3. The Kingdom`s Nature

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
In this series we shall study
– Plans, Prophecies, and Expectations
– The Kingdom Is At Hand!
– The Kingdom’s Nature
The Kingdom Comes
The Kingdom’s Citizens
The Kingdom’s Laws
The Kingdom’s Rewards
The Kingdom’s Defenders
The Kingdom’s Future
The Kingdom’s Alternative
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Outline
– A different kind of kingdom
– Different by its origin
– Different by its manifestation
– Different by its citizens
– Different by its value
– Different by its focus
– Different by its endurance
– Different by what it rejects
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• A different kind of kingdom
– Satan offered Jesus all the world’s kingdoms (Matt. 4:8)
– God’s kingdom is not like the world’s kingdoms
– Jesus’ kingdom is “not of this world” (John 18:36)
– Jesus explained the kingdom in parables
– The apostles also commented on its nature
– Worldly men cannot understand it (1 Cor. 2:14)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its origin
– The world’s kingdoms originate with men on earth, but
God’s kingdom has a heavenly origin
– Divinely planned, prophesied, and built (Daniel 7:13-14)
– Jesus is the builder of His kingdom/church (Mt. 16:18)
– Its architect & builder is God (Heb. 11:4)
– It was planted like a seed and grew (Mt. 13:31-32)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its manifestation
– The world’s kingdoms are seen in headquarters with
armed guards, but God’s kingdom is manifested in
individual members
– Did not appear with signs, but in people (Luke 17:20-21)
– It is built of people who are spiritual stones (1 Pet. 2:5)
– Flesh & blood cannot inherit it (I Cor. 15:50)
– Its headquarters is in heaven, not earth (Heb. 8:1)
– Its enemies are not fleshly, but spiritual forces of evil
(Eph. 6:12)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its citizens
– Citizenship in human kingdoms is based on being
natural-born or obtaining citizenship through a legal
process. Citizens of God’s kingdom are different:
– They enter by being born again (John 3:3,5)
– They are spiritually minded (Gal. 6:1)
– They offer spiritual worship (Rom. 12:1)
– They share in spiritual things (Rom. 14:17; 15:27)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its value
– The financial kingdoms of the world are characterized
by their monetary value (corporate empires, GDP)
– God’s kingdom is like a hidden treasure, a pearl of
great price (Matt. 13:44-46)
– Its riches are spiritual (Eph. 1:3-12)
– Its treasures are in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21; 19:21)
– Its economy on earth is good deeds (1 Tim. 6:17-19)
– To Jesus, it was worth leaving heaven and suffering
death on a cross. What is it worth to you? (Matt. 16:26)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its focus
– The world focuses on here/now: living for the moment
(YOLO), indulgence in whatever makes you feel good, etc.
God’s kingdom looks to the future.
– Parable of ten virgins: watch and be ready (Mt. 25:1-13)
– Parable of the talents: be faithful stewards (Mt. 25:14-23)
– It will ultimately be handed over to the Father (I Cor.
– Where is your focus: here & now, or heaven?
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by its endurance
– Kingdoms, nations, and corporations rise and fall, but
God’s kingdom is everlasting
– It will have no end (Lk. 1:33)
– Cannot be shaken (Heb. 12:28)
– Will endure forever (Dan. 2:44)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Different by what it rejects
– Worldly kingdoms celebrate the freedom to sin, but
God’s kingdom rejects what is unholy
– Those who will not humble themselves (Mark 10:15)
– Those who put worldly wealth first (Mark 10:23-25)
– Those who turn back to the world (Luke 9:62)
– The unrighteous (1 Cor. 6:9-10)
– Doers of the deeds of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21)
– Immoral/impure/covetous/idolators (Eph. 5:5)
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Kingdom’s Nature
• Summary of the nature of God’s kingdom
– It is not like the kingdoms of this world
– It has a divine origin & builder, not an earthly origin
– Its manifestation is in people, not physical structures
– Its citizens are spiritually minded
– It has incomparable value
– Its focus is the next life
– It will endure forever
– The unholy cannot be in it
The Gospel of the Kingdom
• The gates of the kingdom are open now and all are
invited to enter
• God has done His part to make the kingdom
accessible to you today
• Will you do your part to enter it?
• Obey the Gospel: believe, repent, confess, be
baptized, and God will add you to it! (Acts 2:38,47)
• If you previously entered but have since departed,
will you repent and return?
Hear , believe, and
obey the Gospel today!