Communication Advising Introduction

Updated August 2013
Who We Are
 The Department of Communication offers a broad
array of courses and ideas in order to develop critical
thinkers, sophisticated and knowledgeable consumers
and producers, and advocates of responsible, ethical,
and thoughtful mediated and human communication.
 Our mission is to produce and encourage knowledge
and creative expression from the theoretical, critical,
and practical study of communication. We examine
identities and relationships, texts, and structures and
institutions through the lenses of media, technologies,
and cultures.
What Does this Mean?
Studying relationships and identities requires
understanding a myriad ways of being involved in our
humanity. The way we communicate--one-on-one, in
groups, in organizations, in corporations, and crossculturally involves different methods of
understanding, organizing ourselves and
relationships. In addition, this area examines the ways
in which we construct ourselves and are constructed by
others—identity issues that include gender, race,
sexual orientation, class, nationality, and region.
 In Communication, coming to know, understand,
assess and critique meaning happens in variant ways.
One of the central ways this occurs is through textual
analysis. Thus, we allocate one core line to students
delving critically into different types of texts-television, film, Internet, speeches--and unpacking
them to discover what meanings are offered, how they
are constructed, who they serve, how they function,
and who benefits and who loses.
Structures and Institutions
 This area examines the macro areas of
Communication—policy, ownership, economics,
nation, globalization, consumers and producers, and
the public sphere. Students look at communication
legislation and its impact on communities,
entertainment labor, technology development, and
public and media policy.
Required and Core Courses
 Communication Studies (COMM 2900) is a required
course that must be completed before taking any of the
core courses. It is mandated for anyone entering the major
as a freshman from fall 2012.
 Other 1000 and and 2000-level courses can be taken
concurrent with Comm 2900.
Students who have an overall GPA of less than 2.50 when
they declare the major must complete a 1000 or 2000 level
course with a grade of C- or better before they will be
allowed to enroll in a core course.
Core Courses
 Majors must complete three of the seven offered core
courses, preferably by the end of junior year.
These core courses include one from each area:
 Cross-Cultural or Interaction Analysis (COMM 3140 or
 Rhetorical Criticism, Film or New Media Analysis (COMM
3250, COMM 3150, or COMM 3350) (TEXTS)
 Technology or Media Analysis (COMM 3160 or COMM
Transfer Credits
 We only accept two classes outside of the 30-credit
major. Whether the course is from study abroad, a
state college, or Loyola, we only accept two.
 We evaluate what courses will transfer in and at what
level by syllabi, not course description. We look at
conceptual rigor, readings, assignments, and whether
or not this is the type of class we would offer in the
 The Department of Communication offers a 3-credit,
4000-level internship class that students must take if
they want to get 3-credits for an internship. The class
must be taken concurrent with the internship. We
offer it in the spring and in the summer online.
 If students want to complete an additional internship
and need credit to do it, they can receive 1-credit from
Newcomb-Tulane College. The credit will not count
toward the major.
Internship Policies
 1. Junior/Senior status with a 2.8gpa.
 2. No retroactive internship credit will be given. Students must meet the
requirements and have the internship approved for credit before the
internship begins.
 3. The internship supervisor’s evaluation is an important consideration,
but will not be any portion of the student’s grade.
 4. Students must complete a minimum of 100 hours at the internship as
part of the course. For the second internship credit, the student must work
70 hours for one credit and 140 for two credits.
 5. The internship experience must include regularly going to a place of
business where he/she is directly supervised.
 6. Students may not do an internship for credit at a family-owned
business or under the direct supervision of a family member.
 7. Students should produce some tangible work product as part of
their internship experience. This work product will be presented to the
professor at the end of the internship course.
 8. Students may receive both credit and a salary for internships.
 9. The Communication Department has final approval on service
learning internships for which Comm credit is given.
 10. FMST and DMPR students can take the internship course as one of
their electives for the major.
Study Abroad
 We encourage our students to study abroad. The
preponderance of our majors study in European
countries and increasingly, Latin America. As
mentioned before with transfer credits, we only accept
two courses outside of the department toward the
Communication Majors Society
 The Communication Majors Society was founded as a
student organization in 2004. The organization holds
various events throughout the year including facultystudent socials, career panels, and networking
opportunities. Students may join the organization
even if they are just interested in the major.
For Departmental Questions
 The Department’s major advisor is Dr. Frank Ukadike,, 862-3041.
 Students wanting to declare the major or who need
advisement must schedule an advising appointment
through the main office. After advising for declaration
of the major, the declaration form is signed by the
advisor and routed to the Chair. Students pick up the
form and return it to the campus advising office. The
office number is 504-865-5730.