List of publication: To be published by Edward Elgar

List of publication:
To be published by Edward Elgar, monograph: “Standardization under EU Competition Rules and US
Antitrust Law: The Rise and Limits of Self-Regulation”
"Turning Government Data into Gold" : The Interface Between EU Competition Law and the Public Sector
Information Directive - With Some Comments on the Compass Case.
I: I I C - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Vol. 44, Nr. 1, 2013, pp. 79-95
Det svenska och danska genomförandet av PSI-direktivet: och hur de bör uppdateras i ljuset av det nya PSIdirektivet in Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, Vol. 126, Nr. 1-2, 2013, pp. 196-230
“Digital Agenda: Turning government data into gold” The regulation of public sector information and content”,
published in Hans-Henrik Lidgard (ed) Nordic Perspectives on Competition in Innovation markets. Lund:
Maria Magle Publishing, 2013, pp. 76-87.
“The regulation of public sector information and content markets in Sweden and the EU”, IBA (International
Bar Association) May, 2012
Main author of “Business Activity and Exclusive Right in the Swedish PSI Act”, Report published by the
Swedish Competition Authority (September 2011)
"Joint Research and Development and Patent Pools under the Antitrust Laws of the USA and the
Competition Rules of the European Union" (LL.D dissertation) 2010.
“How research and development cooperation is dealt with under EC Competition law and its implication on
the restructuring of firms” published in Marie-Ange Moreau (ed) Building Restructuration in Europe, Peter
Lang (June 2009).