Why Creative Europe?


Creative Europe


7 June 2012

Marc-Hector Vanderhaegen & Daniela Stanikova

Culture Programme & Actions Czech MEDIA Desk

European Commission

Date: in 12 pts



- Introduction

- Why a Creative Europe programme?

- What problems is it seeking to address?

- The new objectives, priorities and instruments

- Cultural and Creative Sectors Financial Facility

- International dimension

- The timetable for negotiations


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A programme for the cultural and creative sectors for


- Bringing together 3 existing programmes

(Culture – MEDIA – MEDIA Mundus)

- Creating a new financial facility

- Proposed budget of € 1.8 billion for 7 years

- 37% increase on current levels

- Contribute to Europe 2020 strategy


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Why Creative Europe?

In addition to the intrinsic value of culture

Big potential of Europe’s cultural and creative sectors

• Driver of economic growth and employment

• Greater contribution than many other key sectors

• Higher than average growth rates in recent years

• Sectors of the future

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30 %

Creative Europe framework

€1.8 billion


55 %


15 %

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Building Creative Europe on long term experience

Public consultation

Policy initiatives –

Green Paper on

CCI, Council conclusions

MEDIA 2007 – interim evaluation

Culture Programme

– interim evaluation

Studies, research



Impact Assessments

Pilot projects on artist mobility

Open Method of

Coordination with

Member States

Structured dialogue with the sector

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What problems is Creative Europe seeking to tackle?

4 challenges

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A fragmented market

Digital shift

Access to finance

Lack of data


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A fragmented market /cultural space


• Fragmented markets/space, many small markets

• Europe’s linguistic diversity

• Difficulties for artists and cultural works to break into new countries

• Cultural and linguistic diversity a challenge, but also a richness and value the EU is committed to safeguarding and promoting

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Creative Europe will:


• International collaboration

• Develop international careers

• Transnational circulation of works


• Support the development of long-term audiences for European cultural works


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The digital shift


• Changing how art is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed and monetised

• Change in paradigm: need to engage audiences as active participants, not just passive observers

• Knowledge is fragmented across Europe

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Creative Europe will:


• Provide support for actions to provide skills, competences and know how to strengthen the cultural and creative sectors, including:

– Encouraging adaptation to digital technologies

– Testing new approaches to audience development

– Testing new business and management models

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Access to finance


• Access to private lending

Creative Europe will:

• Create a facility to guarantee bank loans

• For cultural and creative sector SMEs, profit making and non profit

• Complementary to grants, for different needs

• Incentivise banking sector and permanently change mentality towards cultural and creative sectors

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Lack of data


• Very little comparable data in cultural field

Creative Europe will:

• Support better data collection


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How will Creative Europe help to tackle the problems?

• New and refocused objectives and priorities

• Simplified instruments

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General objectives

• Fostering the safeguarding and promotion of

European cultural and linguistic diversity

• Strengthening the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors with a view to promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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Specific objectives

• Support the capacity of European CCS to operate transnationally

• Promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works and operators and reach new audiences in

Europe and beyond

• Strengthen the financial capacity of CCS, in particular SME

• Support transnational policy cooperation in order to foster policy development, innovation, audience building and new business models

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Architecture of the Programme

Culture strand

Media strand

Cross-sectoral strand

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Culture strand - New priorities


• Support cultural operators to develop skills and knowhow to facilitate adjustment to the digital technologies, including testing new approaches to audience development and new business models

• Support artists/cultural professionals to internationalise their careers

• Strengthen European and international networks to facilitate access to new professional opportunities

Transnational circulation

• Support international touring, events and exhibitions

• Support literary translation

• Support for audience building and building a long-term audience for

European cultural works

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Culture instruments

• Reduction in number of calls managed by EACEA from 9 to 4

• 4 main grant instruments managed by EACEA:

– Cooperation projects

– European networks

– European platforms

– Literary translation

• Special actions managed by Commission (European Capitals of

Culture, EU cultural prizes, European Heritage Label)

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úspěšné programy zůstanou ZACHOVÁNY

A zůstanou i nadále zaměřeny na specifické segmenty audiovizuálního průmyslu – producenty, distributory a kina/uvádění filmů

 zajištění dovedností , budování kontaktů a sítí , podpora vývoje audiovizuálních děl

 podpora distribuce zahraničních filmů na všech platformách, podpora nových obchodních modelů distribuce

 umožnění přístupu na trh a mezinárodní spoupráce a koprodukce v

Evropě i mimo ni

 podpora filmového vzdělávání a práce s publikem

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Příklady nových a posílených akcí programu


 práce s diváky a filmová výchova

 budování kapacit pro využívání digitálních technologí, management, financování a psaní pro televize

 posílení podpory sales agents

 podpora inovativních distribučních platforem

 podpora mezinárodního vzdělávání, distribuce a propagace filmů

(dříve MEDIA Mundus)

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Cultural and Creative Sectors Financial


• For CCS SMEs

• Risk sharing by guaranteeing bank loans

• Managed by European Investment Fund (EIF)

• € 200 million

• Capacity-building to increase number and geographical scope of banks willing to develop portfolios of loans

• The money is « revolving » , returns to EU budget

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International dimension

• Full participation in programme:

– Possibility of full participation to same European 3rd countries as before

– New possibility for European Neighbourhood countries

• New possibility for targeted bilateral actions with selected third countries or regions

Being explored:

• Some increase in budget for 3rd countries in regular projects

• Possibility of 3rd country partners in some actions

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Output – goals

• 100 million people reached (direct and indirect)

• 2500 cinema's stimulated to show European films

• 300 000 artists/professionals reach new audiences

• Translation of > 5000 books

• 200 million guarantee funds

• Distribution support for > 1000 European films

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• EU budget proposal for 2014-2020 adopted June 2011

• « Creative Europe » adopted 23 November 2011

• Negotiations on overall budget and sectoral programmes in parallel

• Budget negotiations must conclude first, hopefully under CY Presidency

• Then sectoral negotiations can be completed, hopefully early 2013

• Publication of calls for proposals if possible mid-autumn 2013

• Entry into force on 1 January 2014

• (All timings subject to the progress of negotiations between Member

States and the European Parliament)

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Thank you

Daniela Stanikova stanikova@mediadeskcz.eu

Marc-Hector Vanderhaegen marc-hector.vanderhaegen@ec.europa.eu




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