Oxfam ReVintage iApp Application using proprietary iApp Voice Engine (iVE) 30th May 2010 © 2010 20:20 London CONFIDENTIAL Mobile Masterclass ‘Mobile Masterclass’ is the first voice-activated, hands-free application created for Smartphones such as the iPhone etc. Featuring a personal step-by-step tutorial to help the concerned consumer reinvent vintage pieces to create ecochic items from clothes to furniture. For consumers, ‘Mobile Masterclass’ is a rich, branded experience. For Oxfam, ‘Mobile Masterclass’ is an effective value-added retention program. Users download it straight to their mobile for free. Give a man a fish and he will feed his family for a day Teach a man to fish and he can feed his family for life. This famous and powerful proverb has been at the heart of Oxfam’s teaching and charity work from the outset. There are three major stumbling blocks that prevent the willing public from donating more money to charity. The first being the issue that throwing money at any problem is unlikely to solve it long-term. The second being the concern that the little money they can offer will make any difference in the grand scheme of things. And the third being the simple fact that many people are time-poor. These three issues have already been addressed by Oxfam but using new technologies we can offer further relief. 1. Solving the long-term problem Pennies make pounds is more than a saying, it is a mantra and a truth. Although people perhaps cannot and will not donate enormous quantities at any given time, people will be more willing to donate little and often. The nature of this iPhone app is a series of current and fashionable ‘Masterclasses’. Using proprietary 20:20 software, these ‘Masterclasses’ are a variety of simple voice-activated tutorials using customisation skills. They will add a high retention value to the application, as users will see regular updates on their iPhone, teaching them new and innovative tutorials, including special packages for events such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, etc. 2. Making a difference Oxfam has an established history of taking a very active role in the development of all aspects of human aid work, from building schools and education to creating petitions to improve human rights in developing countries. These skills of teaching, educating and using knowledge to help people are key to Oxfam’s success. Oxfam can utilise this knowledge to a whole new audience of iPhone users. After each Masterclass, users understand the concept of learning a new skill to both help themselves and others less fortunate and via a simple and timely donation mechanism, can immediately see how a donation can make a difference. 3. The time-poor, tech savvy generation Oxfam can tap into this generation of potential donors who are willing and keen to donate but notorious for their insistence of speed and ease. With the simple addition of the “Big Green Button” at the conclusion of each Masterclass, Oxfam will offer its iPhone users an easy, invisible and instant way to donate any amount at a simple tap of the screen. The Oxfam ReVintage Application successfully addresses the major issues which prevent people from donating. After establishing why an iApp would be so effective it is important to address the type of iApp Oxfam should produce. It must of course be in keeping with Oxfam’s mantra and philosophy whilst also reflecting the times we live. Green is the new black. Eco-chic is a la mode. Child labour and capitalism are out. Creativity has made its comeback. Recycling is so now. Fortunately Oxfam is already right on trend and can take full advantage of this. Saving The World With Style In the downturn people are rushing out to bag a bargain. Resultantly, Oxfam reported a 5% increase in sales last year. Later in the year profits rose to 7.4% and an educated estimation would conclude this has continued to blossom through to 2010. This good news is not enough. Donations of goods to Oxfam in 2009 were down by 12%. These statistics do not add up. Why would people rush to the shops to buy clothes in order to support the cause, yet turn their backs on donating their cast offs? Oxfam are cool. They are right on trend. Partly by luck, partly by their revamp and redesign. Nowadays their shops are exciting vintage outlets teemed with inspiring interiors of retro-chic wallpapers packed with gems without the designer price tag. Second hand, customisation, retro-chic, vintage, handmade. These are words we are all more than familiar with, whether it be from reading newspapers, following fashion magazines etc. Everybody is at it. To achieve 'cool' in tough times consumers need to get creative. Knitting and sewing have been revived by the masses, vintage clothing in charity shops is being snapped up and recycling is so now. Oxfam are reaping the benefits of this new trend due to their sales increase and public opinion has changed. Oxfam are cool, they're now on the list of the 'must-pop-intos' in every fashionistas shopping trip. However, Oxfam are missing a trick. EBay are an exemplar of a company that knows how to take advantage of changing trends. Interestingly their profits are up 69%. They have reported a net income of $1.35 billion, from $367.2 million only a year ago. There is no doubt that some of Oxfam's lost donations last year have been put straight on eBay by savvy shoppers who know they can make money with clothes that were once considered old-tat. Oxfam are in the perfect position to take advantage of this current climate. This ecochic masterclass iApp is the perfect way to keep Oxfam in touch with the savvy shopper, the fashionistas and to tap into this new trend of the conscientious consumer. This app gives the concerned consumer a creative way to keep up with the current trend whilst remaining perfectly attuned to Oxfam's mantra and branding. Homepage The homepage acts as a base to display updates and allow the user to navigate easily through the rest of the application. The calendar shows the work Oxfam are doing at home and across the world. Users can also see if there are any new updates and new ReVintage masterclasses to try. A daily update will select particular gems which have been donated to stores across the country and highlight that particular item. This reminds the user of the treasures that could be on sale in their local Oxfam. The Oxfam news blog will display the most recent post from the blog. Users can click on the story to read more and will be redirected to the news section where they can read world news and past posts. Shop The toolbar makes navigating through the iApp easy. By tapping ‘Shop’ you can search for your nearest Oxfam Stores at any time. Each search result will return information on the stock, a map, addresses and the branch’s phone number. Masterclasses The iApp will launch with at least ten ReVintage masterclasses in each category. Users can choose customisation classes for clothes, accessories or furniture. Throughout the year a seasonal section will include masterclasses which are created specifically the time of year. Users can also submit their own ideas for masterclasses. This function works in the same way as a text message which Oxfam will receive. The user can suggest an object they want to ‘ReVintage’ or can give a description of something they would like to create. Each month one request will be made into a masterclass and will sit within ‘submit your own ideas.’ Each masterclass category is subdivided into sections allowing the user to look for a particular ReVintage class. ReVintage Masterclass Selection Before selecting a specific class to commence you will be able to see a thumbnail of the item, the time needed, the difficulty rating and the reviews of other users who have completed the masterclass. Partnerships The classes will be designed and created in conjunction with up-and-coming designers who have a reputation for work of this ilk and already produce inspiring eco-chic creations of their own. For example, Nancy Minsky: eco-designer and writer of Denim Revolution or Perri Lewis: established ‘redesigner’ and writer of 'How to' for the Guardian. In addition some classes will be endorsed, narrated or even created and videoed by selected celebrities. For example, Cheryl’s Shkirt will feature a shirt skirt chosen and narrated by Cheryl Tweedy herself. Celebrity endorsed masterclasses will bear their autograph across the item. Language Selection Tailor the application to your preferred language setting. Voice Settings Teach the app the sound of your own voice, ‘Start’, ‘Next’, ‘Back’, ‘Repeat’ etc. Each ReVintage masterclass is viewed as a slide show of still images and voiced by a professional in partnership with Oxfam such as Nancy Minsky or a celebrity endorsing the class. At the beginning of the masterclass ‘Start’ speech bubble. After saying ‘Start’, your masterclass will begin. Oxfam ReVintage masterclasses use a simple ‘traffic light’ system to aid you: “After choosing an old jumper draw an outline of the dress using chalk.” High resolution photographs glide acorss the screen in time to the voice-over to give you both an audio and visual tutorial. Oxfam’s ReVintage iApp could also work as a touch-screen slideshow with photographs. After completing each step the user says ‘Next’ to move on. The colour coded border and speech bubble are there to help you. “Using a sharp pair of scissors cut around the perimeter of your dress.” At any stage the user can say ‘Pause’,’Back’, ‘Repeat’ etc to control the audio guide using voice recognition. “When cutting ensure to leave a border of at least one centimetre around the shape of the dress at all times.” “Neatly pin the edges of the dress every two centimetres to hold both halves of the jumper in place whilst sewing.” “Using a straight stitch on your sewing machine slowly sew around the long edges of the dress, keeping as straight as possible.” “Your jumper dress is complete, team with matching flats and step out in a unique ReVintage piece.” The Big Green Button On completion of any masterclass the user will read a relevant story about a person from an area in which they are active. The matter that people are more likely to give something if they get something back is addressed with this iApp. Which is why the user will learn that the money they have just saved could benefit someone else. Using ReVintage, Oxfam provides the user with a new skill to save them time and money, they educate the user on the wider world and of course with the option to instant donate the user can easily achieve instant satisfaction that they have done something good. The Logistics The Big Green Button allows Oxfam to receive instant donations from customers on both contract and PAYG. When people make a donation using the big green button it will work in the same way as any premium text service. 99.99% of iPhone users pay by monthly contact, in this instance the money will be instantly added to their bill. For PAYG customers the donation will work in exactly the same way, however the donation will come from their credit. On the rare occasion that a PAYG customer tries to make a donation without sufficient credit they will be given the option to save the donation for a latr date or enter their card details to continue their instant donation. However, this is once again emphasising the fact that this issue will only apply to 0.01% of users as a rarity. Upon the launch of Oxfam’s ReVintage App a select number of masterclasses will be available. These will be added to and updated as time goes on. The launch itself could happen on a memorable date in order to generate PR stories and press coverage. There are two options for the launch depending on timings. The 5th of October would mark Oxfam’s Birthday and the 10th of December is Global Charity Day. This shows the scope for growth the ReVintage Application would have in just one year. thank you