Slide 1 of 42 Treatment as Prevention: The Key to an AIDS-Free Generation Julio S. G. Montaner, MD Professor of Medicine University of British Columbia From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. IAS–USA Slide 2 of 20 Impact of HAART in BC-CfE 140 Death Rate per 1000 120 30 100 25 80 20 60 15 40 10 20 5 0 0 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 Life Expectancy at age 20 35 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 Modified from Hogg et al, Lancet. 2009 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 3 of 20 New HIV and Syphilis in BC From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. BC-CDC, 2005 Slide 4 of 20 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 5 of 20 HAART stops HIV replication HIV load falls to undetectable levels in plasma as well as in sexual fluids Sharp reduction in HIV transmission From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 6 of 20 Slide 6 of 20 Wood et al, BMJ, 2009 Whiskers represent 95% confidence intervals. From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 7 of 20 HAART Reduces HIV incidence in IDUs • From 1997, HIV incidence decreased by 74% for each log decline in community HIV viral load • In a separate model, HIV incidence decreased by 5% for each 1% increase in HAART coverage Modified from G Kirk et al, for the Alive Cohort, CROI 2011 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 8 of 20 HPTN 052: Immediate vs Delayed ART in Sero-discordant Couples % Deferred HR = 96.3% reduction in transmission No difference whether index pt was M or F Immediate Cohen MS, et al. IAS 2011. Abst MOAX0102 Cohen MS, et al. N Engl J Med. 2011 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 9 of 20 Increasing HAART Coverage within Evolving Guidelines in BC N = 7492 by the end of 2011 January 2004 Summer of 2000 Summer of 1996 Phase I Phase II Phase III Year From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Montaner et al, Lancet, 2010 Slide 10 of 20 BC: AIDS Cases Diagnosed (Rate per 100K) From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 11 of 20 BC: All Cause Mortality (#) All Cause Mortality in BC 400 350 300 Frequency 250 200 150 100 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Years Montaner et al, TasP Workshop, April 2012 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 12 of 20 Increasing HAART Coverage within Evolving Guidelines in BC - Impact on New Diagnoses From JSUpdated Montaner,from MD, at San Francisco, March2010, 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Montaner et al, CA: Lancet, presented at TasP-Workshop, Vancouver 2012 Hepatitis C, 1999-2008 • BC Slide 13 of 20 Slide 13 of 20 Infectious Syphilis, 1999-2008 2004 • BC 2004 x Canada x Canada Genital Chlamydia, 1999-2008 Gonorrhea, 1999-2008 • BC x Canada x Canada 2004 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. • BC 2004 Slide 14 of 20 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 15 of 20 Routine HIV testing - Acute Care Department of Medicine Chart Audit Data: October 2011 –December 2, 2012 Site1 Number of Admissi Number ons Offered Number Tested Acceptance Rate2 % Offered % Tested Number of Positivity Rate Positives per 1000 SPH 3610 1626 1370 97% 45% 38% 11 ~ 8/1000 MSJ 1556 994 740 85% 64% 48% 3 ~ 4/1000 VGH 2087 1512 1196 96% 34% 27% 4 ~ 3/1000 Total 9653 4132 3306 94% 43% 34% 18 ~ 5/1000 1 Departments of Medicine only at each hospital site 2 Acceptance rate excludes all “Not Accepted” (i.e. recent test, known HIV positive) except Pt Refusal Preliminary Results, Courtesy of Scott Harrison et al From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 16 of 20 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 17 of 20 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Slide 18 of 20 Spectrum of Engagement in Care - USA 19% are estimated to be undetectable as a result of HAART use* * More recently CDC-USA revised the estimate to 28% From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. Gardner et al. CID, 2011 Slide 19 of 20 The Cascade of Care - 1996-2010 80% 70% 60% 50% 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 40% 30% 2003 20% 2002 2001 10% 2000 1999 0% 1998 1997 1996 From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA. * Nosyk et al, CROI, 2013 Slide 20 of 20 Lives Saved (x 1,000) U$A Billions Granich et al From JS Montaner, MD, at San Francisco, CA: March 29, 2013, IAS-USA.