Anders Themnér (formerly Nilsson)* PEER REVIEWED MONOGRAPHS Themnér, Anders (2011), Violence in Post-Conflict Societies: Remarginalization, Remobilizers and Relationships, London & New York: Routledge. Nilsson, Anders (2008), Dangerous Liaisons: Why Ex-Combatants Return to Violence: Cases from the Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, Uppsala: Uppsala University. PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS Themnér, Anders (2013), “A Leap of Faith: When and How Ex-Combatants Resort to Violence”, Security Studies, 22 (2): 295-329. Themnér, Anders (2012), “A Disempowering Peace: Explaining Why Ex-Combatants Reengage in Organized Violence”, in Thomas Ohlson (ed.), Conflict and Resolution in Africa since the End of the Cold War. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing. Themnér, Anders (2012), “Former Mid-Level Commanders in Big Man Networks”, in Mats Utas (ed.), African Conflicts and Informal Power: Big Men and Networks. London: Zed Publishing. Themnér, Anders (2012), "Demobilisering och säkerhetsreform", in Karin Aggestam and Kristine Höglund (eds.) Om krig och fred. En introduktion tilld freds- och konfliktstudier. Lund: Studentlitteratur. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Swain, Ashok, Ranjula Bali Swain, Anders Themnér and Florian Krampe (2012), “Zambezi River Basin: A Risk Zone of Climate Change and Vulnerability”, New Routes 17 (3): 17-20. Swain, Ashok, Ranjula Bali Swain, Anders Themnér and Florian Krampe (2011), Climate Change and the Risk of Violent Conflicts in Southern Africa, Pretoria: Global Crisis Solutions. Nilsson, Anders (2009), Informal Military Structures and Mid-Level Commanders: An African Outlook, Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College. * Anders Themnér has previously published under the name Anders Nilsson. Nilsson, Anders (2005), Reintegrating Ex-Combatants in Post-War Societies (2005), Stockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Nilsson, Anders (2003), “Another Brick in the Wall: The Israeli Wall”, in Jenny Alge (ed.), About a Culture of Peace. Stockholm: Christian Council of Churches. Nilsson, Anders (2002), Making Peace with Islamists: Lebanon in Focus (2002), Uppsala: Department of Peace and Conflict Research. WORKING PAPERS Themnér, Anders (working paper), “The Importance of Brokerage: The Remobilization of Informal Military Networks in Post-War Liberia”. With Mats Utas. Themnér, Anders (working paper), “’Legitimate Peace’ in Post-Civil War Societies: Towards Attaining the Unattainable”. With Thomas Ohlson. Themnér, Anders (working paper), “Who Leads and Who Fights? Disaggregating Civil War Recurrence”. With Joakim Kreutz.