求主为我擘开 生命之饼 Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord to me 正如当年擘饼 在加利利 As Thou didst break the loaves Be-sides the sea 求主擘开生命之饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life 教會聖詩 #389 1/8 1-2 2/8 我愿看主圣经 见主荣面 Be-yond the sa-cred page I seek Thee, Lord 主 我心真渴慕祢 生命语 My spir-it pants for Thee, O liv-ing Word 2-1 求主祝福真理 生命的饼 Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord To me, to me 如昔祝福擘饼 在加利利 As Thou didst bless the bread, By Gal-i-lee 3/8 2-2 4/8 我心因你得释 索链得脱 Then shall all bond-age cease, All fet-ters fall 心灵欢喜快乐 与主同行 And I shall find my peace, My all in all 3-1 哦主是生命饼 擘开赐我 5/8 Thou art the bread of life, O Lord, to me 使我将主真道 深藏心怀 Thy ho-ly Word the truth That sav-eth me 3-2 使我心思意念 纯全无私 Give me to eat and live, With Thee a-bove 使我所行步履 全凭主命 Teach me to love Thy truth For Thou art love 6/8 4-1 7/8 求主赐我圣灵 在我心中 O send Thy Spir-it, Lord, Now un-to me 照我心灵眼睛 使我看见 That He may touch my eyes And make me see 4-2 启示祢的真理 使我明白 Show me the truth con-cealed With-in Thy word 更启示祢自己 使我爱祢 For in Thy book re-vealed I see Thee, Lord 8/8