What would you like to do today!! A look at the ‘C’ system and its application to coaching elite athletes A look in depth at Connection; Competence and Creativity Finding some more ‘C’s Examining how to use external frameworks to help us The ‘C’ system (Lerner) Connection Helping Coaches and performers connect with each other, their chosen activity and all of its outcomes. Confidence Ensuring adults understand how to define success and knowing (at the appropriate level) how to improve and how long it might take. Competence Coaching for the level of competence identified by the performer and coach, and any external standards. The ‘C’ system (Lerner) contd. Creativity Encouraging adults to find their own ways to practise. play and perform in the whole continuum of practice to performance. Character Respecting the codes of sport. Having standards for correct behaviour, a sense of right and wrong and integrity. Caring and Compassion A sense of sympathy and empathy for others. Connection Coach Performer Sessions Jointly set goals Sport Goleman Emotional and social intelligence Self- awareness Self- management Socialawareness Social facility •Synchrony •Self-presentation •Influence •Concern Goleman Emotional and social intelligence Self- awareness •Emotional self-awareness •Accurate self assessment •Self confidence Social- awareness •Primal empathy •Empathic accuracy •Listening •Social cognition Self- management •Self control •Transparency •Adaptability •Achievement •Initiative •Optimism Relationship management •Inspiration •Influence •Developing others •Change catalyst •Conflict management •Teamwork and collaboration Social awareness Primal empathy feeling with others sensing non-verbal emotional signals Attunement listening with full receptivity attuning to a person Empathic accuracy understanding another person’s thoughts, feelings and intentions Social cognition knowing how the social world works Relationship management Synchrony interacting smoothly at the non-verbal level Self-presentation presenting ourselves effectively Influence shaping the outcome of social interactions Concern caring about others’ needs and acting accordingly How does your athlete connect? Myers Briggs Does your athlete prefer to focus on the outer world or on their own inner world? This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I). Information: Does your athlete prefer to focus on the basic information you offer or do they prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). Myers Briggs Decisions: When making decisions, does your athlete look at logic and consistency or first look at the people and special circumstances? This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F). Structure: In dealing with the outside world, does your athlete prefer to get things decided or prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). The body, you and your athlete Is there a sense of joint ownership / connection with the Athlete’s body? During training sessions Injury When writing / devising the training schedule What’s the proportion? Sticking to a diet Monitoring body changes Competence A jointly owned agenda Timed progression Sense of achievement A mixture of knowledge and ignorance Rebranding competence Unfamiliar context Position Y Knowledge management Z Familiar problems Unfamiliar problems Y Familiar context Position Z Ignorance management The competence and ignorance journey Conscious competence Unfamiliar context Unconscious incompetence Unfamiliar problems Familiar problems Conscious competence Unconscious competence Conscious incompetence Familiar context Creativity The team player The experimenter The cross-pollinator The hurdler The collaborator The director The designer What kind of creativity and where? Confidence Self-worth Self- efficacy Differentiation Character Do you have a code of conduct for coaches, officials and players? Do you teach your players how to thank opponents after a game? Do you teach your players how to talk with each other after a game? Have you ever questioned an official: During a competition After a competition Face to face aggressively Have you ever suspended a player for misconduct Have you ever manipulated the rules of a competition Have you ever shouted at a player for poor performance Caring and Compassion Supportive Allow for individual differences More Cs • Courage Choking • Consistency Coping Clarity Challenge Commitment Communication Capacity Control Coordination Concentration The books Coaching the whole child: Positive development through sport How to deliver engaging sessions: Developing adults and young people through sport Both available from Coachwise www.coachwise.ltd.uk Social intelligence 2007 Daniel Goleman The New Leaders 2002 Goleman; Boyatzis; McKee The Art of Innovation 2004 Tom Kelley Ten Faces of Innovation 2008 Tom Kelley and Jonathan Littman