CRING data in UNICEF’s global reporting Overview of presentation • UNICEF’s global databases • Data submission and review – Country Reporting on Indicators for the Goals (CRING) • Use of the databases in global reporting Overview of presentation • UNICEF’s global databases • Data submission and review – Country Reporting on Indicators for the Goals (CRING) • Use of the databases in global reporting UNICEF global databases • Set of publicly accessible global databases • Spans areas of child mortality, child health, maternal health, nutrition, immunization, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, education and child protection • Disaggregated to extent possible (sex, urban-rural residence, household wealth quintiles) • Internationally comparable and statistically sound Data availability • 197 countries included • Over 100 indicators • Data availability varies across countries and across indicators – Most indicators include estimates for countries covering >80% of the developing world – Data from household surveys generally have a periodicity of 3-5 years – Inter-agency estimates generally cover all countries, and are interpolated to a common reference year either annually or every few years Sources of data • Data from primary sources included directly in database – Nationally representative household surveys – Censuses – Administrative and vital registration data • Estimates calculated by United Nations interagency groups • Estimates provided by other specialized UN agencies Interagency estimates • Provide harmonized estimates across agencies, especially for use in monitoring progress – – – – Child mortality Maternal mortality Water and sanitation Immunization • Basic procedure is to collect underlying data, make adjustments if necessary, and use statistical modelling to generate estimates for all countries for a common reference year Overview of presentation • UNICEF’s global databases • Data submission and review – Country Reporting on Indicators for the Goals (CRING) • Use of the databases in global reporting Updating UNICEF’s databases • Updating global databases on-going process • Concentrated effort once a year through an exercise called Country Reporting on Indicators for the Goals (CRING) • Field offices are asked to review the existing data for a selection of 100 indicators and provide any updates for their country • In the 2012 round of CRING, 152 country offices were contacted and of those, 142 contributed to the exercise CRING Online Updating UNICEF’s databases • Data submissions undergo a rigorous data quality assurance process – Review source documentation – Check for plausibility of trends and consistency across related indicators – Follow up and clarification with the country and regional offices – Consult with programme specialists within UNICEF, colleagues from other United Nations agencies and academic partners, and MICS team • Additionally seek out data not submitted by countries (including data from high-income countries) This is a critical exercise as it forms the basis for influencing programmes and policy Examples from CRING 2012 CRING reporting Sector Indicator Reported Accepted Not accepted Maternal health Skilled attendance at birth 61 47 14 Child health Children sleeping under ITNs 40 28 12 Why is the global database different from my CRING submission? Common reasons data are not accepted: 1. Supporting documentation not sent or insufficient 2. Data are not nationally representative 3. Data do not conform to the standard indicator definition Note: In some cases, data are reanalyzed or adjusted to conform to standard definitions Overview of presentation • UNICEF’s global databases • Data submission and review – Country Reporting on Indicators for the Goals (CRING) • Use of the databases in global reporting Use of databases: Data Driven Reports Global publications UNICEF flagship publications Sector-specific Reports Use of databases: Data Driven Reports Use of databases: Statistical country profiles Use of databases: Interactive online tools Use of databases: For more information, please contact Colleen Murray Statistics and Monitoring Section / DPS United Nations Children’s Fund 3 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: 212-326-7000 © United Nations Children’s Fund March 2013 Cover photo © UNICEF/NYHQ2010-1781/Guoegnon