Chapter 24 The Age of Reform- 1791-1911

Chapter 24
The Age of Reform- 1791-1911
Sections Covered
Section 1- Liberal Reforms in Great Britain
Section 3- Revolution and Reform in France
Section 4- Latin Americans Win Independence
Chapter 24 Section One
Liberal Reforms in Great Britain and
Its Empire
I. Reforms of the 1800s
A. Voting Restrictions
1. Only property owners could vote. 1 out of 16 men
2. People voted in the open- bribery and intimidation
3. District boundaries no longer represented how the population
was distributed
4. No non-Anglican Protestants could hold political office
B. Reform Bill of 1832
1. Took seats away from less populated areas and gave them to
the industrial cities
2. People with less property the right to vote
Still needed property to vote. 1 in 5 men could not vote
3. Whig Party won strong support
I. Reforms of 1800s continued
A. Social and economic change
1. Factory Act of 1833- reformed the horrible working conditions
of women and children
2. Slavery abolished in all colonies in 1833
3. Eliminated the Corn Laws- tax on imported grain
Drove up the cost of bread
B. The Chartist movement- 1830s-1840s
1. William Lovett founded London Workingmen’s Association
2. Wanted universal male suffrage and secret ballot
3. Redrawn districts and salaries for members of Parliament
So poor people could become lawmakers
4. Reforms proposed in People’s Charter
5. Most goals were made into law
II. Disraeli and Gladstone
A. Both supported Reform Bill of 1867
1. Doubled the number of eligible voters
B. Benjamin Disraeli- prime minister- Conservative Party
1. Great in foreign affairs
2. Britain gained control of Suez Canal
3. Queen Victoria became Empress of India
C. William Gladstone- prime minister- Liberal Party
Concerned with domestic and financial affairs
Education Act of 1870- elementary school system- free in 1891
1872, began to use secret ballot in all elections
Relaxed voting restrictions nearly all men able to participate
Problems with Ireland- wanted Home Rule- Potato Famine
III. Reforms of the Early 1900s
A. Labour Party formed 1900
1. Believed too little being done to help working
2. Workers allowed to organize into unions
B. Fabians
Aimed to improve society through socialist ideas
C. Liberal Party Reforms
Social welfare laws- old-age pension, health insurance, and
unemployment insurance, employment offices
Parliament Act of 1911- took away House of Lords power
Law that gave House of Commons salary
D. Suffragettes- led by Emmeline Pankhurst
Women who campaigned for their right to vote
IV. Changes in the British Empire
A. Canada
1. Lord Durham given broad powers to reform
a. Grant self government
b. United into one state
2. British North America Act of 1867
a. Divided Canada into four provinces
3. Expands its borders
IV. Changes in the British Empire
B. Australia
1. Used as a penal colony
2. Settlers soon after
3. Aborigines – original habitants pushed into
interior- many die from new diseases
4. Britain claimed the entire continent in 1829
IV. Changes in the British Empire
A. New Zealand
1. 1840 took control of islands
2. 1852 granted a constitution and became selfgoverning
3. First to grant women the right to vote
• Homework
– Work on “The Growth of Democracy in Great
Britain” worksheet