Bust of Philip the Arabian

Bust of
Philip the
c. AD 244-249
Bust of Philip the Arabian
What is this Emperor’s name?
 Where is he from?
 Where would most
Roman Emperors be
 What is he wearing?
 Is it slightly different
From the Patrician’s
Clothes? How?
What does this
face say about this
What kinds of
emotions is he
What does his
emotions say
about what it was
like to be Emperor
at this time?
What kind of
Personality would
he have?
Vocab – write on pg 90 of your
Senate: senators passed laws in the high
Equestrian: families that officers and
governors were selected from. They were
the wealthy and well-connected, almost
equal to senate in social standing.
Praetorium Guard: elite troops who
accompanied the Emperor and
protected him
The list of Emperors
Julio-Claudian dynasty
 Augustus 27BC- AD14
 Tiberius AD14 - 37
 Caligula AD37 – 41
 Claudius AD 41- 54
 Nero AD54- 68
Year of 4 emperors
(AD 68 –AD69)
 Galba
 Otho
 Vitellius
Flavian Dynasty
 Vespasian AD69-79
 Titus AD79-81
 Domitian AD 81-96
Trajanic Dynasty
 Nerva AD96-98
 Trajan AD98-117
 Hadrian AD117-138
Antonine Dynasty
 Antoninus Pius AD138-161
 Marcus Aurelius AD161- 180
 Lucis Verus AD161-169
 Commodus AD177-192
Severan dynasty
 (11 emperors)
Emperors during the height
of crisis AD 235-268
 Philip the Arabian
 Many others (constant
Bust of Philip the Arabian p.86
Date: See Paul Artus p.98/99
Dimensions: See Paul Artus p.100/102
Material used: marble
Was there a purpose behind this piece? To
show that Philip was a Emperor who was
concerned for his Empire and who was a
soldier first and foremost. His face shows
nobility, dignity and strength. All qualities
needed during Rome’s difficult times of
political uncertanity.
Bust of Philip the Arabian p.86
What do we know about the life of Philip?
List here the major of his life and reign…
Write down Paul Artus p.98/ p.99 ‘Who
was Philip’ and ‘His reign’
How is his traumatic and turbulant reign
portrayed here in the bust? Write down
‘Military Emperors’ p.99 and the notes
under ‘Expression’
Bust of Philip the Arabian p.87
How does portrait show Philip’s Semetic origins?
Write down ‘Syrian Origins’ in Paul Artus p.98/100
Comment on the techniques used by the sculptor on
this bust. What tools have been used and to what
 Very Closely cropped hair
 Iris outlined
 Drill used for deep crevices
 Hair and Beard is created by the short sharp
incisions of a chisel not a drill
Bust of Philip the Arabian Workbook
Soldier /Emperor /military
/native/ Syria /Semetic
Write down the notes on
‘Veristic style’ p.98/100
Write notes in Paul Artus
p.99/98 ‘The Period’
Write notes in Paul Artus
p.99/100 ‘Toga’
Bust of Philip the Arabian
Workbook p.88
Serious /brow/ concentration/ shut/ crevaces/
cheeks/ mouth
Trimmed hairstyle of the late republic. Closely
cropped hair more like a surface decoration
Beard closely cropped with chisel strikes
Eyes gaze upwards over the heads of viewers
show his concern for his people. He also has a
distinctive scowl.
Prominent nose
Bump on the nose
High Sculptured cheek bones
Heavy jawline
Bust of Philip the Arabian Workbook p.90
Add this information to the page:
Use of Marble – not polished, not sensual,
not sweating, not baroque, not flashy
He was a man who rose to power at a
time of great adversity and survived
through the strength of his will.
Reign ended in 249 when he was
murdered by his own soldiers.
Everything about his face says ‘I have
survived adversity’
Bust of Philip the Arabian p.86
‘Now lets compare all three of the
busts we have studied’
fill in the table!