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Common Core State Standards Crash Course

Introduction to Common Core
Crash Course in the Common Core State
You've probably noticed that there is plenty of controversy swirling around the CCSS. The
purpose of this module is not to get into these aspects; rather, the goal is for you to be able to
do the following:
1. Explain key shifts in ELA and Math standards
2. Explain how social studies, science, and technical subjects are addressed in the ELA
3. Navigate the standards themselves on the corestandards.org website
4. Describe how CCSS are assessed at the state level
Use the following resources to achieve the learning objectives above. Write down a list of
questions in your notebook and bring that to Garry.
1. Watch
http://educore.ascd.org/Resource/Video/9239395e-eced-4703-88fd-be3703bf241f - Video - ELA
Key Shifts
http://educore.ascd.org/Resource/Video/51a69601-3ca9-4ce1-b75b-429ecef75486 - Video Math Key Shifts
http://educore.ascd.org/Resource/Video/f07798c5-a870-4257-a061-14672534064f - Video Literacy in other Disciplines
2. Explore
3. Read
ds.pdf - Article - "From Common Core to Curriculum: Five Big Ideas"
4. Explore
http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/statetesting/FAQ.aspx#5 - State testing aligned with CCSS
(Focus on SBAC-related segments)
http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ - SBAC