TALENTS FVG Fellowship Programme

 TALENTS FVG Fellowship Programme
Supporting researchers mobility for future employability
TALENTS FVG is the new Fellowship Programme developed and managed by AREA Science
Park, with the financial contribution of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region through the
European Social Fund.
TALENTS FVG is realised within AREA’s long-term strategy for the internationalisation of the
regional scientific system, following the expertise gained with the management of the previous
COFUND Programmes "Talents for an International House (TALENTS)" and “Talents Up for an
International House (TALENTS UP)”.
The new Fellowship Programme TALENTS FVG offers:
3 incoming research grants, with the duration of 15 months each, addressed to
experienced researchers ordinarily resident or having their domicile abroad (EU or EFTA
countries) wishing to carry out research projects in one of the Scientific Institutions of
the FVG Coordination Network or in one of the regional companies;
3 outgoing research grants, with the duration of 17 months each, addressed to
experienced researchers ordinarily resident or domiciled in Friuli Venezia Giulia region
(Italy) to carry out research activities at a foreign scientific institution or enterprise
developing R&D activities, located in one of the EU or EFTA countries (11 months) with
mandatory return (6 months) to a regional Scientific Institution or a regional company.
Applicants will have to submit a proposal within one of the following scientific areas:
Biotechnologies and Diagnostics
Material technologies, Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry
Ecology, Environment and Energy
Information Technology
Economic, Human and Social Sciences
Eligibility requirements
a. residence or domicile in a EU or EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland)
Member State;
b. “international mobility”: beneficiaries must not have resided or carried out their main
activity (study, work, etc.) in the country of the host organisation for more than 12
months in the 3 previous years;
c. be in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it, or
have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience (including the
period of research training) after the degree which formally allowed the applicant to
embark on a doctorate in the country in which the degree/diploma was obtained or in
the country where the fellowship is taking place.
Please note that:
- candidates must provide 3 reference letters, even belonging to different scientific areas.
Referees cannot coincide with the supervisors in the host organisations;
- origin organisations have to be different from host organisations;
- the same organisation can be present in different proposals, but these proposals have
to be submitted by different candidates;
- every researcher can submit only one research proposal.
Evaluation criteria
The eligible applicants will be selected on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:
Evaluation of the researcher
Criterion 1: Qualifications of the researcher
Evaluation of the
Criterion 2: Scientific and Technological quality
research project
Criterion 3: Implementation
Criterion 4: Training
Criterion 5: Impact
The applicants will be selected by a Scientific Selection Committee (SSC) appointed by AREA
Science Park.
Calls for Proposals will expire on February, 10th 2014, h12.30 (Italian local time).
Incoming fellowships will have to start on May, 15th 2014.
Outgoing fellowships will have to start on March, 17th 2014.
For further information and to download the calls for proposals and the forms for
submission, visit the webpage: www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it/talentsfvg
Help desk: talents@area.trieste.it
Mia Tomad
Research Coordination Office
AREA Science Park
email: mia.tomad@area.trieste.it