Doing Business: An Overview of the Employing Workers Indicator Sylvia Solf Doing Business 2007 to 2010 2007 2008 2009 2010 175 economies 178 economies 181 economies 182 economies Starting a Update of 2007 business Dealing with construction permits Employing workers Registering property Getting credit Protecting investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Closing a business New “About DB” chapter Add 3 countries Reformer’s Club, and 16 case studies Trends analysis DB04-DB09 Most popular reforms Most effective reforms Lessons learned Add 3 new countries (Bahamas, Bahrain, Qatar) Methodology change in Getting Credit (Legal Rights) Business regulation and reform in the context of the global crisis EWI and social protection ILO core labor standards- child labor Piloting a new infrastructure indicator New insights on gender Add Cyprus 2 What does the Employing Workers Indicator (EWI) measure? • • • EWI: One of legal scoring indicators 1. Based on a standardized case 2. Establishes indices with scoring scale 3. Gather all the relevant laws, regulations 4. Assigns value based on laws, regulation 5. Main index is often a function of underlying indices Findings: Greater Rigidity in Poor Countries = + + From Indicators to Realities Difficulty of Hiring in Poor Countries 50 Rigidity and Informality: Who benefits? ZMB BOL 40 ZWE JAM UGA NGA 30 GEO TTO PRY MDG PER MLI IDN HND RUS MOZ AGO CMR MEX MWI DZA NPL BFA KAZ NIC TURUKR BIH ECU TZA DOM ETH MNG BGD BDI ARGKHM BRA KEN SUR AZE MAR LSO SLV BGR ARMPHL MRT GMBLKA EGY ITA MKD COL PAK HRV NAM TMP KOR ZAF SRB TJK PAN CHN HUN GRC VNM IND URY CRI POL 20 JOR CAN USA KWT CZE GBR DNK ISR MYS IRL JPN AUS ARE CHL HKG NZL CHE ISL SGP 10 TCD VEN GTM GUY MUS THA BEL BWA 0 KGZ BEN 20 LVA ALB SWE SVK TWN TUN PRT MDA DEU LTU AUT NLD NOR ESP ROM EST SVN FRA LUX FIN 40 Rigidity of Employment Index 60 80 Sources: Doing Business database, World Bank Development Indicators, Global Competitiveness Report.. Analysis holds controlling for income per capita. Surveys of firms in 14 Latin American economies 50 40 30 20 1 2 3 4 Rigidity of Employment Ind 60 5 70 Potential Employment Increases from Labor Reform 0 net empl change % How businesses view labor reform that result in more flexibility and potential impact on job creation Chi Slv Nic Col Gua Uru Arg Bol Per Mex Ecu Hon Par Pan country net empl change % Source: Enterprise Surveys, Doing Business Rigidity of Employment Ind Indicators and benchmarking: Some views Supporters Criticisms •Growing research contributes to insights on relationship between labor regulation (and reform) and social outcomes (e.g. formal employment opportunities in developing countries, for young, female) Besley and Burgess (2004), Heckman and Pages (2004), Botero et al. (2004) •Assumptions are too narrow and do not take into account country specific characteristics •Policy-makers interpret and use data effectively (no evidence for policydistortion in context of DB) •Countries reform only to improve rankings (and this is easy) •Employment regulation matters for business decisions and job creation (firm survey data) •Doing Business “promotes” zero regulation •Benchmarking and indicators highly effective in stimulating reform dialogue (over 175 reforms informed by DB) •DB indicators do not provide comprehensive analysis of investment climate/”doing business”(too partial, only measure law) •Social objectives of labor regulation are not measured. Business regulation reform on the rise globally More than 1,000 business regulation reforms tracked by Doing Business since 2004 115 economies implemented start-up reforms 154 of 181 economies reformed in at least one of 10 areas covered in Doing Business 99 112 98 113 58 Over 175 reforms in 69 economies informed by Doing Business Note: Reforms informed by Doing Business refers to reforms that were either supported by technical assistance or where governments indicated that the reform dialogue and process wer e informed by DB. 11 Labor Reforms are Challenging Number of reforms in 2007/8 Starting a business 49 Paying taxes 36 Trading across borders 34 Getting credit 27 Registering property 24 Dealing with constr. permits 18 Closing a business 16 Enforcing contracts 12 Protecting investors 12 Employing Workers 6 12 Most reforms in Europe and high income countries Thank you! For more information visit: 14