Major holidays in Germany This PowerPoint will help you understand different holidays in Germany and why they are important. Probably the biggest holiday in Germany. The tradition of Christmas trees started in Germany. There are dozens of Christmas foods. The song “Silent Night” was originally German. A 16 day festival held in Bayern, Germany. About 7 million liters of beer are drunken in Bayern during the 16 day festival. Only beer that is at least 6% alcohol content and is brewed within the city limits of Munich is allowed to be used during Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest is the largest People’s fair in the world. Also known as “Tag der Deutschen Einheit.” This is the holiday celebrating the reunification of Germany after the fall of the USSR. The celebrations are held every year in the capital of the German state currently presiding over the Bundesrat. The common greeting during Easter in Germany is Frohe Ostern! It is common to colorfully paint hollowed out eggs (buntbemalten Ei). The Easter bunny is called Osterhase. German Lutherans were the first to create Advent calendars. The first calendar was handmade in 1851. The first printed calendar was made in 1902. Germany started the tradition and continued it until it became a worldwide phenomenon.