Aid (3rd way for a country to try to develop) Aid – The giving of money, resources or expertise by a country or organisation to another country Types of Aid 1. Bilateral Aid - aid given by from donor government to recipient country. 2. Multilateral Aid - aid given by international organisation e.g. The World Bank, United Nations to a country that needs it. 3. Voluntary Aid (charity) - aid given by nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) e.g Oxfam, Comic Relief. 4. Tied Aid – aid given by donor country that requires the country receiving it to buy or use goods /services from the donor country. Types of Aid… Aid can also be described as: 1. Short-term (emergency) Aid – given to respond to a particular immediate need. 2. Long-term (sustainable) Aid – aid that usually takes years before it is of full benefit to the donor country. It often aims to help people in LEDCs to support themselves in the future. Which type of aid is it? 1. A London bank provides a loan for the Brazilian Government to set up a car assembly plant. The money is to be repaid over ten years 2. The world Bank provides half the money top pay for the building of a hydroelectric dam in India 3. Britain lends money to Uganda for the purchase of British trucks 4. Save the Children runs an emergency vaccination programme to combat yellow fever in Burkina Faso 5. The European Union sends wheat to supplement dwindling grain stocks in Sudan after a poor harvest 6. The British government sends personal to help set up a military training school in Zaire Aid problems … what is your solution? Make a list of the benefits and problems of aid Benefit of aid to LEDCs 1. Can save lives e.g. prevent starvation Problems of aid 1. Aid rarely reaches the poorest people 2. Often misused by corrupt officials in the country 2. Can improve 3. A lot of aid is in the form of loans quality of life adding to debt 4. Aid is often tied, i.e. have to buy British trucks 3. If used well and in a sustainable 5. Aid can undermine local producers way it can help 6. Country can become dependant on a country aid (handouts rather than building develop up country) Exam practice 1. What is the meaning of the term aid? [2] 2. What are the 4 main types of aid? [4] 3. What are the main differences of aid given by Oxfam and Governments? [4] 4. Fully explain 2 benefits & 2 problems of receiving aid for LEDCs [12]