Priority Setting - dr. Igor Šoltes


New Directives on

Public Procurement and Concessions

Dr. Manfred Kraff, Deputy Director-General

Ljubljana, 20 th February 2015



 Background

 Legal Framework in Public Procurement

 Procurement Errors in EU Projects

 Main Changes in the Directive

 Decrease Overall Error Rate through Transposition

 New Concession Directive


Background (1)

 Definition for public procurement:

Process by which public authorities purchase work, goods or services from companies which they have selected for this purpose

 EU Directives:

Implementation of principles and freedoms established by EU Treaties

 Procurement under EU Directives:

EUR 425 billion or 3.4 % of EU GDP (2011 figures)


Legal Framework for Public Procurement (1)

 Initatial Directives were adopted in 2004

 2004/17/EC: Procurement in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors

 2004/18/EC: Public works, supply and service contracts

 Need for reforms due to budgetary constraints and economic, social and political developments

 Simpler and more efficient rules for public purchasers and companies

 Best value for money for public purchases

 Respect of principles of transparency and competition


Legal Framework in Public Procurement (2)

 Proposed revision by the Commission: December 2011

 Vote by the European Parliament: 15 Januar 2014

 Adoption by the Council: 11 February 2014

 Transposition by the Member States in national law

Deadline: April 2016

Exception e-procurement: September 2018


Legal Framework in Public Procurement (3)

 Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of

26 February 2014 on public procurement

 Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of

26 February 2014 on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors

 New Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts

 Information on public procurement:


Procurement Errors in EU projects (1)

 Main types of irregularities identified by European Court of Auditors:

Non-respect of publication thresholds

Unauthorised negotiation during award procedure

Substantial modification of contracts

Restrictive selection / award criteria

Disproportionate selection / award criteria

Lack of transparency and equal treatment

 … leading to lack or distortion of competition


Procurement Errors in EU Projects (2)

DAS 2013: Contribution to overall error rate by type











Ch5:Regional Policy




Ch7:External Relations




Ch4:Rural Development





Procurement Errors in EU Projects in Slovenia

 Unjustified use of negotiated procedures without prior publication

 Additional work without procedure

 Disproportionate or discriminatory selection criteria

 Use of inappropriate scoring method


EU Discharge/Budgetary Authorities' concerns

• European Parliament 2013 draft Resolution for Discharge:

§111. "… points out that Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council is to be implemented by Member States until 18 April 2016; considers that it will bring considerable changes in procurement procedures and

might necessitate further methodological changes;"

• Council 2013 Recommendation for Discharge:

§8. "… The Council stresses that any simplification of the national public procurement rules should aim at limiting errors, whilst fully ensuring the protection of the Union's financial interests. Finally, in the light of the newly revised public procurement rules and procedures, the Council invites the

Commission to ensure through its technical assistance that the recently updated guidelines on public procurement are disseminated and understood by all

relevant actors."


Main Changes in the Directives (1)

 Simplified and more flexible public procurement procedures for both public purchasers and businesses

Possibility to negotiate terms of contracts that better suit needs

Competitive dialogue procedure for particularly complex projets

Reduced publicity obligations for regional and local authorities

Self-declarations of bidders and full documentation of winning bidder

Better access of SMEs by splitting contracts into lots and reduction of required turnover

 Frame for flexibility in the modification of existing contracts

 No change of the nature or economic balance of the contract

 Value does not exceed certain thresholds (application of Directives; 10% for goods and services; 15% for work)

 Unforeseen events or technical reasons, if increase does not exceed 50%

 New simplified arrangements for social, cultural and health services and certain others (e.g. hospitality, catering, canteen)


Main Changes in the Directives (2)

 Incentive to develop e-Procurement

Electronic submission of tenders (by 2017 or 2018)

European Single Procurement Document – to alleviate administrative burden of companies (by 2018)

 Compulsory use of eCertis

 Easier bundling of purchases

 Joint procurement procedures

 Central purchasing body

 Procurement as policy instrument

Environmental objectives (e.g. life cycle cost and CO2 footprint)

Social objectives (e.g. integration of vulnerable or disadvantaged workers)

Pro-innovation (e.g. new procedure for purchase of innovative products)

 National organisation of public services is not affected


Decrease Overall Error Rate through

Transposition (1)

 Flexibility on contract modifications

 Strict interpretation when using exceptions (e.g. negotiated procedure without publication)

 Professionalisation of procurement through

Central Purchasing Bodies to be envisaged

 E-procurement roll-out (simplification of process, harmonised procedures, easier transparency)


Decrease Overall Error Rate through

Transposition (2)

 Avoid "national gold-plating":

Keep open flexibilities of the Directive

No extra / unnecessary obligations

Transpose objectives and principles in law

Provide the "how to" in soft law


New Concessions Directive

 Concessions: Long-term contracts to transfer a right of exploitation of services or infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, highways infrastructure)

 Economic risk remains with the operator remunerated by the users

 Advantages of having a legal framework:

Legal certainty

Transparency and more open business opportunities


Impartiality and judicial protection


New Concessions Directive

 Legal framework

Applies main principles (transparency, equal treatment, competition)

Ex-ante and ex-post transparency

No pre-defined procedure

 No European Court of Auditors' error typology yet

 Transposition

 Risk of "national gold-plating" when defining procedures


Thank you for your attention!

