Eastover 4th Grade - Mrs. Doerre`s Fourth Grade

Eastover 4th Grade
Curriculum Night
Eastover’s Uniform Policy, Rules,
• Appropriate uniform includes shoes that are
mostly white, black, blue or grey NO
• All sweatshirts, jackets, vests, etc. should be
labeled with your child’s name!
• We will be safe.
• We will be responsible.
• We will be respectful
4th Grade Schedule
• 8:15-8:30 Morning Meeting/Morning Work
• 8:30-9:45 Math
• 9:45-10:30 Rotation #1
• 10:30-11:15 Rotation #2
• 11:15-11:45 recess
• 11:45-12:15 Lunch
• 12:15-12:35 agenda/jobs
• 12:35:1:20 Specials
• 1:20-3:00 Literacy
• 3:00-3:15 Dismissal Procedures/Read Aloud
Math Curriculum
Factors, Multiples, Arrays
Describing the Shape of Data
Multiple Towers and Division Stories
Size, Shape, and Symmetry
Landmarks and Large Number
Fraction Cards and Decimal Squares
How Many Packages? How many groups?
Penny Jars and Plant Growth
Balanced Literacy
• 10 - 15 minutes Mini-lesson. Some mini-lessons
include: comprehension skills, word attack skills,
reading strategies, fluency, literary
styles/content of text
• 5 - 10 minutes Read-aloud (can be in
conjunction with mini-lesson). The purpose of the
read-aloud is to model appropriate reading
behaviors and reading strategies. It is also a time
to expose children to a variety of genres and
literary styles.
Balanced Literacy
• 30 – 45 minutes Independent Reading with
conferencing. Graded on a rubric. Each student
usually has their own text. This is the time when
students practice strategies modeled in the minilesson or practice reading. Students can read
alone, in pairs, or in small response groups.
Independent Reading is the heart of the Reading
• 5 minutes Sharing: The class discusses what they
learned such as which strategies they employed
for reading, or projects they worked on. This time
is also where students will examine their reading
logs. Share time is VERY IMPORTANT and should
not be skipped.
Assessments in Balanced
• Teachers can do various assessments such as
running records, retellings, or keeping anecdotal
notes on children's progress.
• Some activities in Independent Reading include:
• Responding to text in reader's response
• Participate in literature circles.
• Story chat with a group of students.
• Work with a reading partner.
• Do some silent reading
Weekly Assessment
• Word Work, usually referred to as
spelling or phonics, is the time when
the teacher works with the whole
class on phonics skills and spelling
• Spelling Inventory-every 8-9 weeks
to assess needs in spelling.
Spelling Groups-students are grouped with
other students who need practice on a
particular spelling pattern. Students are
grouped based on a spelling need that was
evident on their spelling inventory test.
Students should use each other as a
resource during their group work time.
Spelling Work: students work in groups for
20-30 minutes each day to complete a
spelling activity or book hunt. Spelling
activities change quarterly.
Writing/Spelling-Ms. Bates
Opinion Writing
Personal Narrative
Persuasive Writing
Spelling Inventory-every 8-9 weeks to assess needs in
• Spelling Groups-students are grouped with other students
who need practice on a particular spelling pattern. Students
are grouped based on a spelling need that was evident on
their spelling inventory. Students should use each other as a
resource during their group work time
Health-Ms. Bates
-stress management
-body types/uniqueness
-childhood diseases/conditions
-protection during sports/activities
--1st aid/Heimlich
-health product advertisements
-body language/communication
-empathy for disabled/diseased
-predicting violent situations
Science-Ms. Yonkovig
Force and Motion
Matter: Properties and Change
Energy: Conservation and Transfer
Earth in the Universe
Earth History
Molecular Biology
Labs, Study Guides, Quizzes, Tests,
Projects, Science Journals
Social Studies-Mrs.
• North Carolina and Me
– Concepts: governmental systems, rights and responsibilities,
market economy, entrepreneurship.
• North Carolina History
• Concepts: change, colonialism, rights and responsibilities,
• Celebrating North Carolina Culture
– Concepts: culture, diversity, values, and beliefs
• The Beauty of North Carolina
• Change, transportation, communication, geography
TD teacher
provides materials
& resources for
teachers to use
collaborative &
at Eastover
TD Teacher
provides “pushin” support to
teaching, co-teaching,
small group
instruction, individual
student conferences.
book clubs, TedEd,
Lego Robotics &
Field Trips
JA Biztown (chaperones needed!)
Raleigh (chaperones needed!)
Children’s Theater
Chaperones ~ Must be registered
Contact Information
• d.yonkovig@cms.k12.nc.us
– www.msyonkovig4th.weebly.com
• judith.wasden@cms.k12.nc.us
– www.mrsdoerre4th.weebly.com
– @mrsdoerre4th
• megane.bates@cms.k12.nc.us
– www.msbates4th.weebly.com