Indicative Business Case Strategic Case: Need to Invest Economic Case: Objective 1: …..What you are seeking to achieve? Existing arrangements Summarise the current state. Business Needs Describe the business gap, the difference between the current state and the desired future state. What degree of change is required to successfully achieve the objective? What is a core must have? What is desirable, aspirational or out of scope? If the objective is successfully achieved, who will benefit, how and how we measure the gain (or loss)? What contingent events could impact on the achievement of the objective? What are the limiting parameters within which the investment must be delivered? What other actions outside the scope does success depend on? Scope Benefits Strategic Context Risks Insert a summary of the organisational overview, operating environment and how the investment proposal aligns to relevant Government, regional, sector and organisational strategies. Constraints & dependencies Objective 2: Dimension of Short-listed Choice: Options by Dimension: To ………… Scope: what levels of service and coverage are possible? Service Solution: How can services be delivered? Service Delivery: Who can help us? Business Needs Indicative Costs Potential Choices by Dimension Whole of Life Capital Status Quo Preferred choice within the dimension Describe the status quo Describe the status quo Describe the status quo Implementation: When can services be delivered? Funding: How can it be funded? Existing arrangements Financial Case: Initial Options Analysis Investment Objectives and Case for Change List the clear needs for investing in change. List: • key drivers (problems or opportunities) • root causes and effects of problems. NZ Treasury 24 February 2014 Preferred choice within the dimension Preferred choice within the dimension preferred way forward. Commercial Case: Existing arrangements Business Needs $..... to $..... $..... to $..... $..... to $..... $..... to $..... $..... to $..... initial assessment of the overall affordability of the short-listed options and possible funding sources and requirements. The Preferred Way Forward: Insert a description of the 3-5 short-listed options, including the To ………… $..... to $..... Affordability and Funding: Provide an ………………… Objective 3: $..... to $..... Carried forward to the short-list Preferred choice within the dimension Describe the status quo $..... to $..... Preferred choice within the dimension Carried forward to the short-list n/a Whole of Life Operating The Potential Deal: For each of the short-listed options, provide an initial assessment of the commercial viability of the proposal, both in terms of attractiveness to potential suppliers and in terms of providing long-term value for money to the organisation. What is the procurement strategy and approach? ………………… Management Case: 2014 Strategic Assessment completed dd mmm yyyy • Gateway 0 …… 2015 Programme Business Case completed dd mmm yyyy • Gateway 0 …… Approval Sought 2016 Indicative Business Case due dd mmm yyyy • Gateway 1….. Approval Sought Detailed Business Case due dd mmm yyyy • Gateway 2 ….. Approval Sought Procurement phase: due dd mmm yyyy • RFP ….. • Gateway 3 … • Implementation plan … • Contract close 2017 2018 Design and build phase: due dd mmm yyyy ….. Achievability: Insert a brief description of the project management strategy and planning arrangements required to ensure successful delivery. Provide an initial assessment of the capacity and capability of the organisation to implement each of the short-listed options taking into account readiness and available resources.