Curriculum Night third 1516

Welcome to Curriculum
Third Grade
The Third Grade Team
•Mrs. Nancy Armenta
•Mrs. Terry Steward
•Mrs. Shellie Ferrel
Coyote Pledge
• I pledge today to do my best in reading
math and all the rest.
• I promise to obey the rules in my class and
in the school.
• I’ll respect myself and others too.
• I’ll expect the best in all I do.
• I am here to learn all I can.
• To try (do) my best and be all I am.
Carriage Crest Coyotes
use the 4 B’s…
Be Safe
Be a Learner
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
*We are trying to teach
Classroom Expectations
Come every day, on time!
Listen and follow directions the first
Respect others and their property.
Be kind, be safe, and work hard.
Cooperate and be Responsible
ELA Workshop
Expeditionary Learning- New curriculum
Each Module (3)
Starts with building Background
Extended reading and research
Extended writing.
Module 1 – Becoming a Close reader and writing to learn
(Informative Writing)
Module 2B- Researching to build knowledge and teach others
(Researched-based Narrative)
Module 4= Gathering Evidence and Speaking to Others
(Opinion writing and public speaking)
ELA Workshop
Daily Focus Lesson (Mini Lesson)
Comprehension Strategies
Critical Literacy/Thinking Skills
Decoding Skills
Genre or Author Studies
Literary Elements and Features
Responding to Text
Independent Reading
“Just Right” Text
Reading Response
Guided Reading and Literature Circles
Instructional Reading Level
Instructional Need
Whole Group
All eyes on same text
Word Study
ELA Workshop
Common Core Standards- Reading- Variety of Texts
Use Comprehension Strategies
Ask and answer question
Use text based evidence
Explore non fiction
Identify Main Idea/supporting details
Word meanings
Sequence/ retell
Writing to respond to reading and LOTS of it!
Literacy Café Menu
Excellent Vocabulary
Behaviors That Support Reading
Get started right away; Stay in one place; Be quiet;
Read the whole time; Increase stamina; Select
and read “Good Fit” books.
Good Fit Books?
I I look at the book.
P Purpose: What is my purpose for reading
it? Fun? To Learn?
I Interest: Am I interested in this book?
C Comprehend: Do I understand it all?
K Know: Do I know all the words?
 Math Expressions Math Program/Math Workshop
In CCSS students work for – Mastery Secure/Developing/Beginning Skills
 Math Talk -*Solve * Explain *Question *Justify –
asking students to explain their thinking.
 Problem Solving Skills
 Math Games and Explorations
 Basic Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication Facts,
division and fractions, Area and Perimeter
 Think Central-
 Develop Deeper understandings
 We encourage students to come up with creative
solutions to problems and present them while explaining
their thinking in order to solve equations and problems.
DIBELS (for some students)
iReady test
Curriculum-based assessments and
• Teacher conferencing and data
Report Cards
Standards-Based Assessment-
• Student learning assessed based on grade
level targets.
• State grade level expectations (CCSS)
• Grade based on performance evidence
• Speaking and Listening play an integral part
in grades with the CCSS
o Student Portfolios
o Goal Setting
o Student Involved Conferences
Grades are based on numbers
4 = Exceeds state standard
3 = Meets state standards
2= Approaching state standards
1 = Below state standards
(Below Basic)
*Parent reminder
Example: Bicycle Rubric
Child races bicycles
Advanced: Exceeds
proficiency standard
Child rides independently
Proficient: Meets
proficiency standard
Child rides with training
Basic: Falls below
proficiency standard
Child rides on a bike with a
Below Basic: Falls
well below proficiency
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
• Third Grade used CCSS in
Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking, Listening and Math
• More information can be found at :
• Information from KSD:
Nightly Homework
Read 20 minutes each night- As a parent, model
fluency, expression, and instill a love of reading.
Utilize the public library!
Read Good fit books!
 Reading logs are always due on MONDAY
Math homework will be given almost daily.
Wordly wise
Sign student planners each day!
 Edmodo- see next slide
Edmodo My Interactive Webpage
 Go to
 Create a user name and enter the class code. You
will be prompted to create a password.
 Once your child is set up they will give you a parent
 Sign in again only this time as a parent. Use your
email and the code. This will link you to your child
and I will be able to send messages to you.
 We hopefully have it set up so you can write to me
on it as well.
We are learning together,
so pack your patience
The essence of education is a positive
and nurturing learning environment
where students can …ask questions,
learn from mistakes, celebrate their
successes and develop a life long love
of learning… as we grow and discover
day by day.
This and That:
• Thursday Envelopes: Important communication for
parents. Please review contents, sign, and have
your child return on Friday.
• Your child needs a pair of headphones or earbuds
for computer tasks and tests. Please label them
and place them in a Ziploc bag
• If you would like to lend a hand (donate) an item to
our classroom pick up a hand off the round table
with a needed item listed. We will have a wish list
as part of our newsletter as well.
Thanks for ALL you do!
Thank you for coming!
Best way to contact me is through e-mail.
Please see my website information.
I will try to always post weekly homework
Thank you for being such an integral part of
your child’s learning journey.