Topic Outline
Who should rule France in 1814?
How successful was Louis XVIII?
Where and why did opposition grow to the Monarchy?
Review of Louis XVIII’s reign
How did Charles X increase opposition to the Bourbons?
Why did Revolution break out in
Was the Revolution due purely to the actions of Charles X
To what extent did the Charter establish a constitutional monarchy in France in the years 1815–30?
‘Charles X inherited a favourable political situation in 1824 and only his remarkable political ineptness led to the loss of the throne six years later’. Do you agree?
Review topic and make judgment
‘Charles X was responsible for the
Revolution of 1830.’
Using the sources and your own knowledge, How far do you agree with this judgement?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Who should rule France in 1814?
To Investigate the options for who could rule France
To debate the pros and cons of each option
To come to a conclusion as to who should rule
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Who should rule France in 1814?
In groups of four complete your sheet, filling in the different options available to fill the power vacuum in France in 1814
Investigate the pros and cons of each option
Come to a judgment as to who you think should rule France
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Who should rule France in 1814?
Complete Prep Sheet on the Congress of Vienna
Answer How and Why was the Monarchy restored in 1814 in France?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How successful was the rule of Louis
To remind ourselves why Louis XVIII became
To understand how the
Charter was designed to work
To investigate areas of success for Louis XVIII
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How successful was the rule of Louis XVIII?
Using the France in Revolution and the Europe books complete the outline on Louis XVIII, use this opportunity to investigate the workings of the Charter
Answer questions 2and 3 under the Charter.
Having completed this in pairs list five problems you think the new king will face in ruling France
Where might opposition come from and why? (can you think of three areas?
Horrible histories French Revolution
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Was the Monarchy in a strong position in
To investigate the evidence available
To produce a poster to present to the class
To come to a judgement on the level of opposition
Caricature of Louis XVIII
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Was the Monarchy in a strong position in
Your challenge is to produce a poster using the information available to you
Your poster will show Why the Monarchy was in a strong position in 1824
Why the Monarchy was not in a strong position in 1824
You can only use ten words the rest must be illustrations
You have 20 minites before you present your poster to the class
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Where and why did opposition to Louis XVIII develop?
Despite success, Louis was always under strain due to the demands of the Ultras.
•Who were the Ultras?
•What did they want?
•What was the White Terror of 1816 and why did they encourage it?
•Louis XVIII recognised the danger of such revenge but yet he could not stop the Ultras – why?
•How did the Ultras affect the Civil Service and local government?
•What else did they demand that contradicted the regulations of the Charter? (There are two things you should identify).
This is a
Just how threatened do you think the monarchy was in 1824?
Not that threatened
Place a post it where you think it would be most appropriate.
Extremely threatened
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Where and why did opposition to Louis XVIII develop?
Create a Single Bubble Map of possible groups that would be in opposition of Louis XVIII and give a reason for their opposition.
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Review of Louis XVIII?
To compare level of success against amount of opposition
To come to a judgement on the level of success of Louis XVIII’s reign
To come to a judgement on the level of political stability in France in
Successful ruler?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Review of Louis XVIII?
How successful was Louis XVIII?
Review the challenges that Louis was faced with at the start of his reign, has he overcome them?
In pairs list all the successes you can find and prepare to feedback this list
In 1824 France was more stable than in 1815.
Find two pieces of evidence for each side of the debate in this statement
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Review of Louis XVIII?
‘The tragedy of Louis’ reign was his good sense was shared by so few of his supporters.’ Would you agree with this view of Louis XVIII reign?
(50-100 words max)
'An Incident in the White Terror, 1815', 1895. General Count Gilly in hiding in a peasant's house in the neighbourhood of Anduze in the South of France. The Second White Terror occurred in France in 1815 after the overthrow of Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy in the person of Louis XVIII. People suspected of having links to Napoleon or the French Revolution were arrested, imprisoned and, in some cases, executed. Jacques Laurent Gilly, a general under Napoleon, was condemned to death in 1816. He stayed hidden at Anduze until 1819. By 1820 the political climate had become more liberal and Gilly was pardoned and had his rank and honours restored. A print from The Magazine of Art, Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris and Melbourne, 1895.
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How did Charles X increase opposition to the Bourbons?
What sort of a man was Charles X?
Describe Charles X referring to;
-Medieval pageantry
He said ‘ I had rather chop wood than reign after the fashion of the King of
What does he mean and what does it tell us about him and his beliefs?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How did Charles X increase opposition to
Objectives the Bourbons?
To Investigate how
Charles X increased opposition
To understand the different groups in opposition
To come to a conclusion as to the level of seriousness of the opposition
Charles X
Why was this Coronation a significant event in the reign of
Charles X?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How did Charles X increase opposition to the Bourbons?
Looking the evidence of what sort of King was Charles X what reasons can you find why there might be increased opposition to his reign?
How did he continue to increase opposition?
How much of this opposition was due to his personal actions and beliefs? How much was down to the situation in France at the time?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Why did Revolution break out in 1830?
The Short Term causes
Create a flow chart of these dates, showing what happened.
March 1827
November 1827
January 1828 March
August 1829
January 1830
March 1830
July 1830 (9 th )
July 1830 (25 th )
Mark on the point at which you believe revolution became inevitable
The Short Term causes
July 9 th
July 25 th
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Why did Revolution break out in 1830?
To evaluate the short term causes of the
To evaluate the long term causes of the revolution
To compare the importance of the long and short term causes to come to a conclusion
Revolution breaks out again!!!!
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Why did Revolution break out in 1830?
The Long Term causes
Read through the long term causes and make a bullet point list of these.
Prioritise this list and prepare to feedback your thoughts
Plenary –
Which was more important in causing the revolution?
The Short or Long term causes.
Max 15 words for your explanation
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Was the downfall of the Monarchy due to the actions of Charles X?
To practice document skills
To come to a judgement as to the level of responsibility of Charles
All his fault?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Was the downfall of the Monarchy due to the actions of
Charles X?
Sources that suggest it was his fault and quotes in support
Sources that suggest it was not his fault and quotes in support.
In conclusion
All his fault?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
Time for a Debate
The motion –
You have ½ a hour to prepare your team’s argument
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
How did Charles X increase opposition to the Bourbons?
How did he continue to increase opposition?
How much of this opposition was due to his personal actions and beliefs? How much was down to the situation in France at the time?
Complete the table below
Opposition due to the actions and beliefs of
Charles X
Opposition due to the situation in France at the time
Plenary –What caused the rise in opposition at this time?
The Restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy
A Review
Fall of
Fall of