Fisheries in Rainfed area: A neglected but potential area RRA network Review workshop 7-10th May 2013 Background, Context and Design •Project overview: Daultabad, Malkangiri, Chaterpur, Bagli, Kunigel, Burhanpur • Total waterbodies covered: 268 Context and problem analysis: Opportunities: • Small and seasonal waterbodies •Lack of government support/infrastructure • Most of the perennial and big waterbodies are under influence of contractors •Non availability of quality seed • Poor institutional system • Limited coverage of govt dept. •Fisheries is not seen as opportunity to support livelihood by NGO sector • Existing large numbers of waterbodies of varied size and seasonality • Ensured local market • Opportunity to establish institutional set up and producers organisation •Opportunity to show case model for how to revive FFDAs •Opprtunity to link technical institutes with farmers • Fisheries is rainfed area has potential to work at higher level/policy level •Absence of research, paper, and publication on this issue • Implication of the program: • CP partners are interested to move forward, Farmers are interested, in some places even government dept is keen to provide support, CIFA mini hatchery technology in CP area Present Potential: •Livelihood Perspective •Diversified Food Systems •Protein and Nutritional Components •Gender Components •Local Economy: Employment Generation, increased market focus through combination of species Policy Gap •Little Public Investments •Institutional Bottlenecks: Public and Community •Challenges in Common Property Regimes •Maintenance of Water Bodies •Little Research Prejudice: • Seasonality of water bodies limiting fish production •Inland fisheries is low value vis-à-vis marine •Not recognized as a important source of Livelihood vis-à-vis other sectors Organic constraints: Issue Gap Access and control - Lease policy, Involvement of Case study, state level more than two dept., cooperative analysis, state level advocacy system, short term lease, state to state policy varies Institutional and governance - Lack of transparency, inflict of issue contractors, lack of KL about system and process, capacity gap Potential strategies Capacity building of institution, revival as well as promotion of new associations, local specific... Support system - Training, Net, Inventory , seed, Panchayat and block level govt scheme , market, ice/ice box, support system, CRPs, service information's, feed, credit kiosk, linkages with dept, bank, federation, technical institutes etc... Lack of research and published materials - Dept and research inst. Advocates for intensive culture, no materials available from rainfed view,Budget/ investment is minimal - Generate evidences from field(CP as well as outside CP), involve likeminded technical experts, sharing of documents/data in larger Progress, Achievements Achieved: • Program is successfully integrated with CP program/Most of the partners are doing first time • Developed linkages with local dept., KVK, Technical institutes( CIFE,CIFA,BAU) •Organic spread in nearby block and Panchyats •Policy paper Some basic facts from program area: • Some basic facts from the data collected from field: • Nearly 85% of water bodies have area under and equal to 1 acre • Nearly 75% of waterbodies has water availability for less than 8 months • None of the selected farmers were earlier trained by any extension and support agency • None of the farmers had received benefit of any government scheme • Intervention like pond cleaning, regular feeding and local scheduled harvest helped famers to earn average 9-10,000 per acre of waterbody area. • In all the ponds women family members also got engaged in feeding and care related management practices Key Activities Planned Achieved Desk Research Two •Status of Fisheries based program in RKVY •Inland fisheries policy in India •The data collection (state wise/Year wise) is completed. /draft write up by May • Draft Completed Workshops and Consultations •National level consultation on Inland fisheries •State level consultation in Orissa and Jharkhand •Couldn’t be completed because NFDB didn’t provided financial resources •Couldn’t achieve because partners were doing fisheries first time and field level data were not available Field Visits Planned two each in ( 11 Field visits( 1 –WASSAN, 1IDF,WASSAN.AKRSP,MALKANGI AKRSP,2-WASSAN, 4RI,SPS , CIKS and VSK) Malkangiri,1- IDF,2- SPS, 1VSK, 1-ciks) Consultations with Scientists/research institutions Any other, specify.... 2 4 ( With CIFA in Bhubneshwar and CIFE in Mumbai, KVK-dewas,) Meeting with district fisheries officials (Dewas, Mahboobnagar, Tumkur,Khandwa, Palamu, Malkangiri, Pune), NABARD office- Bhubneshwar, DC (Malkangiri, Kandamahal), RD commissioner and Secretary - Madhya pradesh Inauguration of FRC Malkangiri by DC Layering: Community /group level intervention, Support based intervention Capacity building, Group formation Linkages Issue based research, Documentation, Publication Consultation meeting Panchayat and block level facilitation unit, Plan dev., dept linkages , FFDA? Generate evidence from field Institutions and system/ Mechanism Disseminatio n, learning /sharing Policy analysis and advocacy, Networking/ forum Lease, credit, institution, multi dept., With State dept, DAHD, NRLM, SLNA, SLM, ICAR,agri university State/ National level forum Analysis/ Reflections • We need to work constantly on all the four segment equally. • Documentation and sharing is a challenging area , long term impact, need to strengthen • Most of the NGOs are first generation org./Fisheries • Establish system, protocol at district and FFDA level • Study on institutional aspect and governance , FFDA etc and series of consultation meeting are required more than production enhancement • Pool of human resources are required/ data base mgmt/ analysis • RRA program has potential to contribute at larger level , require consistency Key risk and assumption • Lack of database management, key documents, occasional document etc will loose our evidence base and argument in debate • Limited human resource base is a risk in long term • Missing discussion on rainfed fisheries • Even working with indivisual farmers without a systematic approach may loose program premise • Multi dimensional approach needs convergence at same point Institutional Arrangement and Support Systems • Contribution to CP in program design, step by step progression, linkages • Situation analysis, strategy dev. • Compilation of useful material and dissemination • Study /ResRA • Reporting to: - Secretariat Institutional arrangement Existing system: Policy maker Circular/prog. Govt service provider Targeted selected recipient Envisaged institutional model Proposals at Gram Panchayat Capacity building and support point Fishery dept./FFDA Farmers Resource Center Information and linkages point Facilitate implementation of sanctioned proposals Farmers Producer organisation at Panchayat/ Block level, at later stage Single window clearance system for panchayat plans Convergence budget against proposal from GP: MGNREGA, RKVY, ATMA, NRLM, Horticulture, NABARD etc. Benefit of this model: Community-DeptInst. –public investment convergence for sector dev. Key take away: • Work in collaboration with dept. Require strategic intervention, but analysis ,report , evidences are crucial • Working on fisheries issue require long term commitment. • Involving other stakeholders /and sector player is key for success in advocacy. • There is no immediate output. One output lead to many other steps to be taken • Result from one monsoon season is not an indicator of success or failure. Next year plan 268 1300+ Based on the experiences so far and opportunities ahead, this roadmap for this year covers five action area; namely • Community based intervention with indivisual farmers as well as group/coops/SHG etc • Linkages with technical institutions/ICAR bodies • Linkages / Coordination with Govt dept • Documentation, best practices, sharing • Leveraging resources Recommend NFDB for a study and initiation of a pilot incorporating some of the policy recommendations in about 50 blocks in rainfed agro-ecological areas 1. Support to CP: MIS development, Local plan , system to be established for long term plan with dept. 2. Linkages with Institutions: CP linkages with ICAR inst. and Ag. Uni. 3. Consultation: One national level and three state level (Orissa, Jharkhand, Karnataka) 4. Publication: Atleast three working paper( property right/tenural right, institutional and governance analysis, Fisheries in RKVY in 11th V Year plan), Bi monthly e – document, compendium of papers submitted during consultation meet 5. Leveraging additional support: atleast one additional funding support to be leveraged 6. Alliance building in other state: advocacy and network related task in some other state including Maharastra 7. Institutionalising a dedicated org. on this theme Support expected: - Team of HR to be placed at strategic location( Jharkhand, Dewas, Malkangiri, if possible even in Bankura) - Budgetary clarity and support - Some travel support to visit outside CP location like in Maharstra, W.bengal, Bihar, Chatishgarh - Opportunity to develops a national level forum on this issue. To be contd.... Moving forward...