THEME: Neighborhoods & Communities English Language Art Treasures Unit 2 Week 2 – Home-Grown Butterflies Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Strong Paragraphs: Replacing Telling with Showing Showing is a writer’s ability to use precise observations, descriptive details, and expressive language to communicate emotion, evoke images, and present evidence. Showing is describing so that the readers know and understand, without you having to tell them what is going on. W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Strong Paragraphs: Replacing Telling with Showing Today, we are going to compare a piece of writing that “shows” to a piece that only “tells”. W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Strong Paragraphs: Replacing Telling with Showing You have read Wolf! Here is a passage from Wolf! Except I rewrote it by taking out all the showing. A wolf came to town and saw animals reading. He tried to scare them, but the animals liked their books too much to be distracted by him. The wolf decided to go to school to learn how to read. He practiced a lot and read a book to the farm animals. He made friends with the animals. W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Strong Paragraphs: Replacing Telling with Showing Let’s compare that passage to Wolf! By Becky Bloom. How are they different? What makes Wolf! Better? W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Strong Paragraphs: Replacing Telling with Showing Conversation – No. Please write quietly. Help – Raise your hand if you are stuck or you need help. Activity – Write about a time you tried something difficult or challenging. Remember to show, not tell. Movement – Stay in your seat. Participation – I know you are on-task if I see you writing quietly. When you are done, go back and proofread using your proofreading marks. W3.1.1 Create a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Include supporting facts and details. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Daily Language Activities 1. Do seels live in the Zoo? 2. what a scary Wolf I saw! 3. the movie about foxes is on Friday. LC3.1.1 Use complete declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns Singular nouns Names one person, place, or thing. Plural nouns Names more than one person, place, or thing. Add –s to form the plural of most singular nouns. Add –es if the singular nouns ends in s, ch, sh, or x Can be compound words. Can be compound words. LC3.1.3 Understand and use complete declarative, interogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Writing Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns Singular nouns Plural nouns Friend Friends Wish Wishes Grandmother Grandmothers wristwatch wristwatches LC3.1.3 Understand and use complete declarative, interogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Focus Question: Butterflies are born on their own in nature. How can people help them grow? Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy “The Sure-Footed Shoe Finder” Oral Language Genre: Nonfiction Article A nonfiction article presents facts about a topic. The purpose of a nonfiction article is to inform the reader about real people, places, and things. Nonfiction articles may include quotes from people interviewed who are experts on the topic. R3.3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Vocabulary Pursuit Elusive Field guide R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Listen for a Purpose Listen carefully to “Chasing Butterflies”. Listen for the vocabulary words (pursuit, elusive, field guide). Ask questions in your head and be prepared to share using this sentence frame: “I wonder…” RC2.0 Reading comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Build Background Page 90-91 Oral Language A farmer’s market is where local farmers come to sell their produce. RC2.0 Reading Comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy local Business produce Oral Language On-Demand Writing Write in your Writer’s Notebook about local businesses in our community. Write as much as you can for 8 minutes. WS1.1 Write a single paragraph. Develop a topic sentence. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Big Idea Communities form businesses around local needs. How do local businesses help a neighborhood and a community? What local businesses are in your neighborhood? Let’s write the Big Idea in our Unit Theme Foldables. Add details as you continue reading this week. RC2.0 Reading Comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Lesson Vocabulary Disappear Protect Harming Supply Capture enclosure R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Lesson Vocabulary Let’s do Practice Book, page 83. We will do a little bit and finish the rest during IWT. R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Academic Vocabulary Multiplemeaning Nonfiction personification Draw conclusions sequence RC2.0 Reading Comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Strategy: Dictionary and Multiple-Meaning Words M&M has more than one meaning. If you can’t figure out the meaning of the word by using word parts or context clues, you can look up the word in a dictionary. Let’s find the word enclosure in the dictionary. R3.1.8 Use knowledge of prefixes to determine meanings of words. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Spelling Pretest Conversation – No. Please spell quietly. Help – Raise your hand if you don’t understand the word or did not hear it. Activity – Spell the words correctly on your list. Movement – Stay in your seat. Participation – I know you are on-task if I see you writing quietly. When you are done, thumbs up to show that you are ready for the next word. LC 3.1.8 Spell correctly one-syllable words. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Spelling Practice Strategy LOOK at the word. SAY the word aloud. STUDY the letters in the word. WRITE the word. CHECK the word. Did you spell the word right? If not, go back to step 1. LC 3.1.8 Spell correctly one-syllable words. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Word Study Spelling Let’s do Practice Book, page 89. We will do a little and finish the rest during IWT. LC 3.1.8 Spell correctly one-syllable words. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Purpose for Reading “Save Our Butterflies”, page 192-193 What are some new things we can learn from this selection? Look for clues, such as multiplemeaning words, to help you find the meanings of highlighted words. You will read these words again in Home-Grown Butterflies. RC2.0 Reading Comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Reread for Comprehension Strategy: Monitor Comprehension Skills: Draw Conclusions RC2.0 Reading Comprehension. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Strategy: Monitor Comprehension Monitor comprehension is checking for understanding as you read. Why is it important? Good readers monitor their comprehension to make sure they understand what they are reading. This will also help you remember what you read. R3.2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Skill: Draw Conclusions Drawing conclusions is using facts, details, and our own experiences to come up with a new understanding. Why is it important? This helps you figure out ideas and information that the author does not tell you directly. R3.2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Skill: Draw Conclusions Clue Clue Conclusion R3.2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Reading Skill: Draw Conclusions Let’s do Practice Book, page 84. R3.2.2 Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Reread for Fluency: Pacing and Phrasing Read slowly and clearly for nonfiction article. Pause at commas and stop at periods. I will be listening for your pacing and phrasing this week. LAS3.1.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace. Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy Oral Language Focus Question: Butterflies are born on their own in nature. How can people help them grow? Day 1 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy IWT Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Students will work independently. By yourself With a partner In a group Or with the teacher. RC1.0 Reading Comprehension Day 2 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy IWT Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Green Go Time DO NOT DISTURB THE TEACHER. When you are done, read a book from inside your desk. RC1.0 Reading Comprehension Day 2 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy IWT Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) MUST DO Practice Book, pages 83, 89, and 84 only. Reread “Save Our Butterflies”, pages 192-193. Be careful with your pacing and phrasing. RC1.0 Reading Comprehension Day 2 Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES Academy