K.A.H.F.O.O.T.Y. - Skyline R2 School


What does KAHFOOTY stand for?

Keep All Hands, Feet, and Other Objects to


Why do you think it is important to follow KAHFOOTY?

(Give students time to respond)

 Kahfooty is important in all settings.

 It is a lifelong skill. It is important at home, in the community and at jobs.

 It plays big part in being respectful, responsible, safe, and caring.

Today, we are going to talk about how to

KAHFOOTY at all times. Let’s think of some examples for all settings.

Setting Example

(Write in student examples)







I am going to give you some examples of situations at school. I want you to show me a thumbs up if it is a good example of

KAHFOOTY at all times . Give me a thumbs down if it is not an example of KAHFOOTY.

Jackie was on the carpet tickling the person next to her while the teacher was reading a story.

Cassie was in the restroom and someone pushed her while she was in line to wash her hands. Cassie shoved her back to keep her spot in line.

Carter was on the playground and Jim ran in to him because he was mad. Carter walked away and told his teacher.

Katie was in the hallway and saw her friend. She waved as they passed each other.

In an assembly, David was sliding on the floor and bumping in to the people around him.

Susan was eating her lunch in the cafeteria. She used her hands to eat and used her silverware. She also raised her hand to ask to use the restroom.

Rochelle and Misty sat across the aisle from one another on the bus. When Rochelle became angry at Misty, she asked Misty to leave her alone.

Dusty and Matt were sitting in the same bus seat. Dusty thought it would be fun to poke

Matt in the arm. When the bus driver asked Dusty about poking Matt, Dusty said he was “just playing”.

While reading on the floor,

Christy accidentally kicked

Sam with her foot. Christy said, “I’m sorry” to Sam.

Today we talked about KAHFOOTY at all times.

Can anyone tell me what KAHFOOTY stands for?

That’s right!

Keep ALL Hands, Feet, and Other Objects to Yourself

A song to sing about Kahfooty

Kahfooty, Kahfooty, Kahfooty…keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Kahfooty, Kahfooty, Kahfooty…keep objects to yourself.

