What is this trying to show? Pete the Population Pyramid Hello, I’m Pete I bet they don’t realise I can change my size & shape. I’m really Pete the performing Population pyramid Reading Population Pyramids (Using Waugh p9 answer the following questions) 1. What % Kenya’s population is young dependants? 2. What % of Japans population is in retirement? 3. What % of Kenya’s male population is economically active? Label that Pete…….. • On your A3 pyramids try to add the correct labels to the correct part of the pyramid Interpreting population Pyramids When explaining /describing / comparing population pyramids try to comment on the following 6 things: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Birth Rate Death Rate Infant mortality Life expectancy % of dependants to economically active (Young dependants =0-15 / elderly = 65+) 6. Migration (If there are any sudden bulges this is usually due to in-migration, if there are bites inwards usually because of out-migration) Draw and comment on the shape of the following population pyramid You choose your Pete, can you explain him? • • • • • Can you explain this fella? what about this one then? what the blazes..... i don't think so...... lets make it local • Where do you want to go now? The UK, an ageing population 1. Read through each of the cards carefully 2. Try to divide the cards into different groups ( You must have at least 3 groups and a min of 6) • Social ( Things that concern people) • Economic • Political (Things that affect money) (Things that affect governments or local councils etc) • Any advantages? India a young dependant population What problems do you thing Kenya would face with a young dependant population. Use the subtitles: – – – – Social Economic Political Any Advantages?