National Science Library of CAS China Dr. Li-Ping Ku (Alan Ku) Achievements (1) SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) started on 1.1.2014 (2) National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Policy Statement on Open Access (OA) to Research Publications from Its Funded Projects 15.5.2014 file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/zengyan/My%20Documents/Downloads/140515-nsfc_oa_policy_english.pdf (3) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Policy Statement on OA to Articles from Publicly Funded Scientific Research Projects 15.5.2014 China National Science Library of CAS Achievements (4) 3rd Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC) (26-28 May 2014, Beijing) (5) China Open Access Week (20-21 Oct, Beijing) (6) China IR Conference (3-6 Nov, Xiamen City) China National Science Library of CAS Why it was done… (1) To promote deposit of public research results (2) To develop OA institutional repositories (IRs) in CAS institutes (3) To support CAS authors to publish in OA journals (4) To support transformation to open access of journals published by CAS institutes (5)To promote and support OA initiatives & policies by research funders Challenge (1) Under NSFC’s OA policy, for STM materials in green OA , the embargo period is 12 months. Earlier open access should be provided if the publisher allows. (2) NSL of CAS proposal: (1) Policy recommendation to fund academic articles to open publication; (2) Selection guideline to fund open access journals; (3) Fund requirement detail for CAS authors to publish academic articles in open access. China National Science Library of CAS Fiji National Consortium of Libraries Fiji chaminda Jayasundara Achievement • All 10 member libraries in the consortium are happy about the progress of consortium and its activities including related activities such as training workshops, etc. • No additional member library registered in 2014. • We conducted training workshops such as Grant proposal writing, Plagiarism detection, Refwork etc. • All 3 university libraries do have all most all important e-resources. e.g FNU library do have 32 commercially available electronic databases which include more than 35,000 e-journals. • Libraries in the countries around the South Pacific expressed their willingness to be members of our consortium, and now we are exploring the possibility of accommodation with EIFL. Fiji Fiji National Consortium of Libraries How it was done… We conducted training programmes in areas such as grant proposal writing, plagiarism detection etc. Delegates from educational institutions in other South Pacific countries attended functions/trainings organised by Fiji National Uuniversity (FNU). Thus, we had a chance to explain our services and programmes so that they expressed their great willingness to join the consortium and get the same benefits. Fiji Fiji National Consortium of Libraries Challenge • Consortium to be expanded towards other South Pacific countries headed for a regional consortium • Do you have experience of this or advice to give? • EIFL to negotiate more required databases for libraries e.g. IEEE, ScienceDirect etc. • Comparison of benefits gained through EIFL with other similar services • Any comparisons available? Fiji Fiji National Consortium of Libraries Maldives Library Consortium Maldives Adam Shahid Achievement • A two-day, EIFL Consortium Building and Licensing workshop was held from 22-23 September 2014 attended by 35 participants • Participants very enthusiastic about creating an EIFL consortium in the Maldives • Created a mission and vision for the consortium as a first step. Maldives Maldives Library Consortium How it was done… • Workshop organized by a taskforce from NLM supported by EIFL • Expert speaker Dr. Buhle Thata (UNISA) and Local speakers Maldives Maldives Library Consortium Challenge • Cost • Pay for E-resources fees • Raise membership fees • How to maintain effective communication? • Staff turnover Maldives Maldives Library Consortium EIFL eLibrary Myanmar Project Myanmar Myat Sann Nyein eLibrary Myanmar Project Coordinator, Yangon Context Achievement •Myanmar is emerging from decades of isolation – many challenges, many opportunities •Huge increase in skills, capacity and confidence of librarians e.g. •Population c.51.5m, 154 universities run by 13 Ministries •Myanmar is EIFL Project Country – no library consortium…yet! •EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project ( was launched in December 2013 •Main aim is to increase availability and usage of e-resources in teaching and learning in order to promote educational change •Current partners are Yangon University and Mandalay University, 4 more about to join Myanmar • They now give subjectfocus presentations/hands-on training to faculty and students • They post regularly on new Library Facebook pages (Yangon University Library - over 2,500 friends since May!) • Excellent usage stats • Increased profile for library • Project is catalyst for change e.g. • Investment by universities in technological infrastructure (new fiber internet lines, computers, laptops etc) • Librarians now learning English! EIFL eLibrary Myanmar Project How it was done… • Training for librarians • • • Interviewed librarians to identify those with aptitude to become trainers (advanced group) Training provided to all library staff – everything from how to use email to how to search e-resources Additional training for advanced group of librarians – including advanced search/information literacy skills, presentation skills, importance of building close links with faculty, how to use Facebook to communicate with users • Training for faculty and students • • 2 x half-day training sessions provided to faculty/students in every department – 20 in Yangon, 19 in Mandalay Advanced librarians gave presentations and provided handson support during the sessions • General awareness-raising/advocacy • • Facebook pages set up and managed by librarians who are now posting regularly about e-resources, training etc Head Librarians now have confidence to raise issues with University Rectors direct – results include new computer equipment, improved bandwidth, air conditioning units etc Myanmar EIFL eLibrary Myanmar Project Challenges Advice needed •There are many challenges e.g. • How can we help to raise the status of libraries and librarians? • • • • • • • • • Low bandwidth (but no internet at all until very recently!) Difficult for institutions to get static IP addresses Unreliable electricity supply Rote learning has been the norm for decades Librarians and faculty have poor IT, English language and information literacy skills Librarians have traditionally had low status Very low funding for libraries (average library budget is less than US$6K per annum) No library consortium Over 150 universities run by 13 different Ministries • How can we help librarians to advocate for increased funding? • How can we address IT infrastructure issues? • How do we start to build a library consortium? •But levels of enthusiasm, and desire for change, are high… •…and a great deal has been achieved through the EIFL eLibrary Myanmar project over the last 11 months Myanmar EIFL eLibrary Myanmar Project Nepal Library and Information Consortium (NeLIC) Nepal Jagadish Aryal Librarian Social Science Baha Battisputali, Kathmandu Email: Achievement • Submission of a proposal to UNESCO’s Participation Programme for a sub-regional seminar in Nepal in 2015 (August 2014) • Proposed by EIFL in cooperation with Nepal Library and Information Consortium (NeLIC) • “Enabling Universal Access and Preservation of Knowledge through Libraries: copyright matters” copyright for librarians and implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty • Librarians in Nepal have had no copyright training so far Nepal NeLIC How it was done… Proposal submitted to UNESCO by EIFL that has official relations with UNESCO, in partnership with NeLIC. Teresa, EIFL-IP Manager drafted proposal and coordinated with all stakeholders. Myself, representing NeLIC as local host, coordinated with all concerned in Nepal & advised on the programme. Nepal Title of project: Enabling universal access and preservation of knowledge through libraries: copyright matters. Sub-regional seminar in cooperation with the Nepal Library and Information Consortium Place of implementation: Katmandu, Nepal Commencement date: 1 January 2015 Termination date: 31 December 2015 Number of beneficiaries: 56 (1 Maldives +2 Myanmar+ 1 Kyrgyzgstan+ 52 Nepal) Requested budget: $18,000 NeLIC Challenge • It was challenging to get the required letters of support from UNESCO National Commissions (but we did it) Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal National Commission for UNESCO • Coordination with various stakeholders • Budget estimation Advice • Be on the look-out for national/regional funding opportunities • Know local UNESCO offices/other funders • Suggest any joint funding opportunities to EIFL Million dollar question: was the proposal successful? All will be revealed at the GA!! Nepal Thank You! NeLIC EIFL-Thailand Thailand Soeythip Sukul Achievement - 2014 Over 3000 Global Virtual Newspapers & Magazines are now provided country-wide through Public Library network. Thailand EIFL-Thailand How it was done ◊ Propose ◊ Trial & Training ◊ Member Sharing Thailand EIFL-Thailand Challenges Language burden : Communication have to be in local language. Technical assistant: are needed in all libraries except large universities. Budget: tight ~ zero EIFL-Thailand +5 + Libraries + Library Consortiums + Faculties + Government Agencies + Publishers Thailand EIFL-Thailand