Awareness-Level Lesson 5 Presentation



Lesson 5 Presentation

Hazardous Materials for

First Responders, 3 rd Ed.

Definition of Terrorism

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as:

“The unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.”

Awareness Level



Elements of Terrorism

Terrorist activities are illegal and involve the use of force

Actions intend to intimidate or coerce

Actions are committed in support of political or social objectives

Awareness Level



Domestic Terrorism

Involves groups or individuals whose activities, conducted without foreign influence, are directed at elements of a government or population

Awareness Level



International Terrorism

Involves activities committed by foreign-based groups or individuals who are either directed by countries or groups outside a country or whose activities transcend national boundaries

Awareness Level



Goals of Terrorism





Awareness Level



Potential Terrorist Targets

Public assembly occupancies and locations

Public buildings

Mass transit systems

Places with high economic significance

Telecommunications facilities

Places with historical or symbolic significance

Military installations


Industrial facilities

Awareness Level



Categories of Terrorist Incidents

B iological

N uclear

I ncendiary

C hemical

E xplosive

Awareness Level



Weapon of Mass Destruction

According to the U.S. Government a weapon of mass destruction is any weapon or device that is intended or has the capability to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of one of the following means:

– Toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors

– A disease organism

– Radiation or radioactivity

Awareness Level



Biological Terrorism

The CDC defines biological terrorism as an intentional release of viruses, bacteria, or their toxins for the purpose of harming or killing citizens.

Awareness Level



Types of Biological Agents

Viral agents

Bacterial agents


Biological toxins

Awareness Level



Biological Attack Indicators

Unusual numbers of sick or dying people or animals

Unscheduled and unusual spray being disseminated

Abandoned spray devices

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Awareness Level



Biological Attack Indicators

Evidence of terrorist activity may be visible at the incident, OR

Terrorist activity may not be obviously evident

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Awareness Level



Chemical vs. Biological Incidents

Chemical incident

– Symptoms are noticeable either within minutes or hours

– May have a unique odor and color

Biological incident

– Symptoms may take days or even weeks to appear

– No odor or color

– May spread beyond the initial contamination

Awareness Level



Chemical Terrorism

Chemical attack — The deliberate release of a toxic gas, liquid or solid that can poison people and the environment

Awareness Level



Chemical Warfare Agents

Chemical substances that are intended for use in warfare or terrorist activities to kill, seriously injure, or seriously incapacitate people through their physiological effects

Awareness Level



Toxic Industrial Materials

Particularly poisonous hazardous materials that are normally used for industrial purposes, but could be used by terrorists to deliberately kill, injure or incapacitate people

Awareness Level



Chemical Incident Indicators

Dead animals/birds/fish

Lack of insect life

Unexplained odors

Pattern of casualties


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Awareness Level



Chemical Incident Indicators

Illness in confined area

Unusual liquid droplets

Different looking areas

Low-lying clouds

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Awareness Level



Chemical Incident Indicators

Unusual metal debris

Unusual numbers of dying or sick people (mass casualties)

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Awareness Level




The acronym SLUDGEM is used to remember health problems:

– S alivation (drooling)

– L acrimation (tearing)

– U rination

– D efecation

– G astrointestinal upset/aggravation (cramping)

– E mesis (vomiting)

– M iosis (pinpointed pupils) or Muscular twitching/spasms

Awareness Level



Criminal and Terrorist

Incident Response

Essentially the same as other haz mat incidents

Law enforcement

– Must be notified

– Must be included

Use predetermined procedures

– Summon help

– Communicate with media and public

Awareness Level



Basic Principles of Response

Incident priorities

– Life safety

– Incident stabilization

– Protection of property and the environment

Establish an incident command or management system

Call for additional help

Awareness Level



Additional Actions at

Terrorist or Criminal Incidents

Notify authorities

Preserve crime scene evidence

Isolate exposed people and animals

Secure the scene

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Awareness Level



Additional Actions at

Terrorist or Criminal Incidents

Take precautions against the possibility of secondary devices

Exercise caution concerning other potential hazards associated with terrorist and criminal activities

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Awareness Level



Awareness Actions at

Criminal or Terrorist Incidents

Protect yourself and other first responders

Report the suspicion to the appropriate authorities and document your initial observation

Isolate people or animals that may have been exposed

Avoid actions that may disturb potential evidence

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Awareness Level



Awareness Actions at

Criminal or Terrorist Incidents

Do not touch any item that may indicate a criminal or terrorist activity and be aware of the potential for secondary devices

Set up control zones

Take steps to prevent secondary contamination

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Awareness Level




First responders must know their limitations at criminal and terrorist incidents. Incidents, such as those involving meth labs, require training above Awareness Level.

Awareness Level



Guidelines for

Preserving Evidence

Do not touch anything unless it is necessary

Avoid disturbing areas not directly involved in rescue activities

Remember what the scene looked like upon first arrival

Document observations as quickly as possible

Take photographs and videos of the scene as soon as possible

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Awareness Level



Guidelines for

Preserving Evidence

Remember and document when something was touched or moved

Minimize the number of people working in the area, if possible

Leave fatalities and their surroundings undisturbed

Identify witnesses, victims, and the presence of evidence

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Awareness Level



Guidelines for

Preserving Evidence

Preserve potentially transient physical evidence

Follow departmental procedures for establishing chain of custody, documentation, and security measures to store crime scene evidence

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Awareness Level




First responders must be prepared to respond to incidents that may involve criminal or terrorist activity. These incidents pose an additional danger to responders that must be taken into account.

Terrorism can be domestic or international and uses actions that involve force. Potential terrorist targets include those that are highly visible and are public places.

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Awareness Level




Categories of terrorist incidents include biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical, and explosive. The term weapon of mass destruction is often used in connection with potential terrorism incidents.

Biological and chemical terrorism both have unique characteristics and indicators. Knowing these characteristics and indicators are important.

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Awareness Level




When responding to an incident involving criminal or terrorist activity first responders must take additional actions. Other agencies must be involved and precautions regarding safety taken.

The preservation of evidence is important at crime scenes and first responders must be aware of and follow guidelines for preserving evidence.

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Awareness Level




Lesson 5 Presentation

Hazardous Materials for

First Responders, 3 rd Ed.
