
The Irish Branch of the Regional Studies
Association, the School of Economics UCC and
the South West Regional Authority invite you to
Regional Economic Resilience
A One-Day Conference
Millennium Hall, Cork
Friday 22 February 2013, 10.00-17:00
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Ron Martin, Professor of Economic Geography, Fellow CambridgeMIT Institute Research
Dr Adrian Healy, Cardiff School of Planning and Geography and co-ordinator of
ESPON-funded leading study into economic resilience of regions in the face of
economic crisis.
Registration fee: 50 Euro including lunch.
Online Registration at:
For conference updates see:
For further information:
Regional Economic Resilience - Provisional Program
9:00-9.30 Registration Coffee and 9:30-9:45 Welcome:
Chris van Egeraat, Chair Regional Studies Association, Irish Branch
Cllr. Pat Leahy, Cathaoirleach of the South West Regional Authority
09:45-10:30 Professor Ron Martin - Resilience and Adaptability: New Ways of Thinking
about Regional Economic Development?
10:30-11.00 Bernard Fingleton, University of Cambridge and Justin Doran UCC - National
Resilience: A Spatial Panel Approach.
11:00-11.20 Coffee
11.20-12.05 Dr. Adrian Healy, Cardiff School of Planning and Geography - Economic
Resilience of Regions: Reflections from a European Perspective.
12.05-12.35 Edgar Morgenroth - The Geography of an Economic Crash: A Crash Site
12.35-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Adrian O'Donoghue, BMW Regional Assembly - How our Gateways and Hubs
are Performing in an Age of Austerity: Preliminary Findings from the Development Index.
14.00-14.30 Proinnsias Breathnach and Chris van Egeraat - Regional Economic Resilience
in Ireland - The Role of the Inward Investment Sector.
14.30-15.00 Jonathan Hall, Will Brady, and Clara O’Neill, UCC - Creating Certainty or
Managing Uncertainty: The Role of the Planning System in Building Resilience: An Analysis
of How the Planning System Addresses Resilience in Metropolitan Cork
15.00-15.20 Coffee
15.20-15:50 Eoin O'Leary, UCC - Responding to the Crisis: New Directions for Irish Regional
Development Policy
15:50-16.20 Panel Discussion
16:20-17.00 South West Region Profile Launch - Cllr. Pat Leahy, Cathaoirleach of the South
West Regional Authority.
Biographies Keynote Speakers
Professor Ron Martin is Professor of Economic Geography
and a Fellow of the Cambridge-MIT Institute and Elected
President of St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge
2010-2013. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for
Business Research attached to the Judge Business School.
He is also one of the Team in the Centre for Geographical
Economic Research. He holds a Professorial Fellowship at St
Catharine's College. Ron's impressive list of distinctions
include: The British Academy's 'Thank-Offering to Britain'
Senior Research Fellowship; Academician of the Academy of
Social Sciences, 2001; Selected by the American Economic
Association in 2003 as one of the World's Most Cited
Economists; Fellow of the British Academy, 2005.
Ron has written and/or edited over 40 books and published
nearly 200 academic articles. His research interests include
geographies of work, financial systems, public policy and
economic development. His most recent work focuses on
the concept of regional economic resilience
Dr. Adrian Healy, Cardiff School of Planning and Geography.
Adrian’s expertise focuses on innovation and regional
economic development, combining knowledge of
innovation, education and research initiatives. In this
capacity he has worked with local, regional and national
authorities in the UK as well as with several of the European
Commission Directorate Generals and other Member States.
His experience includes working as an advisor on regional
innovation to DG Research advisory groups and as an expert
advisor to the ODPM House of Commons Select Committee
Inquiry into Regional Disparities in Prosperity in the UK.
Adrian is currently co-ordinating an EU ESPON-funded
leading study into economic resilience of regions in the face
of economic crisis. This includes a case study of the South
West Region in Ireland.
Dr. Adrian O’Donoghue is Policy and Research Officer at the BMW Region. He
commenced with the Assembly in July 2007. His main duties include the preparation of
policy submissions to EU, National and Regional Policy documents and strategies. He is
also responsible for developing and conducting research on policy issues facing the BMW
Region as well as monitoring the factors contributing to regional disparities through
analysis of performance indicator data.
Dr. Proinnsias Breathnach is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and
Associate of the National Institute for Regional & Spatial Analysis at NUI Maynooth. An
economic geographer with a specialist interest in national and regional development, he
has written extensively on the links between local government reform, regional
governance and regional development.
Dr. Eoin O’Leary is Programme Director on the MA (Economics). Since acquiring a PhD in
1995 he has developed an international reputation for the study of regional
competitiveness, with publications in Regional Studies, the International Regional Science
Review Spatial Economic Analysis and has published a book, entitled: Irish Regional
Development: A New Agenda, with The Liffey Press. Eoin has pioneered the study of
innovation in Irish industry. Eoin acted as chair of the Regional Science Association
International: (British and Irish Section) between 2005 and 2009.
Dr. Justin Doran is a member of the Department of Economics in University College Cork
since 2008. His research interests lie in the area of business innovation, firm
performance, regional growth and applied econometrics. He is an active member of the
Regional Science Association International (British and Irish Section), the Regional Studies
Association and the Danish Research Unit on Industrial Development (DRUID).
Professor Edgar Morgenroth is programme co-ordinator for research on transport and
infrastructure at the ESRI. He holds a PhD in Economics from Keele University in the UK.
He is also an Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin. Dr Morgenroth was appointed
as an independent member of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) by the
Taoiseach Mr Enda Kenny. His work is widely published including papers in Journals such
as the Journal of International Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Oxford Bulletin
of Economics and Statistics, Applied Economics and Regional Studies.
Mr. Jonathan Hall (MSc MRTPI) is a member of staff in the Department of Applied Social
Studies, UCC. He has over 30 years experience in Town and Country Planning and
Regeneration. He has practiced mainly in the public sector and achieved senior
managerial positions. Since leaving the public sector he worked major regeneration
projects and strategies in Bradford and Leeds City centres. He has also worked on
industrial investment strategies in the North East of England and housing renewal in Hull.
Dr. Chris van Egeraat lectures economic geography at the Department of Geography,
National University of Ireland, Maynooth. He is research associate of NIRSA and
Chairman of the Regional Studies Association, Irish Branch.
Regional Economic Resilience - Directions
Millennium Hall is part of the Cork City Hall complex. For the Millennium Hall, take the
Eglinton Steet entrance of the complex
By Public transport: 10-15 minutes walk from the train station.
By Car: Parking available at City Car Park, Eglinton Street