Someone Else`s Shoes


Dr. Debbie Ging and Dr. Miriam Judge

Dublin City University

Someone Else’s Shoes

A Pilot Digital Game aimed at 11-16 year olds

Designed to educate students about the causes and effects of migration and to explore intercultural relations between people in their wider social and political contexts

Influenced by the type of role play exercises used in intercultural awareness training

Game format – children and teenagers spend a lot of time plugged into games and the internet

Projects such as Future Lab and the Serious

Game Initiative e.g ‘Darfur is Dying’

Someone Else’s Shoes

Objectives of the Game?

To encourage a better understanding of the dynamics of migration

To address racism (causes and effects) and encourage intercultural awareness

To encourage both media literacy and critical media literacy

To entertain but in a way that is challenging and does not trivialise racism or the plight of migrants

Someone Else’s Shoes

Why a Game?

Many of the exercises used in ant-racism training are interactive, are based on role play and rely on ability of participants to imagine or visualise t

Appeal to young people

Appeals to universal sympathy/imaginative empathy

Engage the learner at various levels in the process of self-directed learning

Specific Irish classroom resource looking at a range of legal, economic, historical and cultural realities

Someone Else’s Shoes

Serious Game –Academic Framework

Serious games are “games that use the artistic medium of games to deliver a message, teach a lesson, or provide an experience” (Michael and Chen, 2006 ) t category of an “activism game”

Team primarily interested in games’ ability to encourage reflection and critical thinking

According to the Fair Play? Report (1999:2), “video games' unique interactive capabilities may make them even more likely to influence children's attitudes, beliefs and behaviours than more traditional forms of media.”

Someone Else’s Shoes

Media and Education - Pedagogical Issues

Central underpinning question – to what extent can a ‘serious game’ help teachers and children to explore complex issues around multiculturalism, racism and identity?

Addressing 2 types of learning – t

(a) the first is about improving media literacy skills (e.g.,to what extent does a visual, interactive format help with information retention?).

(b) raising intercultural awareness & encouraging critical thinking about a range of issues around racism, cultural and national identity, integration, intercultural communication, etc.

Someone Else’s Shoes

Key Features

It integrates a range of different exercises and strategies

It can be played at different levels of complexity and intensity

It provides teachers and students with a range of auxiliary learning resources

It encourages critical thinking and debate

Someone Else’s Shoes

What will students learn?

Factual Learning about Darfur, migration etc.

Critical/Analytical learning about the role played by the media in representing minority groups, events, individuals etc.

Students are encouraged to engage in wider philosophical debates about intercultural conflict and harmony

Someone Else’s Shoes

Pilot study

Will be piloted in schools commencing

September 2010

Schools currently being sought to participate

Pilot feedback will determine future development of the game

Further information and student and teacher worksheets available on the game website at

