inside the periosteum is a dense layer of
compact bone.
 Spongy bone is found inside the compact
 Osteocytes- Cells found in C & S bone.
◦ Help build and maintain bones
Bone Growth
Bones are produced by Cartilage.
Cartilage is produced at growth plates &
gradually is replaced by bone as the
skeleton enlarges.
A place where two bones meet.
 3 kinds of joints:
◦ Fixed
 Little or no movement between bones
 Mostly located in the skull
◦ Slightly Moveable
 Small amount of movement
 Mostly located in a Spinal Column or Ribs
◦ Freely Moveable
 Wide Range of movement
 Ex: Shoulders and hips
Joints Continued
Joints are enclosed by a Joint Capsule.
 Inside the capsule is Synovial Fluid
◦ Natural lubricant that reduces friction &
allows the cartilage coated bones slip past
each other easily
Section 36-3
Muscle Tissue
There are 3 types of muscle tissue:
◦ Skeletal
◦ Cardiac
◦ Smooth
Each of these three types muscle, have a
different cellular structure.
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Generally attached to the bones of the
skeleton and is usually under voluntary
 Skeletal muscle tissue is behind every
conscious movement you make
◦ Ex: Lifting a weight
 This is because most skeletal muscle tissue is
controlled directly by the nervous system.
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue is found in just one
place : The Heart
 Cardiac muscle tissue is striated, but the
smaller Cardiac muscle cell have just one
nucleus, and they are not under the direct
control of the Central Nervous
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls
of many internal organs, except the heart.
 The cells of the smooth muscle tissue are
spindle shaped, have a single nucleus, and
are not striated.
 Not always under the conscious control
of the nervous system.
 Responsible for actions not under
voluntary control.
Muscle Structure
Myosin- Thick filaments that are made of
 Actin- Thin filaments that are made up of
another protein.
Sliding Filament Theory
When hundreds of thousands of actinmyosin cross-bridges go through their
cycle in a fraction of a second, the muscle
cell contracts with siderable force.
Muscle Contraction
To make well-coordinated movement,
muscle contractions must be carefully
A single motor neuron may form synapse to
one or several muscle cells. An impulse in
the motor neuron causes the release of a
neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
◦ This causes a new action potential. In turn causes
the release of calcium ions into the cytoplasm of
muscle cells.
 When calcium flows into the cytoplasm, cross-bridges
form, and the muscle contracts.
Muscles and Movements
Muscles produce force by contracting.
 Attached to bones by tendons, a muscle
can pull two bones together, using the
joint between them as a lever.
 An individual muscle can pull by
contracting, but cannot push.
◦ If that’s true, then how can you push a door
open or do a pushup?
 The answer is that skeletal muscles are arranged in
pairs. These pairs oppose each other and produce
forceful movements in either direction.
Section 36-4
Specialized Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Skeletal muscles contain two main types
of muscle fibers
◦ Red
◦ White
 Whose properties make them specialists at
different kids of exercise.
Red Muscle Fibers
Contain large amounts of reddish oxygenstoring protein myoglobin.
 Red fibers have rich blood supplies and
plenty of mitochondria to produce ATP.
White Muscle Fibers
Called fast- twitch muscle fibers and can
generate powerful contractions.
 The contain few mitochondria , these
fibers contain greater densities of
contractile proteins than red fibers do.
◦ The powerful fibers fatigue easily, however,
which means that they can produce maximum
contractions for only a few seconds at a time.
Exercise Muscle Cells
Aerobic exercises, such as running,
swimming, and bicycling cause your body
system to become more efficient.
◦ Resistance exercise, such as weight lifting,
increase muscle size.