
Chapter 19
Ch 19 Sec 1 – Advertising Media
What you’ll learn . . .
• The concept and purpose of
• The different types of advertising
Advertising and Its Purpose
• Any paid form of nonpersonal
• Advertising is everywhere!
Advertising Media
• The avenue or methods used to deliver an
advertising message.
Main Types of Advertising Media
Print Media
Broadcast Media
Online Media
Specialty Media
Print Media
Written forms of advertising:
• newspapers
• magazines
• direct mail
• signs
• billboards
Newspaper Advertising
• Advantages
– Large readership and a high level of reader
– Advertisers can target certain people
– The cost is relatively low
– Ads are timely
• Disadvantages
– Wasted circulation
– Short life
– Black and white (although many papers are
changing to color format)
Magazine Advertising
• Advantages
– Can target audiences
– Longer life span
– Print quality is good
– People keep magazines longer than
– Offer a variety of presentation formats
• Disadvantages
– Less mass appeal within a geographical area
– More expensive
– Deadlines make them less timely
Direct-Mail Advertising
• Includes newsletters, catalogs,
coupons, samplers, price lists,
circulars, invitations, postagepaid reply cards, and letters.
Direct-Mail Advertising
• Advantages
– Can be highly selective
– Controlled timing
– Can be used to actually make the sale
• Disadvantages
– Low response level
– People think of it as “junk mail”
– Dated lists
– Cost is high
Outdoor Advertising
• Billboards, posters, signs, or any other large
printed outdoor media.
A billboard gets right to the point
Outdoor Advertising
• Advantages
– Highly visible and relatively
– 24-hour a day message and located to
reach specific target markets
• Disadvantages
– Becoming more restricted –
increasingly regulated
– Limited viewing time
Broadcast Media
• Includes radio and
Television Advertising
• Communicates with sound, action, and
• Prime time is between 8 and 11 p.m.
• Is appealing to large companies with
widespread distribution.
Television Advertising
• Advantages
– Can be directed to an audience with a specific
– Message can be adapted to take advantages
of holidays and special events
• Disadvantages
– Highest production cost of any media type
– High dollar cost for the time used
– Actual audience size is not assured – people
leave the room or channel surf – effect of TIVO
Radio Advertising
• Radio reaches 96 % of people over 12 yrs
which makes it very effective
• Best times are “drive times” – morning and
late afternoon/early evening
Radio Advertising
• Advantages
– Can select an audience, such as teens
by choosing the right station
– More flexible than print – messages can
be easily changed
– It’s a mobile medium – can be taken just
about anywhere
• Disadvantages
– Short life span – when broadcast, it is
– Lack of visual involvement
Online Advertising
• Placing advertising
messages on the
• Banner ads –
created with rich
media technology
that uses the
strategy of popping
up and interrupting
the readers search
Businesses Must
• Determine which media outlets best reach
their target markets and achieve their
promotional goals
• Determine which media outlets will stay
within their promotional budgets.
Specialty Media
• Calendars, magnets, pens, pencils, memo
pads, and key chains given away with
advertising messages.