Welcome To Charnwood Together Partnership Presentations Network & Development Forum May 2012 Hazelrigg Building Loughborough University Charnwood Community Safety Partnership Cllr David Snartt Chair Charnwood Together Structure Network & Development Forum Charnwood Together Board Health & Wellbeing Partnership People, Places & Environment Partnership Group Economy & Skills Partnership Community Safety Partnership Partnership for Children and Families Performance Group All Crime Joint Action Group Crime Out Of Loughborough ASB Joint Action Group The Community Safety Plan 2011/2014 Refresh 2013 Using the Charnwood Strategic Assessment 2012/13 and related data the Partnership will be seeking to: •Theme 1: Crime •Theme 2: ASB •Theme 3: Community Confidence Theme 1: Crime Priority 1: Reduce Serious Acquisitive Crime (SAC) Priority 2: Reduce Violent Offences Priority 3: To provided services and support for Domestic Abuse (DA)victims and their families Priority 4: Reduce the incidences and consequences of fire •Priority 5: To reduce Cycle Theft within Loughborough Theme 2: ASB Priority 6: Encourage reporting of ASB Priority 7: Increase satisfaction levels for ASB victim Priority 8: To support high risk and repeat victims of ASB Priority 9: Increase reporting of hate related ASB incidents Priority 10:To improve response to victims and perpetrators of ASB who are experiencing mental health issues Theme 3: Community Confidence Priority 11: To reduce the Level of fear of crime and ASB Priority 12: To Reduce Road Traffic Collision Partnership Achievements 2012/2013 Crime Target reduction = 5% Charnwood year to date % change = -12.4% Serious Acquisitive Crime Target reduction = 5% Charnwood year to date % change = 12.7% Domestic Burglary Target reduction = 8% Charnwood year to date % change = Source: Leicestershire Police, 1st April 2009 to 29th March 2010 5% Partnership Achievements 2012/2013 Theft From Motor Vehicle Target reduction = 5% Charnwood year to date % change = 39.7% Theft of Motor Vehicle Target reduction = 5% -26.6% Charnwood year to date % change = Cycle Theft Target reduction = 5% Charnwood year to date % change = -27% Source: Leicestershire Police, 1st April 2009 to 29th March 2010 Partnership Achievements 2012/2013 Serious Violent Crime Target reduction =5% Charnwood year to date % change = 15.4% Assault with less Serious injury Target reduction = 5% Charnwood year to date % change = -19.9% Antisocial Behaviour Incidents Charnwood year to date % change = -22.2% Source: Leicestershire Police, 1st April 2009 to 29th March 2010 Partnership Case Study Street Pastors Deacon Jan Sutton Partnership for Children and Families Chris Traill Chair Charnwood Together Structure Charnwood Together Board Health & Wellbeing Partnership People, Places & Environment Partnership Group Economy & Skills Partnership Community Safety Partnership Network & Development Forum Partnership for Children and Families 0 – 5’s Action Groups 5-19’s Action Groups Practitioner Meetings Partnership for Children and Families 5-19 Action Group Achievements and Case Studies Partnership for Children and Families 2012-13 Achievements 5-19 Action Group • 5-19 service provider’s network - excellent attendance, participation & involvement in strategic decision making • NEET (not in education, employment or training) Aversion Group integrating work of agencies engaging with NEET young people & provide learning & employment opportunities • Contribute to increased no. of teenage parents accessing support & engaging with activity & accredited courses • Development of integration of statistical data into tactical responses • Manage PAYP funding process & ensure desired impact with Charnwood’s most vulnerable young people increase effectiveness of advertising services to young people • Supporting sector to understand impact of Gov’t policy, safeguarding etc Partnership for Children and Families Positive Activities for Young People Expenditure 2012-13 £60,000 spent on 21 projects including: • Activities for young people with special needs • Sports programmes and arts activities • Domestic abuse counselling • Sessions to raise esteem and attainment • Behaviour management • Youth clubs and evening activities Where We Want To Be Aims for 2013/2014 • Increase opportunities for the voice of young people • To further improve the effectiveness of advertising of services and activities for young people • To further integrate work of agencies that engage with NEET young people and those that provide Foundation Learning opportunities to co-ordinate a structured response within Charnwood to the issue of NEET and progression • Increase support and shared learning opportunities for agencies working with 5-19 year olds in Charnwood Partnership for Children and Families UR? Project Susie Welstead – Living Without Abuse Partnership for Children and Families Aims of the Partnership • To deliver the statutory Children’s Centre Core Purpose and Integrated Youth Support Services through the co-ordination of partnership planning and service delivery. • To develop initiatives to support the well being of children and young people between the ages of 0-19 and their families. Partnership for Children and Families Key successes for Charnwood Children’s Centre Programme 2012/13:• • • • Satisfactory Ofsted inspection for Mountsorrel Pilot Annual Conversation with positive report Self-assessing as ‘Good’ for Ofsted inspections Participation rates c.65% for locality, specific mention for Cobden at 98% engagement • Parents meaningfully involved at strategic level, including representation at LPG meetings • Facebook page introduced • 99% of commissioning budget utilised Partnership for Children and Families Looking forward to 2013/14 • • • • • • • • Locality Ofsted inspections Development & integration of LCC Early Help services Parental representation at all LPG sub-groups Children’s Centre employment opportunities for parent graduates of Time to Give volunteering programme Commissioning budget allocation same as 2012/13, £693,200 Improving early identification of targeted families through closer working with key partners e.g. Menphys, Midwifery Increased childcare opportunities for disadvantaged 2 year olds Introduction of Cherub groups for universal and targeted new parents Partnership for Children and Families Charnwood Children Centre’s Parent Volunteer Programme Partnership for Children and Families Supporting Leicestershire Families • Supporting Leicestershire Families programme reports into the Partnership • The aim is to support families that have needs across a range of criteria • In Charnwood locality we have 2 Senior Support Workers and 11 family support workers • Referrals received through 1st response (Central duty) are then referred to the locality Economy & Skills Partnership Jon Walker on behalf of Martin Traynor Chair Charnwood Together Structure Network & Development Forum Charnwood Together Board Health & Wellbeing Partnership People, Places & Environment Partnership Economy & Skills Partnership Community Safety Partnership Partnership for Children and Families Economy & Skills Partnership • The Partnership supports the co-ordination & delivery of key objectives for the Borough – Economic Strategy – Encourage job creation & regeneration – Ensuring a supply of sustainable and skilled workforce – Support the work of the Loughborough BID – In partnership with Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Economy & Skills Partnership Economic Focus – Retail • Loughborough Bid • Loughborough Charnwood Retail and Town Centre Study 2013 • Shepshed Master Plan and Delivery Strategy – Charnwood Local Plan – Core Strategy Programme Economy & Skills Partnership Economic Focus – Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park Economy & Skills Partnership Skills Focus Commissioned - The ‘Charnwood Skills’ Research Project “To investigate and report on the range of job vacancies and skills sought by employers in Charnwood, and the availability of those skills in the labour market.” Economy & Skills Partnership Loughborough Bid Roger Perrett Health & Wellbeing Partnership Cllr Pauline Ranson Chair Charnwood Together Structure Network & Development Forum Charnwood Together Board People, Places & Environment Partnership Group Health & Wellbeing Partnership Obesity & Inactivity Delivery Group Stop Smoking & Substance Misuse Delivery Group Wellbeing Delivery Group Economy & Skills Partnership Community Safety Partnership Partnership for Children and Families Health & Wellbeing Partnership • To improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities for local people, by identifying and agreeing priority outcomes and delivery through partnership working. • Identified areas of focus Obesity & Inactivity Smoking & Alcohol/Substance Misuse Well-being Health & Wellbeing Partnership • Members have been involved in ensuring that Charnwood has representation on relevant groups and consultations • Working closely with 2 local CCG’s • Consulted & Updated on the new Urgent Care Centre • Supporting the new Locality Proposal Commissioning Plan for Sport and Physical Activity • Support the Countywide Tobacco Free Leics & Rutland Group Health & Wellbeing Partnership • Review of the Mental Wellbeing Delivery group – proposal to focus on improving awareness of the local ‘wellbeing’ services available across the borough • Proposal to carry out a GP and Voluntary Sector Networking Event • Plans to launch the ‘Feel Good’ Event Summer 2013 Health & Wellbeing Partnership Largest Loser Campaign Will Blanche Charnwood’s Largest Loser • Charnwood’s Largest Loser is a project funded by Sport and Physical Activity Commissioning. Leicestershire County Council, NHS Leicestershire County and Rutland Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sport • Funding allocated to Charnwood provides sport and physical activity programme’s that meet the following priorities: Have a greater focus on families. Have a greater focus on the inactive. Have a greater focus on addressing inequalities. Charnwood’s Largest Loser • Based on the concept of the hit TV show the Biggest Loser. • Charnwood Borough Council’s 10-week weight-loss programme is aimed at people aged 16 and over. • The programme includes weekly weighins, nutrition workshops and exercise classes, supported by professional fitness instructors and nutrition experts. Charnwood’s Largest Loser • Nineteen residents signed up for the 10 week programme and collectively lost five stone, 10 pounds. • Eileen Kearins, aged 69 signed up to Charnwood’s largest loser after she had unsuccessfully tried to lose weight for 2 and a half years. • During the 10 weeks Eileen lost a staggering 13 pounds, 6.9% of her total body weight. People, Places & Environment Partnership Cllr David Slater Chair Charnwood Together Structure Network & Development Forum Charnwood Together Board Health & Wellbeing Partnership Network & Information Sharing Forum People, Places & Environment Partnership Economy & Skills Partnership Environmental Delivery Group Community Safety Partnership Partnership for Children and Families People, Places & Environment Partnership • Key areas of focus for the work of this Partnership are the Multi-agency approach to Neighbourhood Management in Priority Neighbourhoods and support in other areas identified by need. • Commitment to deliver and support – Neighbourhood Walks – Community Led Events – Area Forums – Environmental Activities People, Places & Environment Partnership • Multi-agency approach to Neighbourhood Management – Supporting community and residents groups • Review and refresh of multi-agency Neighbourhood Walks • Network & Information Sharing Forum • Continued success of Community Hubs -An example of best practice People, Places & Environment Partnership • Award winning community In Bloom campaign • Community Around the Family – Supporting Leicestershire Families • Preparation for Welfare Reform and its impact • Support to Community Venues People, Places & Environment Partnership Environmental Focused Activities • Establishment of Environment Group – key areas of delivery focus discussed, now planning for 2013/14 • Award winning Don’t Muck Around Campaign to reduce flytipping, dog fouling & car litter • Award winning Loughborough in Bloom Campaign • Flood Wardens scheme continues to work well in conjunction with parish councils and the Leicestershire resilience forum • Consultation on the Core Strategy Sorrel Youth Café Thinking bigger for the young people of Mountsorrel Graham Lloyd, Youth Officer The Prince’s Trust describes a Youth Café as: “safe, alcohol-free places where young people feel welcome, can meet friends, have fun and take part in a wide range of activities.” What is a Youth Cafe? Opened consistently – 16 hours per week Addressed problems with some key individuals Recruited new volunteers Good press coverage Recruited new Youth Support Workers Community Events Partnerships – YOS, Police, Local Business, MCAG, MYDG etc Met with Schools – positive outcomes Over 50 people through training since July 12 Sorrel Youth Café Catering – 3 applicants for day time provision Business Plan Funding applications being submitted Progress – moving forward Funding Reputation Volunteers – change and shortage Trustee Board – need for recruitment Building needs new input Time to develop and respond Dealing with difficult behaviours The issues we face Changed programme • Improved interaction • Activity programme - Sport • Targeted work • Engaging new customers Teams of support • Paid staff • Volunteers – need to recruit • Students • Specialist workers Governance • Recruitment – Trustees • New Business Plan • Fund Raising Strategy The future Informal Education Training for Work Youth Work 8 to 12 year olds Activities Sorrel Youth Café Catering Young People delivering a real service – under 21’s Youth Work 13 to 21 year olds Issue based work Formal Alternative Education Satellite classroom Agora A Meeting Place Skateboarding, Football etc Community Resource Café, Community use/hire Specific Groups Sexual Health, Drug Education, Self Confidence etc Community Events Youth Council Youth Management Engaging the Community Training for Life Schools & Young People Communities Environmental Star Working Together Inspiring Other Charnwood Together Thank You For Coming The Charnwood Together Website will be updated shortly and all information will be available on the site www.charnwoodtogether.com