Rube Goldberg Simulation 8th grade Physical Science Northmont Middle School Michele Seitz Introduction To Simulation Culmination to simple machines unit see what it’s all about Pick reliable partners for machine build Pick simple task for machine to perform Get sketch approved-Microsoft Paint Build machine, journaling throughout-Word Create brochure using Microsoft Publisher to try to “sell” your machine to peers Student Roles • Rube Goldberg inventors • Trial and error-students build simple machines and try to get them to work as a unit to perform final task • Challenging-students must meet conditions-rubric #1, Students are finding a difficult way to perform an easy task Technology • Internet-The student will explore websites for design/machine ideas • Microsoft paint- The student will sketch their ideas for approval before beginning. • Scanner-The students will need to scan pictures into their brochure •Microsoft Excel/Word-The student will need to keep a journal of their progress, including dates of every meeting, attendance, progress or no progress made and pictures of the machine at that point. •Microsoft Publisher-The student will create a brochure to try to sell their machine Learning Outcome 1 Curriculum Standards and Technology Standards (8TH GRADE) TSWBAT The student will be able to identify different simple machines and their uses. (Application) Curriculum content standard TSWBAT Design and build a product or create a solution to a problem given more than two constraints. (Synthesis) Science academic content standards TSWBAT Evaluate the overall effectiveness of a product design or solution. (Evaluation) Science academic content standard TSWBAT Design collaborative interactive activities or projects. (Synthesis) Academic Technology content standards 2 3 4 5 TSWBAT Disseminate results obtained through collaborative research projects to a larger audience. (Sharing information thus far with class periodically) (Evaluation) Academic Technology content standards TSWBAT Demonstrate how to use copyright issues when creating a new product. (The student may get overall ideas from Rube Goldberg websites but not copy projects) (Application) Academic Technology content standards TSWBAT Identify how modeling, testing, evaluating and modifying are used to transform ideas in practical solutions. (Evaluation) Academic Technology content standards Invent a tool to solve a problem. (Synthesis) Academic Technology content standards Explain the factors that influence message and design Academic Technology content standards 6 7 8 TSWBAT 9 TSWBAT 10 Create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher making sure to utilize correct mechanics, content, and creativity TSWBAT 11 Write in direct response to that prompt demonstrating knowledge of grammar, mechanics, and usage, as evidenced in part by the capacity to: follow conventions of punctuation and capitalization, spell words correctly, maintain subject/verb agreement, choose and use clear language, use standard forms of verbs and nouns, and demonstrate the use of appropriate and varied adjectives (journaling) TSWBAT Varied Learning styles this simulation hits: Kinesthetic-building of project Visual-paint to sketch, Microsoft Publisher design Audio-conversing with peers Intrapersonal-working cooperatively in a group Mathematical-shape and design of project Cultural diversity-students will be able to do this project without spending money, if the student can’t provide transportation to meet with partners he/she may work alone, passes for MC Classroom Management • Attentiveness and politeness as students demonstrate • Effectively dealing with members of a group who are not participating in building of machine • Respect while passing around brochures Rubrics • Rubric #1: Machine and demonstration • Rubric #2: Journal • Rubric #3: Brochure Debriefing as a Class How does performing the task with the machine compare to performing the task without the machine? How would you evaluate the overall effectiveness of the machine? What constraint changes would you make and why? How has the building of this machine affected the thinking of your everyday tasks? the opinion of Rube Goldberg? your understanding of simple machines? Debriefing Continued How has the building of this machine affected the thinking of your everyday tasks? the opinion of Rube Goldberg? your understanding of simple machines? How did it make you feel when an idea did not work?