Principal’s Corner April 2022 Dear St. Mary School Families and Parishioners, It is hard to believe that we began the 4th and last quarter of the 2021-2022 school year! Thanks to our generous families, we raised a total of $1,978.45 to help people in Ukraine. Our student council members made blue and yellow ribbons to show our support. The sixth graders graduated from the Peers Learning Usable Skills (P.L.U.S.) program, a 14 week-long drug/violence prevention and personal safety skills education provided by Officer Willis. Congratulations! All our students continued to work hard during this school year. Academic achievements were celebrated during our quarterly Honors awards. Our monthly Viking Pride awards recognized students for their acts of kindness. Mrs. Flynn’s all day PreK classroom had special visitors- 3 ducklings! The students truly enjoyed learning more about these animals. Did you know that ducklings spend only a day in the nest before they are following their mothers into the water? They are also able to feed themselves almost right away. Their mother will direct them towards food that is safe to eat. When we return from Easter break, we are looking forward to the K-5 spring concert on Tuesday, April 26th. Mr. Gorski and the students are excited to showcase what they have learned. Our Junior High Students are looking forward to performing “Aladdin” on Tuesday, May 3rd. As we are finishing the last quarter and are looking forward to the next school year, I would like to thank our parents and parish community for all your support and help. We are blessed by your generosity and commitment to make St. Mary School a special place for our students. May you and your family have a wonderful Easter! Frohe Ostern! God Bless, Friederike Wintersteller – Principal