English Classes

English Classes
English Classes
London Bus
A) Complete as sentenças com um pronome relativo. Se for
possível a omissão, assinale também com um X
1. What is the name of the actor who/that starred this movie?
2. My brother Steve, who is blind, plays the keyboard quite well.
3. Fever, which is a typical symptom of flu, needs to be controlled.
4. Children who/that have asthma should not do strong physical
5. Headache and earache, which are common in babies, give
mothers a lot of trouble.
6. My uncle, who fought in two wars, had many scars all over his
7. The toothache that/which/X I had was due to the altitude.
8. Some of the skin problems that/which/X adolescents have
usually last for some years.
9. We don't know with whom he was talking on the phone.
10. Do you have any idea from whom you are receiving such
11. Situations in which people face risks must be avoided.
12. The kid with whom I was talking is my son.
13. Everybody tried to guess the name of the guy that /who/ X
she was living with.
14. Teachers whose students succeed in life feel very happy.
15. Carl Smith is the person that/who/X the director
16. Some of the old houses whose doors and windows are
dark blue must be preserved.
17. I have dandruff, which displeases me a great deal.
18. He really doesn't know what to do in this circumstance.
19. She never stopped smoking, which provoked serious
scars in her lungs.
20. He didn't tell us what was going on over there.
B) Complete the sentences below using who, which or
that. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. There are some questions which/that can't be answered.
2. Do you know any teacher who / that likes noisy students?
3. Brazilians, who have a reputation for being cheerful, are
lucky to live in such a beautiful country.
4. The moon is the only celestial body which / that goes
around the earth.
5. Cathy´s favorite color is white, which people normally
associate with peace.
C) Omit the relative pronoun (by putting it in parentheses),
whenever it is possible.
1. He is very jealous of the woman (that) he loves.
2. They recognized the man who had stolen their car.
3. She expressed pleasure in meeting the man that had
invented the telephone.
4. The movie (which) she liked best was "Ghost ".
5. The actors (who) she prefers are Marlon Brando and Al
6. Two are better than one, but the man who said that did
not know my sisters.
D) Read the two sentences and then write one sentence with
the same meaning. Use a relative clause in your sentence.
1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in the hospital.
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
2. A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.
The man who answered the phone told me you were out.
3. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient.
4. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.
The boys who were arrested have now been released.
5. The young were taken to prison. They took part in a
The young who were taken to prison took part in a demonstration.
6. This is the girl . She lives near here.
This is the girl who lives near here.
7. This is the dog. It bit the boy.
This is the dog which bit the boy.
8. That is the doctor. They met the doctor at the conference.
That is the doctor they met at the conference.
9. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
The building that was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
10. These are the lessons. The lessons are more difficult.
These are the lessons that are more difficult.
11. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
The bus which goes to the airport runs every half hour.
E) Complete as frases com o pronome relativo adequado.
1. Man must stop destroying the things which mean his own
2. Nobody has seen the burglar who broke in the store.
3. We are acquainted with some people who live in London.
4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
5. I've never seen the old man who lives next door smiling.
6. Animal which can be seen at this zoo are generally imported
from Asia or Africa.
F) Complete as frases com o pronome relativo adequado
1 . The girl who/that I gave the present to is my sister.
2. He saw the man who/that you talked with at the party.
3. The book which/that we are thinking about is very expensive.
4. He broke the vase in which you put the flowers.
5. The man from whom we bought our house is very rich.
6. This is the man who/that the police is looking for.
7. The table on which you put your books costs 50 dollars.
8. The horse which/that the veterinarian gave medicine to is very
G) Join the sentences with who or which.
Do you know a shop which sells good coffee?
I know somebody who could mend that chair.
I want some plates which can go in the microwave.
I was at school with the man who is driving that taxi.
I'd like to speak to the person who deals with exports.
She's got friendly with a boy who lives next door.
The police haven't found the man who stole my car.
There's some cheese in the fridge which needs to be eaten.
We've got some light bulbs which last for years.
This is the switch which isn't working.
H)Fill in the blanks with that, who, whom or which.
Use all the possibilities. Follow the model:
1. Is it the flower which/that you like?
2. This is all that he needs.
3. The doctors who/that I've seen were in the laboratory.
4. Pam is in love with a man who/that is very handsome.
5. What did you do with the notebook in which I wrote
the exercises?
6. The young people with whom she goes out are
my friends.
7. The lady who/that we've met is Mrs. Gordon.
8. That's the dish which/that I love.
9. Nothing that she knows is important now.
10. The picture in which there is a girl is a Renoir.
I) Write in English:
1. Há alguém que eu quero encontrar.
There is somebody that I want to meet.
2. Esta é a casa que você comprou?
Is this the house that you bought?
3. As enfermeiras que trabalham aqui são bonitas.
The nurses that work here are beautiful.
4. Nada que eu compro é bom.
Nothing that I buy is good.
5. Aquele é o homem que vai estudar com você.
That is the man that is going to study with you.
6. A mulher que mora aqui é minha tia.
The woman that lives here is my aunt.
7. Susan é a garota que lhe telefonou ontem.
Susan is the girl that telephoned you yesterday.
8. Bob é o professor sobre quem eu lhe falei.
Bob is the teacher about whom I told you.
J) Join the two sentences together using who or which.
a) I saw a road accident today. It really upset me.
The road accident I saw today really upset me.
b) It was a red Ford Escort. It caused the accident.
It was the red Ford Scort that caused the accident.
c) It had an unusual registration number. It began with
the letter X.
It had an unusual registration number that began with
the letter X.
d) The driver was a young man. He was wearing dark
The driver who was wearing dark glasses was a young
e) He hit an old woman. She was crossing the road.
He hit the old woman who was crossing the road
f) I called an ambulance. It arrived five minutes later.
I called an ambulance that arrived five minutes later
g) I took care of the old woman. She was still breathing.
I took care of the old woman who was still breathing.
K) Rewrite each formal sentence as an informal one,
ending with the word given.
a) These are the boys with whom I went skiing.
These are the boys whom I went skiing with.
b) This is the letter for which I have been waiting .
This is the letter which I have been waiting for.
c) That is the person from whom Sue bought her bike.
That is the person whom Sue bought her bike from.
d) That is the bed and breakfast at which I stayed.
That is the bed and breakfast which I stayed at.
e) Tim is someone to whom I hardly ever write.
Tim is someone whom I hardly ever write to.
L) Identifique as frases em que o pronome relativo pode
ser omitido.
a. Those were the last words that she spoken to him.
b. I saw a man who had no feet.
c. We heard about some things that you won’t believe.
d. The TV programs which he usually watches are the
news and talk shows.
e. AIDS is one of the diseases that are spreading fast.
M) Complete with who or whose.
a. Nadine was talking about Sarah, a fat woman who used
to work for the family.
b. Ann had two children whose education was her constant
c. Children whose parents have died are called orphans.
d. China is an old country whose traditions may seem
strange to us.
e. The scientists who deal with snakes are called
N) Complete with what or which.
a. She gave us what we needed.
b. Mike is very tall what can be a problem sometimes.
c) I want you to tell us exactly what happened.