Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix 7th

Among the Hidden
by Margaret Peterson Haddix
7th Grade Reading Project
Austin Academy
Garland ISD
Janice Borland
Karen Fava
Dosie Morrow
Image from Titlewave Cover
To Motivate Reluctant Readers
By Engaging Them In Reading
Activities That Incorporate
Wide Range of
Interactive Technology Tools
This unit can easily take 6 weeks or more. These
students met for 45 minutes each day and had
regularly scheduled access to a computer lab at
least once a week. This presentation does not, by
any means, include all of the activities used to
teach this unit. Reading of the novel was done in
class with vocabulary support, additional writing
exercises, quizzes, etc.
Living in a society where the population has increased to
dangerous levels and the government controls virtually every
aspect of its citizens' lives, including placing restrictions on
how many children a family can have.
Being a third child in a family when the government allows only
two children.
Having to spend your entire life "hidden" from society and the
How would you feel?
What would you do?
Would you have the power
to change the system?
Would you survive?
Among The Hidden Synopsis
• Shadow Children Series
• 7 books
• Future society facing overpopulation
• Government passes 2 child law
• Population Police enforcement
• “Illegal” children are kept hidden
• Study guides available:
Image from Titlewave Cover
Activity I
“More People” Brainstorming Activity
In groups of 3-4 students, think carefully about what
happens when we continue to add more and more
people to the planet. Brainstorm and discuss the
impacts that more people have, for better or for
worse. In some cases, adding more people will cause
there to be more of some things which causes more of
other other things in a chain reaction. In other cases,
more of some things might cause less of others in a
chain reaction. Use the graphic organizer attached to
the Wiki page to document your ideas and discussion.
Activity I
“More People” Brainstorming Activity
Example: Adding more people causes us to
need to build more houses which means we
need to cut down more trees for lumber
which results in more clear cutting of forests
and less trees which reduces the amount of
oxygen being produced on the planet and
causes more erosion.
Activity 2: Population Trends in the
U.S. Research
• How fast is the population in the U.S. growing?
• Is the U.S. in danger of experiencing a
population crisis in your life time?
• Is our government doing anything to try to
control population growth?
• Are some places in the U.S. more crowded than
To find the answers to these questions, we will do
a little research on population trends in the U.S.
Population Trends Research Questions
1 class period
Use Nettrekker, Britannica Online, and the U.S. Census
Bureau at
• How fast is the population of the United States
growing? Does this pattern suggest that we will
have problems in the future?
• Where do the majority of Americans live--in cities or
rural areas? What special problems relate to
populations in urban and rural regions?
• In what ways are people encouraged to be
responsible for the number of children they have?
• How does the government try to provide food and
shelter for needy families?
Activity 3: China’s One Child Policy
The country that has taken the most drastic
measures to control population is China
because it is the most populated country in
the world. Find out about China's "One
Child Policy" by accessing the BBC article
from the link below. Carefully read the
article and answer the questions provided.
Activity 4: Begin Reading
Among The Hidden
Now that you have a better
understanding of some of the issues
related to overpopulation, you are ready
to begin reading Among the Hidden .
Along the way, you will be participating
in some really cool new activities.
Assuming The Role Of A
Shadow Child
In order to get a better idea of what it must have
been like for "Shadow Children" from all over the
United States to join together via the internet, each
of you is going to be assigned the role of a "Shadow
Child" who lives somewhere in the United
States. Some of you will belong to families who are
rich. Others will not be as fortunate. Some of you
will have some privileges like shopping passes,
others will not. Some of you will live in big cities,
others will live in very rural communities. Some of
you will have other siblings who are also "Shadow
Children." Others will not.
Assuming The Role Of A
Shadow Child
When you receive your "Shadow Child" identity
you will discover what city and state that you
live in, as well as the type of house in which you
are hidden. Other special information about
your living situation will also be given. In
addition, you will be given a link to a live
EarthCam that will let you "see" what it looks
like "out your window" each day. You will also
be given a link to a Wikipedia site that you will
use to learn more about your town/city.
Assuming The Role Of A
Shadow Child
As soon as your teacher hands you a slip of paper that reveals your
"Shadow Child" identity, go to the “Shadow Child Identities” document in
StuShare and click on the link for your child.
Read the description of your child and where he/she lives.
Choose an appropriate “screen name” for your child and report it to your
teacher. Do NOT use your real name.
Go to the Wikipedia link and read the information about your town/city.
Go to the EarthCam link to see what it looks like “outside the window” of
your new home.
Go to the photo link to see what your actual house looks like.
Make sure that you are very knowledgeable about where you live and what
your situation is because you will be required to share this information
with others as you get acquainted with the other Shadow Children when
you blog.
(See document for “Shadow Child Identities” attached on my Wiki)
Google Maps Activity:
Where Do We All Live?
Picture from
Google Maps Activity:
Where Do We All Live?
In this activity we will use Google Maps to locate the
city/town for all of the"Shadow Children" in your
class. Each "Shadow Child" must find the exact
location of his/her town on the master map, create a
placemark that tells who lives there, and include
some details about the child who lives there. Once
you have located you own town, you will want to
spend some time looking also at the "satellite view"
and the "terrain view" of your town.
Google Maps Activity:
Where Do We All Live?
Once you are familiar with the location of your
town, start looking around the map to find your
other "Shadow Child" friends. In particular,
look for others who live near you.
Finally, use your skills and Google Maps to found
out the distance, in miles, from your home town
to Washington, D.C.
(See document for Google Maps Activity attached to my Wiki)
Where I Live Glogging Activity
Now that you have had a chance to learn some things
about where you live, create a GLOG to show off your
“home” to others. Include some information about the
population size, economy, and recreation in your area.
Provide a link to your house photo as well as to your
live EarthCam. Also include a map and any other
things you think are interesting about your town/state.
Among the Hidden Glog
See Glogster Tips on
Blogging Activities
Picture from
Blogging Activities
How did Jen communicate with the other "Shadow Children"
around the United States? She used the internet, of
course! Isn't that what social networking is all about?
Now it is your turn to get involved in the action as you take
on the identity of your "Shadow Child." For the next few
weeks, every time your class comes to the computer lab
you will be blogging with each other about things related
to being a "Shadow Child." Ultimately, you will be
planning for the big rally in Washington D.C. and
discussing it with each other. You will have to decide
whether or not you are going, how you will get there, how
you feel about the whole thing, and more.
Blogging Activities
There will be some rules that you must
follow while posting your blogs. If you
fail to follow the rules, your entries will
not be posted. You will get more details
regarding the rules in your first blogging
Picture from
Introduction To Blogging
Welcome students. We are excited about the
opportunities to communicate and express our
ideas with each other using this blogging format. It
is our expectation that participants will respect each
other's ideas and opinions at all times and will
demonstrate common courtesies when responding
to each other. All response posts will be screened
by the moderator before posting. Any responses
that are determined to be inappropriate will not be
posted. Students must use standard rules for
grammar and writing in this blog. "Texting lingo" is
not appropriate and will not be accepted.
Introduction To Blogging
In an effort to keep our site safe and secure, we ask
that you do not include our school name in any of
your posts. Students must use screen names in
place of their real names. These names will be
established by students with the teacher who is
moderating their blogs.
After a short demonstration by your teacher to show
you how to log in and navigate in the blog, read the
blogging instructions that follow and get started!
“Day In The Life Of A Shadow Child”
Blogging Activity
Today as you blog with your fellow Shadow Child friends, we
want you to get to know each other better. Tell each other
about where you live and what you do every day. Talk about
your house, the surroundings outside your house, your
"freedoms" (like whether or not you have a shopping pass),
whether your family is rich, poor, or somewhere in between,
etc. Do you ever get to go outside? If so, to do what? Do
you have other brothers and sisters at home with you? Do
you get to watch TV, play on the computer, etc.? Since you
don't go to school, how are you learning to read, write, do
math, etc,? Do you like being at home all of the time or are
you really anxious to become free? Are you afraid? What
are your favorite things to do while you are at home alone?
“Day In The Life Of A Shadow Child”
Blogging Activity
Once you have posted some information about
yourself, start reading other people's
posts. Respond to at least 3 of them. Ask
additional questions and comment about
something they have said.
(Remember to keep hitting the refresh key to see
new postings)
This discussion may extend to a couple of class
periods as you get used to how the blog works.
“Rally Time” Blogging Activity
Before participating in this blogging activity,
you must have completed the Among The
Hidden Google Maps Activity. In this
activity you will use Google Maps to
pinpoint your location on the class map,
calculate the distance from your town/city to
the rally in Washington, D.C., and look for
your closest "neighbors" to determine who
you might ride with to the rally.
“Rally Time” Blogging Activity
Done Before Reading About Actual Rally
Today you need to blog with your fellow “Shadow
Child” friends about the upcoming rally at the
President's house. What are your plans? Are you
going? If not, why not? If so, how are you getting
there? How long will it take you to get there? Do
your parents know you are going? What are your
feelings about going? Are you afraid? What are
your hopes about what will happen?
Tell us your plans and then respond to your friends to
arrange your ride and discuss the rally.
“Survivors Of the Rally Reunion”
Blogging Activity
Note: You must have finished reading the
book to participate in this blog!
We are presuming since you are here
blogging today that you survived the
rally. Either you didn't end up going that
day, or you managed to get away from the
ordeal that happened that day in
Washington, D.C.
“Survivors Of the Rally Reunion”
Blogging Activity
It is now 10 years later. Since that day of the rally 10 years
ago, you have been unable to contact your Shadow Child
friends because the government blocked all of your blog
sites. You have spent the last 10 years thinking about
what happened that day, whether you were actually there
or not. You have wondered what happened to your
friends. You know some died, including Jen, but you
aren't sure who else. Since then, a new President has
been elected and the laws are beginning to
change. Some of the Survivors of the Rally have
organized an online reunion and have advertised the blog
site around the country. You are joining the online
reunion today.
“Survivors Of the Rally Reunion”
Blogging Activity
So, talk to your fellow Shadow Child
friends. Tell them what happened to you
that day of the rally. Tell them how you felt
after that day was over. What have you
been doing since then? Where do you live
now? Have you done anything in the last 10
years to help other Shadow Children? Are
you still in hiding or are you now free?
“Through Your Vent” Activity
Picture from
If You Were A "Shadow Child" Inside Your Own
Home, What Would You See Outside Your Window?
“Through Your Vent” Activity
By now you know a lot about what Luke saw outside his
window in Among the Hidden. What if you were in Luke's
shoes? What would you see outside your window? Write a
descriptive narrative that answers the following questions.
What do you see when you look outside your bedroom
If you see your neighbor’s house, do they have blinds? Is
their house two stories? Are their blinds open? Can you see
in their house? If so, what do you see?
Do you see bushes or trees? Do you see people? If so, who?
Do you see out the back or front? Do you see cars, do you see
What does the sky look like? What is the weather like?
Post Reading Journal Project
Adapted from Pre-Reading Activities from Among
The Hidden Literature Guide
by Kathleen Woken-Rowley
Picture from
Post Reading Journal Project
This will be a journal project using the topics that follow.
All entries should be placed in a separate notebook or a booklet
of loose-leaf that you make to be handed in and:
1. Each journal entry should be at least a half of a page long.
2. There must be 11 journal entries done, following the topics
that follow.
3. You may decorate the entries to make the journal more like
4. Covers should be decorated. We will bind your booklet for
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 1:
Journal/discuss the concept of having dreams
and goals for the future. Are dreams and
goals important? What happens when those
dreams are never fulfilled? What if other
people make fun of or doubt those dreams?
Is it more important look at reality or to have
dreams? Can you do both?
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 2:
Journal/discuss the concept of loneliness.
Write/tell the difference between loneliness
and being alone. Write about a time or
situation in which you felt particularly alone
or lonely and how you might have (or did)
remedy the situation. Include a photograph
or drawing to illustrate the writing.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 3:
Journal/discuss the quote: “Liberty, too, must be
limited in order to be possessed,” by Edmund
Burke (1729-1779). What do you think would
happen if everyone were free to do whatever
they pleased? Should liberty be limited? How
far should the government go to protect our
lives? Or do you think the government should
not be involved in our freedom to choose the
life we want to live?
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 4:
Journal/discuss the concept of
happiness. Is there really such thing as
true happiness? How would you define
it? Explain.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 5:
Journal/discuss a time when you
wanted something so badly you
would do almost anything to get it.
What was the situation? What was
the result? Include how it felt to
get/not get what you wanted.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 6:
Discuss/journal the saying “To thine own self
be true,” which comes from Shakespeare’s
Macbeth. What does the quote mean?
Where have you heard the saying? In what
situation might you find yourself having to
be true to yourself? When have you ever
had to decide to be true to yourself in a
tough situation?
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 7:
Discuss/journal the characteristics of a good
leader. Then discuss the characteristics of a
bad leader. Are leaders born or made? List
the attributes of their ideal “leader,” how
he/she would act, reason, negotiate, follow,
etc. Can leadership be used for evil deeds?
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 8:
Most people feel that honesty is the
best policy. Is it ever okay to lie? If so,
when and under what circumstances?
Explain your answers using specific
examples or situation.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 9:
Sometimes the course of our lives can be
changed in an instant. Whether it is a
change for the positive or negative, it can
sometimes bring surprising results.
Journal/discuss a time when major change
was introduced into your life, paying special
attention to the astounding effect this
change had on you.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 10:
Journal/discuss the concept of courage
and/or what makes a hero.
Post Reading Journal Project
Day 11:
Describe the room you would like to have if you
were not allowed to “exist”. What would you
want in it? Take into account that during the
day, no one can know that someone is living in
your house. Also include what you would do
while other people are playing and having fun in
the outside world, when you are not allowed to
leave your house.
Power Of Persuasion Activities
To prepare students for their last Web 2.0
activity using FLIP cameras to film a
persuasive speech, we engaged students
in several activities to teach them the
elements of persuasion and give them a
chance to practice their persuasion
skills. To see these activities, go to the
“Power of Persuasion” page in my Wiki.
FLIP Camera Persuasive Speech
Picture from
What if the government that instituted the limit on the number of
children a family could have in Among the Hidden had a partial
change of heart?
What if they instituted a program where "Shadow Children" 14
years and older could submit a video in which they had a chance
to argue for their freedom?
What if you were one of those "Shadow Children"?
How convincing and persuasive could you be?
FLIP Camera Persuasive Speech
In this activity you will prepare a short persuasive speech
which will be filmed using one of the school's digital FLIP
cameras. You will be working in pairs so that each of you
will operate the FLIP camera as well as make your
When all of the videos have been completed, a panel of
government officials (teachers and administrators) from
your school will view the videos and decide which
children will receive their freedom and which will not. So,
plan your argument carefully and practice being
persuasive in your delivery!
FLIP Camera Persuasive Speech
Use the following questions as a guide in planning your
Who are you addressing in your video?
What is the purpose of your speech?
Which method of persuasion are you using?
Come up with 5 reasons/arguments as to why YOU
should be free.
Why should the government choose you over someone else?
What are you going to do that will make you an outstanding
citizen and member of society?
FLIP Camera Persuasive Speech
Use the O.R.E.O. Persuasion model to assist
you in writing your final speech.
O = Opinion
R = Reasons
E = Expand, Elaborate, Explain
O = Restate Opinion
(See my Wiki for a copy of the O.R.E.O. template)
Persuasive Video
Contact Information
Janice Borland
Austin Academy for Excellence
1125 Beverly Drive
Garland, Texas 75040
972-926-2620 Ext. 50026